==== Template Query

See {ref}/search-template.html[Search Template] documentation

Define your template parameters as a `Map<String,Object>`:

Map<String, Object> template_params = new HashMap<>();
template_params.put("param_gender", "male");

You can use your stored search templates in `config/scripts`.
For example, if you have a file named `config/scripts/template_gender.mustache` containing:

    "template" : {
        "query" : {
            "match" : {
                "gender" : "{{param_gender}}"

Define your template query:

QueryBuilder qb = templateQuery(
    "gender_template",                  <1>
    ScriptService.ScriptType.FILE,      <2>
    template_params);                   <3>
<1> template name
<2> template stored on disk in `gender_template.mustache`
<3> parameters

You can also store your template in a special index named `.scripts`:

client.preparePutIndexedScript("mustache", "template_gender",
        "{\n" +
        "    \"template\" : {\n" +
        "        \"query\" : {\n" +
        "            \"match\" : {\n" +
        "                \"gender\" : \"{{param_gender}}\"\n" +
        "            }\n" +
        "        }\n" +
        "    }\n" +

To execute an indexed templates, use `ScriptService.ScriptType.INDEXED`:

QueryBuilder qb = templateQuery(
    "gender_template",                  <1>
    ScriptService.ScriptType.INDEXED,   <2>
    template_params);                   <3>
<1> template name
<2> template stored in an index
<3> parameters