== Advanced scripts using script engines

A `ScriptEngine` is a backend for implementing a scripting language. It may also
be used to write scripts that need to use advanced internals of scripting. For example,
a script that wants to use term frequencies while scoring.

The plugin {plugins}/plugin-authors.html[documentation] has more information on
how to write a plugin so that Elasticsearch will properly load it. To register
the `ScriptEngine`, your plugin should implement the `ScriptPlugin` interface
and override the `getScriptEngine(Settings settings)` method.

The following is an example of a custom `ScriptEngine` which uses the language
name `expert_scripts`. It implements a single script called `pure_df` which
may be used as a search script to override each document's score as
the document frequency of a provided term.


You can execute the script by specifying its `lang` as `expert_scripts`, and the name
of the script as the script source:

POST /_search
  "query": {
    "function_score": {
      "query": {
        "match": {
          "body": "foo"
      "functions": [
          "script_score": {
            "script": {
                "source": "pure_df",
                "lang" : "expert_scripts",
                "params": {
                    "field": "body",
                    "term": "foo"
// TEST[skip:we don't have an expert script plugin installed to test this]