[role="xpack"] [testenv="basic"] [[put-data-frame-transform]] === Create {dataframe-transforms} API [subs="attributes"] ++++ Create {dataframe-transforms} ++++ Instantiates a {dataframe-transform}. beta[] [[put-data-frame-transform-request]] ==== {api-request-title} `PUT _data_frame/transforms/` [[put-data-frame-transform-prereqs]] ==== {api-prereq-title} * If the {es} {security-features} are enabled, you must have `manage_data_frame_transforms` cluster privileges to use this API. The built-in `data_frame_transforms_admin` role has these privileges. You must also have `read` and `view_index_metadata` privileges on the source index and `read`, `create_index`, and `index` privileges on the destination index. For more information, see {stack-ov}/security-privileges.html[Security privileges] and {stack-ov}/built-in-roles.html[Built-in roles]. [[put-data-frame-transform-desc]] ==== {api-description-title} IMPORTANT: You must use {kib} or this API to create a {dataframe-transform}. Do not put a {dataframe-transform} directly into any `.data-frame-internal*` indices using the Elasticsearch index API. If {es} {security-features} are enabled, do not give users any privileges on `.data-frame-internal*` indices. [[put-data-frame-transform-path-parms]] ==== {api-path-parms-title} ``:: (Required, string) Identifier for the {dataframe-transform}. This identifier can contain lowercase alphanumeric characters (a-z and 0-9), hyphens, and underscores. It must start and end with alphanumeric characters. [[put-data-frame-transform-request-body]] ==== {api-request-body-title} `description`:: (Optional, string) Free text description of the {dataframe-transform}. `dest`:: (Required, object) Required. The destination configuration, which consists of `index` and optionally a `pipeline` id. See <>. `frequency`:: (Optional, time units) The interval between checks for changes in the source indices when the {dataframe-transform} is running continuously. Defaults to `1m`. The lowest permitted value is `1s`; the highest `1h`. `pivot`:: (Required, object) Defines the pivot function `group by` fields and the aggregation to reduce the data. See <>. `source`:: (Required, object) The source configuration, which consists of `index` and optionally a `query`. See <>. [[put-data-frame-transform-example]] ==== {api-examples-title} [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- PUT _data_frame/transforms/ecommerce_transform { "source": { "index": "kibana_sample_data_ecommerce", "query": { "term": { "geoip.continent_name": { "value": "Asia" } } } }, "dest": { "index": "kibana_sample_data_ecommerce_transform", "pipeline": "add_timestamp_pipeline" }, "frequency": "5m", "pivot": { "group_by": { "customer_id": { "terms": { "field": "customer_id" } } }, "aggregations": { "max_price": { "max": { "field": "taxful_total_price" } } } }, "description": "Maximum priced ecommerce data by customer_id in Asia" } -------------------------------------------------- // CONSOLE // TEST[skip: https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/issues/43271] When the transform is created, you receive the following results: [source,js] ---- { "acknowledged" : true } ---- // TESTRESPONSE