[role="xpack"] [testenv="basic"] [[config-monitoring-indices]] === Configuring indices for monitoring <> are used to configure the indices that store the monitoring data collected from a cluster. You can retrieve the templates through the `_template` API: [source,console] ---------------------------------- GET /_template/.monitoring-* ---------------------------------- By default, the template configures one shard and one replica for the monitoring indices. To override the default settings, add your own template: . Set the `template` pattern to `.monitoring-*`. . Set the template `order` to `1`. This ensures your template is applied after the default template, which has an order of 0. . Specify the `number_of_shards` and/or `number_of_replicas` in the `settings` section. For example, the following template increases the number of shards to five and the number of replicas to two. [source,console] ---------------------------------- PUT /_template/custom_monitoring { "index_patterns": ".monitoring-*", "order": 1, "settings": { "number_of_shards": 5, "number_of_replicas": 2 } } ---------------------------------- IMPORTANT: Only set the `number_of_shards` and `number_of_replicas` in the settings section. Overriding other monitoring template settings could cause your monitoring dashboards to stop working correctly.