[role="xpack"] [testenv="basic"] [[slm-retention]] === Snapshot retention You can include a retention policy in an {slm-init} policy to automatically delete old snapshots. Retention runs as a cluster-level task and is not associated with a particular policy's schedule. The retention criteria are evaluated as part of the retention task, not when the policy executes. For the retention task to automatically delete snapshots, you need to include a <<slm-api-put-retention,`retention`>> object in your {slm-init} policy. To control when the retention task runs, configure <<slm-retention-schedule,`slm.retention_schedule`>> in the cluster settings. You can define the schedule as a periodic or absolute <<schedule-cron, cron schedule>>. The <<slm-retention-duration,`slm.retention_duration`>> setting limits how long {slm-init} should spend deleting old snapshots. You can update the schedule and duration dynamically with the <<cluster-update-settings, update settings>> API. You can run the retention task manually with the <<slm-api-execute-retention, execute retention >> API. The retention task only considers snapshots initiated through {slm-init} policies, either according to the policy schedule or through the <<slm-api-execute-lifecycle, execute lifecycle>> API. Manual snapshots are ignored and don't count toward the retention limits. To retrieve information about the snapshot retention task history, use the <<slm-api-get-stats, get stats>> API: //// [source,console] -------------------------------------------------- PUT /_slm/policy/daily-snapshots { "schedule": "0 30 1 * * ?", "name": "<daily-snap-{now/d}>", "repository": "my_repository", "retention": { <1> "expire_after": "30d", <2> "min_count": 5, <3> "max_count": 50 <4> } } -------------------------------------------------- // TEST[setup:setup-repository] <1> Optional retention configuration <2> Keep snapshots for 30 days <3> Always keep at least 5 successful snapshots <4> Keep no more than 50 successful snapshots //// [source,console] -------------------------------------------------- GET /_slm/stats -------------------------------------------------- // TEST[continued] The response includes the following statistics: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- { "retention_runs": 13, <1> "retention_failed": 0, <2> "retention_timed_out": 0, <3> "retention_deletion_time": "1.4s", <4> "retention_deletion_time_millis": 1404, "policy_stats": [ { "policy": "daily-snapshots", "snapshots_taken": 1, "snapshots_failed": 1, "snapshots_deleted": 0, <5> "snapshot_deletion_failures": 0 <6> } ], "total_snapshots_taken": 1, "total_snapshots_failed": 1, "total_snapshots_deleted": 0, <7> "total_snapshot_deletion_failures": 0 <8> } -------------------------------------------------- // TESTRESPONSE[skip:this is not actually running retention] <1> Number of times retention has been run <2> Number of times retention failed while running <3> Number of times retention hit the `slm.retention_duration` time limit and had to stop before deleting all eligible snapshots <4> Total time spent deleting snapshots by the retention process <5> Number of snapshots created by the "daily-snapshots" policy that have been deleted <6> Number of snapshots that failed to be deleted <7> Total number of snapshots deleted across all policies <8> Total number of snapshot deletion failures across all policies