--- "Create index with mappings": - do: indices.create: index: test_index body: mappings: type_1: {} - do: indices.get_mapping: index: test_index - match: { test_index.mappings.type_1.properties: {}} --- "Create index with settings": - do: indices.create: index: test_index body: settings: number_of_replicas: "0" - do: indices.get_settings: index: test_index - match: { test_index.settings.index.number_of_replicas: "0"} --- "Create index with warmers": - do: indices.create: index: test_index body: warmers: test_warmer: source: query: match_all: {} - do: indices.get_warmer: index: test_index - match: {test_index.warmers.test_warmer.source.query.match_all: {}} --- "Create index with mappings, settings and warmers": - do: indices.create: index: test_index body: mappings: type_1: {} settings: number_of_replicas: "0" warmers: test_warmer: source: query: match_all: {} - do: indices.get_mapping: index: test_index - match: { test_index.mappings.type_1.properties: {}} - do: indices.get_settings: index: test_index - match: { test_index.settings.index.number_of_replicas: "0"} - do: indices.get_warmer: index: test_index - match: { test_index.warmers.test_warmer.source.query.match_all: {}}