# When updating elasticsearch, please update 'rest' version in core/src/main/resources/org/elasticsearch/bootstrap/test-framework.policy elasticsearch = 7.0.0-alpha1 lucene = 7.0.0-snapshot-d94a5f0 # optional dependencies spatial4j = 0.6 jts = 1.13 jackson = 2.8.6 snakeyaml = 1.15 # when updating log4j, please update also docs/java-api/index.asciidoc # when updating this version, please check if https://github.com/apache/logging-log4j2/pull/109 is released into the version that you are # bumping to; if it is, remove the assumeTrues in EvilLoggerTests log4j = 2.9.0 slf4j = 1.6.2 # when updating the JNA version, also update the version in buildSrc/build.gradle jna = 4.4.0-1 # test dependencies randomizedrunner = 2.5.2 junit = 4.12 httpclient = 4.5.2 # When updating httpcore, please also update core/src/main/resources/org/elasticsearch/bootstrap/test-framework.policy httpcore = 4.4.5 # When updating httpasyncclient, please also update core/src/main/resources/org/elasticsearch/bootstrap/test-framework.policy httpasyncclient = 4.1.2 commonslogging = 1.1.3 commonscodec = 1.10 hamcrest = 1.3 securemock = 1.2 # When updating mocksocket, please also update core/src/main/resources/org/elasticsearch/bootstrap/test-framework.policy mocksocket = 1.2 # benchmark dependencies jmh = 1.17.3