[role="xpack"] [testenv="basic"] [[sql-limitations]] == SQL Limitations beta[] [float] === Nested fields in `SYS COLUMNS` and `DESCRIBE TABLE` {es} has a special type of relationship fields called `nested` fields. In {es-sql} they can be used by referencing their inner sub-fields. Even though `SYS COLUMNS` and `DESCRIBE TABLE` will still display them as having the type `NESTED`, they cannot be used in a query. One can only reference its sub-fields in the form: [source, sql] -------------------------------------------------- [nested_field_name].[sub_field_name] -------------------------------------------------- For example: [source, sql] -------------------------------------------------- SELECT dep.dep_name.keyword FROM test_emp GROUP BY languages; -------------------------------------------------- [float] === Multi-nested fields {es-sql} doesn't support multi-nested documents, so a query cannot reference more than one nested field in an index. This applies to multi-level nested fields, but also multiple nested fields defined on the same level. For example, for this index: [source, sql] ---------------------------------------------------- column | type | mapping ----------------------+---------------+------------- nested_A |STRUCT |NESTED nested_A.nested_X |STRUCT |NESTED nested_A.nested_X.text|VARCHAR |KEYWORD nested_A.text |VARCHAR |KEYWORD nested_B |STRUCT |NESTED nested_B.text |VARCHAR |KEYWORD ---------------------------------------------------- `nested_A` and `nested_B` cannot be used at the same time, nor `nested_A`/`nested_B` and `nested_A.nested_X` combination. For such situations, {es-sql} will display an error message. [float] === Paginating nested inner hits When SELECTing a nested field, pagination will not work as expected, {es-sql} will return __at least__ the page size records. This is because of the way nested queries work in {es}: the root nested field will be returned and it's matching inner nested fields as well, pagination taking place on the **root nested document and not on its inner hits**. [float] === Normalized `keyword` fields `keyword` fields in {es} can be normalized by defining a `normalizer`. Such fields are not supported in {es-sql}. [float] === Array type of fields Array fields are not supported due to the "invisible" way in which {es} handles an array of values: the mapping doesn't indicate whether a field is an array (has multiple values) or not, so without reading all the data, {es-sql} cannot know whether a field is a single or multi value. [float] === Sorting by aggregation When doing aggregations (`GROUP BY`) {es-sql} relies on {es}'s `composite` aggregation for its support for paginating results. But this type of aggregation does come with a limitation: sorting can only be applied on the key used for the aggregation's buckets. This means that queries like `SELECT * FROM test GROUP BY age ORDER BY COUNT(*)` are not possible.