[[mapping-transform]] == Transform added[1.3.0] The document can be transformed before it is indexed by registering a script in the `transform` element of the mapping. The result of the transform is indexed but the original source is stored in the `_source` field. Example: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- { "example" : { "transform" : { "script" : "if (ctx._source['title']?.startsWith('t')) ctx._source['suggest'] = ctx._source['content']", "params" : { "variable" : "not used but an example anyway" }, "lang": "groovy" }, "properties": { "title": { "type": "string" }, "content": { "type": "string" }, "suggest": { "type": "string" } } } } -------------------------------------------------- Its also possible to specify multiple transforms: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- { "example" : { "transform" : [ {"script": "ctx._source['suggest'] = ctx._source['content']"} {"script": "ctx._source['foo'] = ctx._source['bar'];"} ] } } -------------------------------------------------- Because the result isn't stored in the source it can't normally be fetched by source filtering. It can be highlighted if it is marked as stored. === Get Transformed The get endpoint will retransform the source if the `_source_transform` parameter is set. Example: [source,bash] -------------------------------------------------- curl -XGET "http://localhost:9200/test/example/3?pretty&_source_transform" -------------------------------------------------- The transform is performed before any source filtering but it is mostly designed to make it easy to see what was passed to the index for debugging. === Immutable Transformation Once configured the transform script cannot be modified. This is not because that is technically impossible but instead because madness lies down that road.