[[repository-s3]] === S3 Repository Plugin The S3 repository plugin adds support for using AWS S3 as a repository for {ref}/modules-snapshots.html[Snapshot/Restore]. *If you are looking for a hosted solution of Elasticsearch on AWS, please visit https://www.elastic.co/cloud/.* :plugin_name: repository-s3 include::install_remove.asciidoc[] [[repository-s3-usage]] ==== Getting Started The plugin provides a repository type named `s3` which may be used when creating a repository. The repository defaults to using https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/task-iam-roles.html[ECS IAM Role] or https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/iam-roles-for-amazon-ec2.html[EC2 IAM Role] credentials for authentication. The only mandatory setting is the bucket name: [source,console] ---- PUT _snapshot/my_s3_repository { "type": "s3", "settings": { "bucket": "my_bucket" } } ---- // TEST[skip:we don't have s3 setup while testing this] [[repository-s3-client]] ==== Client Settings The client that you use to connect to S3 has a number of settings available. The settings have the form `s3.client.CLIENT_NAME.SETTING_NAME`. By default, `s3` repositories use a client named `default`, but this can be modified using the <<repository-s3-repository,repository setting>> `client`. For example: [source,console] ---- PUT _snapshot/my_s3_repository { "type": "s3", "settings": { "bucket": "my_bucket", "client": "my_alternate_client" } } ---- // TEST[skip:we don't have S3 setup while testing this] Most client settings can be added to the `elasticsearch.yml` configuration file with the exception of the secure settings, which you add to the {es} keystore. For more information about creating and updating the {es} keystore, see {ref}/secure-settings.html[Secure settings]. For example, if you want to use specific credentials to access S3 then run the following commands to add these credentials to the keystore: [source,sh] ---- bin/elasticsearch-keystore add s3.client.default.access_key bin/elasticsearch-keystore add s3.client.default.secret_key # a session token is optional so the following command may not be needed bin/elasticsearch-keystore add s3.client.default.session_token ---- If instead you want to use the instance role or container role to access S3 then you should leave these settings unset. You can switch from using specific credentials back to the default of using the instance role or container role by removing these settings from the keystore as follows: [source,sh] ---- bin/elasticsearch-keystore remove s3.client.default.access_key bin/elasticsearch-keystore remove s3.client.default.secret_key # a session token is optional so the following command may not be needed bin/elasticsearch-keystore remove s3.client.default.session_token ---- *All* client secure settings of this plugin are {ref}/secure-settings.html#reloadable-secure-settings[reloadable]. After you reload the settings, the internal `s3` clients, used to transfer the snapshot contents, will utilize the latest settings from the keystore. Any existing `s3` repositories, as well as any newly created ones, will pick up the new values stored in the keystore. NOTE: In-progress snapshot/restore tasks will not be preempted by a *reload* of the client's secure settings. The task will complete using the client as it was built when the operation started. The following list contains the available client settings. Those that must be stored in the keystore are marked as "secure" and are *reloadable*; the other settings belong in the `elasticsearch.yml` file. `access_key` ({ref}/secure-settings.html[Secure], {ref}/secure-settings.html#reloadable-secure-settings[reloadable]):: An S3 access key. If set, the `secret_key` setting must also be specified. If unset, the client will use the instance or container role instead. `secret_key` ({ref}/secure-settings.html[Secure], {ref}/secure-settings.html#reloadable-secure-settings[reloadable]):: An S3 secret key. If set, the `access_key` setting must also be specified. `session_token` ({ref}/secure-settings.html[Secure], {ref}/secure-settings.html#reloadable-secure-settings[reloadable]):: An S3 session token. If set, the `access_key` and `secret_key` settings must also be specified. `endpoint`:: The S3 service endpoint to connect to. This defaults to `s3.amazonaws.com` but the https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html#s3_region[AWS documentation] lists alternative S3 endpoints. If you are using an <<repository-s3-compatible-services,S3-compatible service>> then you should set this to the service's endpoint. `protocol`:: The protocol to use to connect to S3. Valid values are either `http` or `https`. Defaults to `https`. `proxy.host`:: The host name of a proxy to connect to S3 through. `proxy.port`:: The port of a proxy to connect to S3 through. `proxy.username` ({ref}/secure-settings.html[Secure], {ref}/secure-settings.html#reloadable-secure-settings[reloadable]):: The username to connect to the `proxy.host` with. `proxy.password` ({ref}/secure-settings.html[Secure], {ref}/secure-settings.html#reloadable-secure-settings[reloadable]):: The password to connect to the `proxy.host` with. `read_timeout`:: The socket timeout for connecting to S3. The value should specify the unit. For example, a value of `5s` specifies a 5 second timeout. The default value is 50 seconds. `max_retries`:: The number of retries to use when an S3 