[[api-rest-delete-watch]] ==== Delete Watch API The DELETE watch API removes a specific watch (identified by its `id`) from watcher. Once removed, the document representing the watch in the `.watches` index will be gone and it will never be executed again. Please note that deleting a watch **does not** delete any watch execution records related to this watch from the <>. IMPORTANT: Deleting a watch must be done via this API only. Do not delete the watch directly from the `.watches` index using Elasticsearch's DELETE Document API. When integrating with Shield, a best practice is to make sure no `write` privileges are granted to anyone over the `.watches` API. The following example deletes a watch with the `my-watch` id: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- DELETE _watcher/watch/my-watch -------------------------------------------------- // AUTOSENSE This is a sample output [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- { "found": true, "_id": "my_watch", "_version": 10 } -------------------------------------------------- ===== Timeouts When deleting a watch while it is executing, the delete action will block and wait for the watch execution to finish. Depending on the nature of the watch, in some situations this can take a while. For this reason, the delete watch action is associated with a timeout that is set to 10 seconds by default. You can control this timeout by passing in the `master_timeout` parameter. The following snippet shows how to change the default timeout of the delete action to 30 seconds: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- DELETE _watcher/watch/my-watch?master_timeout=30s -------------------------------------------------- // AUTOSENSE