[[modules-indices]] == Indices The indices module controls index-related settings that are globally managed for all indices, rather than being configurable at a per-index level. Available settings include: <<circuit-breaker,Circuit breaker>>:: Circuit breakers set limits on memory usage to avoid out of memory exceptions. <<modules-fielddata,Fielddata cache>>:: Set limits on the amount of heap used by the in-memory fielddata cache. <<query-cache,Node query cache>>:: Configure the amount heap used to cache queries results. <<indexing-buffer,Indexing buffer>>:: Control the size of the buffer allocated to the indexing process. <<shard-request-cache,Shard request cache>>:: Control the behaviour of the shard-level request cache. <<recovery,Recovery>>:: Control the resource limits on the shard recovery process. include::indices/circuit_breaker.asciidoc[] include::indices/fielddata.asciidoc[] include::indices/query_cache.asciidoc[] include::indices/indexing_buffer.asciidoc[] include::indices/request_cache.asciidoc[] include::indices/recovery.asciidoc[]