request fails. The default value is `3`. `use_throttle_retries`:: Whether retries should be throttled (i.e. should back off). Must be `true` or `false`. Defaults to `true`. `path_style_access`:: Whether to force the use of the path style access pattern. If `true`, the path style access pattern will be used. If `false`, the access pattern will be automatically determined by the AWS Java SDK (See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaSDK/latest/javadoc/com/amazonaws/services/s3/AmazonS3Builder.html#setPathStyleAccessEnabled-java.lang.Boolean-[AWS documentation] for details). Defaults to `false`. [[repository-s3-path-style-deprecation]] NOTE: In versions `7.0`, `7.1`, `7.2` and `7.3` all bucket operations used the https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/amazon-s3-path-deprecation-plan-the-rest-of-the-story/[now-deprecated] path style access pattern. If your deployment requires the path style access pattern then you should set this setting to `true` when upgrading. `disable_chunked_encoding`:: Whether chunked encoding should be disabled or not. If `false`, chunked encoding is enabled and will be used where appropriate. If `true`, chunked encoding is disabled and will not be used, which may mean that snapshot operations consume more resources and take longer to complete. It should only be set to `true` if you are using a storage service that does not support chunked encoding. See the https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaSDK/latest/javadoc/com/amazonaws/services/s3/AmazonS3Builder.html#disableChunkedEncoding--[AWS Java SDK documentation] for details. Defaults to `false`. `region`:: Allows specifying the signing region to use. Specificing this setting manually should not be necessary for most use cases. Generally, the SDK will correctly guess the signing region to use. It should be considered an expert level setting to support S3-compatible APIs that require https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/signature-version-4.html[v4 signatures] and use a region other than the default `us-east-1`. Defaults to empty string which means that the SDK will try to automatically determine the correct signing region. `signer_override`:: Allows specifying the name of the signature algorithm to use for signing requests by the S3 client. Specifying this setting should not be necessary for most use cases. It should be considered an expert level setting to support S3-compatible APIs that do not support the signing algorithm that the SDK automatically determines for them. See the https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaSDK/latest/javadoc/com/amazonaws/ClientConfiguration.html#setSignerOverride-java.lang.String-[AWS Java SDK documentation] for details. Defaults to empty string which means that no signing algorithm override will be used. [discrete] [[repository-s3-compatible-services]] ===== S3-compatible services There are a number of storage systems that provide an S3-compatible API, and the `repository-s3` plugin allows you to use these systems in place of AWS S3. To do so, you should set the `s3.client.CLIENT_NAME.endpoint` setting to the system's endpoint. This setting accepts IP addresses and hostnames and may include a port. For example, the endpoint may be `` or ``. You may also need to set `s3.client.CLIENT_NAME.protocol` to `http` if the endpoint does not support HTTPS. https://minio.io[Minio] is an example of a storage system that provides an S3-compatible API. The `repository-s3` plugin allows {es} to work with Minio-backed repositories as well as repositories stored on AWS S3. Other S3-compatible storage systems may also work with {es}, but these are not tested or supported. [[repository-s3-repository]] ==== Repository Settings The `s3` repository type supports a number of settings to customize how data is stored in S3. These can be specified when creating the repository. For example: [source,console] ---- PUT _snapshot/my_s3_repository { "type": "s3", "settings": { "bucket": "my_bucket_name", "another_setting": "setting_value" } } ---- // TEST[skip:we don't have S3 set up while testing this] The following settings are supported: `bucket`:: The name of the bucket to be used for snapshots. (Mandatory) `client`:: The name of the <<repository-s3-client,S3 client>> to use to connect to S3. Defaults to `default`. `base_path`:: Specifies the path within bucket to repository data. Defaults to value of `repositories.s3.base_path` or to root directory if not set. Previously, the base_path could take a leading `/` (forward slash). However, this has been deprecated and setting the base_path now should omit the leading `/`. `chunk_size`:: Big files can be broken down into chunks during snapshotting if needed. Specify the chunk size as a value and unit, for example: `1GB`, `10MB`, `5KB`, `500B`. Defaults to `1GB`. `compress`:: When set to `true` metadata files are stored in compressed format. This setting doesn't affect index files that are already compressed by default. Defaults to `false`. include::repository-shared-settings.asciidoc[] `server_side_encryption`:: When set to `true` files are encrypted on server side using AES256 algorithm. Defaults to `false`. `buffer_size`:: Minimum threshold below which the chunk is uploaded using a single request. Beyond this threshold, the S3 repository will use the https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/uploadobjusingmpu.html[AWS