{ "mlt": { "documentation": "http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-more-like-this.html", "methods": ["GET", "POST"], "url": { "path": "/{index}/{type}/{id}/_mlt", "paths": ["/{index}/{type}/{id}/_mlt"], "parts": { "id": { "type" : "string", "required" : true, "description" : "The document ID" }, "index": { "type" : "string", "required" : true, "description" : "The name of the index" }, "type": { "type" : "string", "required" : true, "description" : "The type of the document (use `_all` to fetch the first document matching the ID across all types)" } }, "params": { "boost_terms": { "type" : "number", "description" : "The boost factor" }, "max_doc_freq": { "type" : "number", "description" : "The word occurrence frequency as count: words with higher occurrence in the corpus will be ignored" }, "max_query_terms": { "type" : "number", "description" : "The maximum query terms to be included in the generated query" }, "max_word_len": { "type" : "number", "description" : "The minimum length of the word: longer words will be ignored" }, "min_doc_freq": { "type" : "number", "description" : "The word occurrence frequency as count: words with lower occurrence in the corpus will be ignored" }, "min_term_freq": { "type" : "number", "description" : "The term frequency as percent: terms with lower occurence in the source document will be ignored" }, "min_word_len": { "type" : "number", "description" : "The minimum length of the word: shorter words will be ignored" }, "mlt_fields": { "type" : "list", "description" : "Specific fields to perform the query against" }, "percent_terms_to_match": { "type" : "number", "description" : "How many terms have to match in order to consider the document a match (default: 0.3)" }, "routing": { "type" : "string", "description" : "Specific routing value" }, "search_from": { "type" : "number", "description" : "The offset from which to return results" }, "search_indices": { "type" : "list", "description" : "A comma-separated list of indices to perform the query against (default: the index containing the document)" }, "search_query_hint": { "type" : "string", "description" : "The search query hint" }, "search_scroll": { "type" : "string", "description" : "A scroll search request definition" }, "search_size": { "type" : "number", "description" : "The number of documents to return (default: 10)" }, "search_source": { "type" : "string", "description" : "A specific search request definition (instead of using the request body)" }, "search_type": { "type" : "string", "description" : "Specific search type (eg. `dfs_then_fetch`, `count`, etc)" }, "search_types": { "type" : "list", "description" : "A comma-separated list of types to perform the query against (default: the same type as the document)" }, "stop_words": { "type" : "list", "description" : "A list of stop words to be ignored" } } }, "body": { "description" : "A specific search request definition" } } }