[role="xpack"] [testenv="gold+"] [[syskeygen]] == elasticsearch-syskeygen The `elasticsearch-syskeygen` command creates a system key file in the elasticsearch config directory. [float] === Synopsis [source,shell] -------------------------------------------------- bin/elasticsearch-syskeygen [-E <KeyValuePair>] [-h, --help] ([-s, --silent] | [-v, --verbose]) -------------------------------------------------- [float] === Description The command generates a `system_key` file, which you can use to symmetrically encrypt sensitive data. For example, you can use this key to prevent {watcher} from returning and storing information that contains clear text credentials. See {xpack-ref}/encrypting-data.html[Encrypting sensitive data in {watcher}]. IMPORTANT: The system key is a symmetric key, so the same key must be used on every node in the cluster. [float] === Parameters `-E <KeyValuePair>`:: Configures a setting. For example, if you have a custom installation of {es}, you can use this parameter to specify the `ES_PATH_CONF` environment variable. `-h, --help`:: Returns all of the command parameters. `-s, --silent`:: Shows minimal output. `-v, --verbose`:: Shows verbose output. [float] === Examples The following command generates a `system_key` file in the default `$ES_HOME/config` directory: [source, sh] -------------------------------------------------- bin/elasticsearch-syskeygen --------------------------------------------------