[[indices-resolve-index-api]] === Resolve index API ++++ Resolve index ++++ Resolves the specified name(s) and/or wildcard expression(s) to indices, index aliases, and data streams. Multiple expressions and remote clusters are supported. [source,console] ---- GET /_resolve/index/twitter* ---- [[resolve-index-api-request]] ==== {api-request-title} `GET /_resolve/index/` [[resolve-index-api-path-params]] ==== {api-path-parms-title} ``:: + -- (Required, string) Comma-separated name(s) or wildcard expression(s) of the indices, index aliases, and data streams to resolve. Resources on <> can be specified using the `:` syntax. -- [[resolve-index-api-query-params]] ==== {api-query-parms-title} include::{es-repo-dir}/rest-api/common-parms.asciidoc[tag=expand-wildcards] + Defaults to `open`. [[resolve-index-api-example]] ==== {api-examples-title} [[resolve-index-basic-example]] ===== Basic example [source,console] -------------------------------------------------- GET /_resolve/index/f*,remoteCluster1:bar* -------------------------------------------------- // TEST[skip_shard_failures] The API returns the following response: [source,console-result] -------------------------------------------------- { "indices" : [ <1> { "name" : "foo_closed", "attributes" : [ "closed" ] }, { "name" : "remoteCluster1:bar-01", "attributes" : [ "open" ] }, { "name" : "freeze-index", "aliases" : [ "f-alias" ], "attributes" : [ "open", "frozen" ] } ], "aliases" : [ <2> { "name" : "f-alias", "indices" : [ "freeze-index", "my-index" ] } ], "data_streams" : [ <3> { "name" : "foo", "backing_indices" : [ ".ds-foo-000001" ], "timestamp_field" : "@timestamp" } ] } -------------------------------------------------- // TESTRESPONSE[skip:unable to assert responses with top level array] <1> All indices matching the supplied names or expressions <2> All aliases matching the supplied names or expressions <3> All data streams matching the supplied names or expressions