[[cluster-nodes-reload-secure-settings]] == Nodes Reload Secure Settings The cluster nodes reload secure settings API is used to re-read the local node's encrypted keystore. Specifically, it will prompt the keystore decryption and reading across the cluster. The keystore's plain content is used to reinitialize all compatible plugins. A compatible plugin can be reinitialized without restarting the node. The operation is complete when all compatible plugins have finished reinitializing. Subsequently, the keystore is closed and any changes to it will not be reflected on the node. [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- POST _nodes/reload_secure_settings POST _nodes/nodeId1,nodeId2/reload_secure_settings -------------------------------------------------- // CONSOLE // TEST[setup:node] // TEST[s/nodeId1,nodeId2/*/] The first command reloads the keystore on each node. The seconds allows to selectively target `nodeId1` and `nodeId2`. The node selection options are detailed <<cluster-nodes,here>>. Note: It is an error if secure settings are inconsistent across the cluster nodes, yet this consistency is not enforced whatsoever. Hence, reloading specific nodes is not standard. It is only justifiable when retrying failed reload operations. [float] [[rest-reload-secure-settings]] ==== REST Reload Secure Settings Response The response contains the `nodes` object, which is a map, keyed by the node id. Each value has the node `name` and an optional `reload_exception` field. The `reload_exception` field is a serialization of the exception that was thrown during the reload process, if any. [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- { "_nodes": { "total": 1, "successful": 1, "failed": 0 }, "cluster_name": "my_cluster", "nodes": { "pQHNt5rXTTWNvUgOrdynKg": { "name": "node-0" } } } -------------------------------------------------- // TESTRESPONSE[s/"my_cluster"/$body.cluster_name/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/"pQHNt5rXTTWNvUgOrdynKg"/\$node_name/]