[[condition-script]] === Script Condition A watch <<condition, condition>> that evaluates a script. The default scripting language is `painless`. You can use any of the scripting languages supported by Elasticsearch as long as the language supports evaluating expressions to Boolean values. Note that the `mustache` and `expression` languages are too limited to be used by this condition. For more information, see {ref}/modules-scripting.html[Scripting] in the Elasticsearch Reference. ==== Using a Script Condition The following snippet configures an inline `script` condition that always returns `true`: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- "condition" : { "script" : "return true" } -------------------------------------------------- // NOTCONSOLE This example defines a script as a simple string. This format is actually a shortcut for defining an <<condition-script-inline, inline>> script. The formal definition of a script is an object that specifies the script type and optional language and parameter values. If the `lang` attribute is omitted, the language defaults to `painless`. Elasticsearch supports two types of scripts, <<condition-script-inline, Inline>> and <<condition-script-stored, Stored>>. For example, the following snippet shows a formal definition of an `inline` script that explicitly specifies the language and defines a single script parameter, `result`: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- "condition" : { "script" : { "source" : "return params.result", "lang" : "painless", "params" : { "result" : true } } } -------------------------------------------------- // NOTCONSOLE [[condition-script-inline]] ==== Inline Scripts Inline scripts are scripts that are defined in the condition itself. The following snippet shows the formal configuration of a simple painless script that always returns `true`. [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- "condition" : { "script" : { "source" : "return true" } } -------------------------------------------------- // NOTCONSOLE [[condition-script-stored]] ==== Stored Scripts Stored scripts refer to scripts that were {ref}/modules-scripting-using.html#modules-scripting-stored-scripts[stored] in Elasticsearch. The following snippet shows how to refer to a script by its `id`: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- "condition" : { "script" : { "id" : "my_script" } } -------------------------------------------------- // NOTCONSOLE As with <<condition-script-inline, Inline>> scripts, you can also specify the script language and parameters: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- "condition" : { "script" : { "id" : "my_script", "lang" : "javascript", "params" : { "color" : "red" } } } -------------------------------------------------- // NOTCONSOLE [[accessing-watch-payload]] ==== Accessing the Watch Payload A script can access the current watch execution context, including the payload data, as well as any parameters passed in through the condition definition. For example, the following snippet defines a watch that uses a <<input-search, `search` input>> and uses a `script` condition to check if the number of hits is above a specified threshold: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- { "input" : { "search" : { "indices" : "log-events", "body" : { "size" : 0, "query" : { "match" : { "status" : "error" } } } } }, "condition" : { "script" : { "source" : "return ctx.payload.hits.total > params.threshold", "params" : { "threshold" : 5 } } } } -------------------------------------------------- // NOTCONSOLE When you're using a scripted condition to evaluate an Elasticsearch response, keep in mind that the fields in the response are no longer in their native data types. For example, the `@timestamp` in the response is a string, rather than a `DateTime`. To compare the response `@timestamp` against the `ctx.execution_time`, you need to parse the `@timestamp` string into a `DateTime`. For example: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- org.elasticsearch.common.joda.time.DateTime.parse(@timestamp) -------------------------------------------------- // NOTCONSOLE You can reference the following variables in the watch context: [options="header"] |====== | Name | Description | `ctx.watch_id` | The id of the watch that is currently executing. | `ctx.execution_time` | The time execution of this watch started. | `ctx.trigger.triggered_time` | The time this watch was triggered. | `ctx.trigger.scheduled_time` | The time this watch was supposed to be triggered. | `ctx.metadata.*` | Any metadata associated with the watch. | `ctx.payload.*` | The payload data loaded by the watch's input. |======