=== Azure Repository Plugin

The Azure Repository plugin adds support for using Azure as a repository for

==== Installation

This plugin can be installed using the plugin manager:

sudo bin/elasticsearch-plugin install repository-azure

The plugin must be installed on every node in the cluster, and each node must
be restarted after installation.

==== Removal

The plugin can be removed with the following command:

sudo bin/elasticsearch-plugin remove repository-azure

The node must be stopped before removing the plugin.

==== Azure Repository

To enable Azure repositories, you have first to set your azure storage settings in `elasticsearch.yml` file:

                account: your_azure_storage_account
                key: your_azure_storage_key

Note that you can also define more than one account:

                account: your_azure_storage_account1
                key: your_azure_storage_key1
                default: true
                account: your_azure_storage_account2
                key: your_azure_storage_key2

`my_account1` is the default account which will be used by a repository unless you set an explicit one.

You can set the client side timeout to use when making any single request. It can be defined globally, per account or both.
It's not set by default which means that elasticsearch is using the
http://azure.github.io/azure-storage-java/com/microsoft/azure/storage/RequestOptions.html#setTimeoutIntervalInMs(java.lang.Integer)[default value]
set by the azure client (known as 5 minutes).

            timeout: 10s
                account: your_azure_storage_account1
                key: your_azure_storage_key1
                default: true
                account: your_azure_storage_account2
                key: your_azure_storage_key2
                timeout: 30s

In this example, timeout will be 10s for `my_account1` and 30s for `my_account2`.

===== Repository settings

The Azure repository supports following settings:


    Azure account settings to use. Defaults to the only one if you set a single
    account or to the one marked as `default` if you have more than one.


    Container name. Defaults to `elasticsearch-snapshots`


    Specifies the path within container to repository data. Defaults to empty
    (root directory).


    Big files can be broken down into chunks during snapshotting if needed.
    The chunk size can be specified in bytes or by using size value notation,
    i.e. `1g`, `10m`, `5k`. Defaults to `64m` (64m max)


    When set to `true` metadata files are stored in compressed format. This
    setting doesn't affect index files that are already compressed by default.
    Defaults to `false`.


    Makes repository read-only. coming[2.1.0]  Defaults to `false`.


    `primary_only` or `secondary_only`. Defaults to `primary_only`. Note that if you set it
    to `secondary_only`, it will force `read_only` to true.

Some examples, using scripts:

# The simpliest one
PUT _snapshot/my_backup1
    "type": "azure"

# With some settings
PUT _snapshot/my_backup2
    "type": "azure",
    "settings": {
        "container": "backup-container",
        "base_path": "backups",
        "chunk_size": "32m",
        "compress": true

# With two accounts defined in elasticsearch.yml (my_account1 and my_account2)
PUT _snapshot/my_backup3
    "type": "azure",
    "settings": {
        "account": "my_account1"
PUT _snapshot/my_backup4
    "type": "azure",
    "settings": {
        "account": "my_account2",
        "location_mode": "primary_only"

Example using Java:

        .put(Storage.CONTAINER, "backup-container")
        .put(Storage.CHUNK_SIZE, new ByteSizeValue(32, ByteSizeUnit.MB))

===== Global repositories settings

All those repository settings can also be defined globally in `elasticsearch.yml` file using prefix
`repositories.azure.`. For example:

    container: backup-container
    base_path: backups
    chunk_size: 32m
    compress": true

===== Repository validation rules

According to the http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd135715.aspx[containers naming guide], a container name must
be a valid DNS name, conforming to the following naming rules:

* Container names must start with a letter or number, and can contain only letters, numbers, and the dash (-) character.
* Every dash (-) character must be immediately preceded and followed by a letter or number; consecutive dashes are not
permitted in container names.
* All letters in a container name must be lowercase.
* Container names must be from 3 through 63 characters long.