Multipart Upload API] to split the chunk into several parts, each of `buffer_size` length, and to upload each part in its own request. Note that setting a buffer size lower than `5mb` is not allowed since it will prevent the use of the Multipart API and may result in upload errors. It is also not possible to set a buffer size greater than `5gb` as it is the maximum upload size allowed by S3. Defaults to the minimum between `100mb` and `5%` of the heap size. `canned_acl`:: The S3 repository supports all https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/acl-overview.html#canned-acl[S3 canned ACLs] : `private`, `public-read`, `public-read-write`, `authenticated-read`, `log-delivery-write`, `bucket-owner-read`, `bucket-owner-full-control`. Defaults to `private`. You could specify a canned ACL using the `canned_acl` setting. When the S3 repository creates buckets and objects, it adds the canned ACL into the buckets and objects. `storage_class`:: Sets the S3 storage class for objects stored in the snapshot repository. Values may be `standard`, `reduced_redundancy`, `standard_ia`, `onezone_ia` and `intelligent_tiering`. Defaults to `standard`. Changing this setting on an existing repository only affects the storage class for newly created objects, resulting in a mixed usage of storage classes. Additionally, S3 Lifecycle Policies can be used to manage the storage class of existing objects. Due to the extra complexity with the Glacier class lifecycle, it is not currently supported by the plugin. For more information about the different classes, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/storage-class-intro.html[AWS Storage Classes Guide] NOTE: The option of defining client settings in the repository settings as documented below is considered deprecated, and will be removed in a future version. In addition to the above settings, you may also specify all non-secure client settings in the repository settings. In this case, the client settings found in the repository settings will be merged with those of the named client used by the repository. Conflicts between client and repository settings are resolved by the repository settings taking precedence over client settings. For example: [source,console] ---- PUT _snapshot/my_s3_repository { "type": "s3", "settings": { "client": "my_client_name", "bucket": "my_bucket_name", "endpoint": "my.s3.endpoint" } } ---- // TEST[skip:we don't have s3 set up while testing this] This sets up a repository that uses all client settings from the client `my_client_name` except for the `endpoint` that is overridden to `my.s3.endpoint` by the repository settings. [[repository-s3-permissions]] ===== Recommended S3 Permissions In order to restrict the Elasticsearch snapshot process to the minimum required resources, we recommend using Amazon IAM in conjunction with pre-existing S3 buckets. Here is an example policy which will allow the snapshot access to an S3 bucket named "snaps.example.com". This may be configured through the AWS IAM console, by creating a Custom Policy, and using a Policy Document similar to this (changing snaps.example.com to your bucket name). [source,js] ---- { "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "s3:ListBucket", "s3:GetBucketLocation", "s3:ListBucketMultipartUploads", "s3:ListBucketVersions" ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::snaps.example.com" ] }, { "Action": [ "s3:GetObject", "s3:PutObject", "s3:DeleteObject", "s3:AbortMultipartUpload", "s3:ListMultipartUploadParts" ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::snaps.example.com/*" ] } ], "Version": "2012-10-17" } ---- // NOTCONSOLE You may further restrict the permissions by specifying a prefix within the bucket, in this example, named "foo". [source,js] ---- { "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "s3:ListBucket", "s3:GetBucketLocation", "s3:ListBucketMultipartUploads", "s3:ListBucketVersions" ], "Condition": { "StringLike": { "s3:prefix": [ "foo/*" ] } }, "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::snaps.example.com" ] }, { "Action": [ "s3:GetObject", "s3:PutObject", "s3:DeleteObject", "s3:AbortMultipartUpload", "s3:ListMultipartUploadParts" ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::snaps.example.com/foo/*" ] } ], "Version": "2012-10-17" } ---- // NOTCONSOLE The bucket needs to exist to register a repository for snapshots. If you did not create the bucket then the repository registration will fail. [[repository-s3-aws-vpc]] [discrete] ==== AWS VPC Bandwidth Settings AWS instances resolve S3 endpoints to a public IP. If the Elasticsearch instances reside in a private subnet in an AWS VPC then all traffic to S3 will go through the VPC's NAT instance. If your VPC's NAT instance is a smaller instance size (e.g. a t2.micro) or is handling a high volume of network traffic your bandwidth to S3 may be limited by that NAT instance's networking bandwidth limitations. Instead we recommend creating a https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/vpc-endpoints.html[VPC endpoint] that enables connecting to S3 in instances that reside in a private subnet in an AWS VPC. This will eliminate any limitations imposed by the network bandwidth of your VPC's NAT instance. Instances residing in a public subnet in an AWS VPC will connect to S3 via the VPC's internet gateway and not be bandwidth limited by the VPC's NAT instance.