=== Split Processor
Splits a field into an array using a separator character. Only works on string fields.

.Split Options
| Name              | Required  | Default  | Description
| `field`           | yes       | -        | The field to split
| `separator`       | yes       | -        | A regex which matches the separator, eg `,` or `\s+`
| `target_field`    | no        | `field`  | The field to assign the split value to, by default `field` is updated in-place
| `ignore_missing`  | no        | `false`  | If `true` and `field` does not exist, the processor quietly exits without modifying the document

  "split": {
    "field": "my_field",
    "separator": "\\s+" <1>
<1> Treat all consecutive whitespace characters as a single separator