[role="xpack"] [[security-api-users]] === User Management APIs The `user` API enables you to create, read, update, and delete users from the `native` realm. These users are commonly referred to as *native users*. ==== Request `GET /_xpack/security/user` + `GET /_xpack/security/user/<username>` + `DELETE /_xpack/security/user/<username>` + `POST /_xpack/security/user/<username>` + `PUT /_xpack/security/user/<username>` + `PUT /_xpack/security/user/<username>/_disable` + `PUT /_xpack/security/user/<username>/_enable` + `PUT /_xpack/security/user/<username>/_password` ==== Description You can use the PUT user API to create or update users. When updating a user, you can update everything but its `username` and `password`. To change a user's password, use the <<security-api-reset-user-password, reset password API>>. [[username-validation]] NOTE: Usernames must be at least 1 and no more than 1024 characters. They can contain alphanumeric characters (`a-z`, `A-Z`, `0-9`), spaces, punctuation, and printable symbols in the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_Latin_(Unicode_block)[Basic Latin (ASCII) block]. Leading or trailing whitespace is not allowed. ==== Path Parameters `username`:: (string) An identifier for the user. If you omit this parameter from a Get User API request, it retrieves information about all users. ==== Request Body The following parameters can be specified in the body of a POST or PUT request and pertain to creating a user: `email`:: (string) The email of the user. `full_name`:: (string) The full name of the user. `metadata`:: (object) Arbitrary metadata that you want to associate with the user. `password` (required):: (string) The user's password. Passwords must be at least 6 characters long. `roles` (required):: (list) A set of roles the user has. The roles determine the user's access permissions. ==== Authorization To use this API, you must have at least the `manage_security` cluster privilege. ==== Examples [[security-api-put-user]] To add a user, submit a PUT or POST request to the `/_xpack/security/user/<username>` endpoint. [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- POST /_xpack/security/user/jacknich { "password" : "j@rV1s", "roles" : [ "admin", "other_role1" ], "full_name" : "Jack Nicholson", "email" : "jacknich@example.com", "metadata" : { "intelligence" : 7 } } -------------------------------------------------- // CONSOLE A successful call returns a JSON structure that shows whether the user has been created or updated. [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- { "user": { "created" : true <1> } } -------------------------------------------------- // TESTRESPONSE <1> When an existing user is updated, `created` is set to false. After you add a user through the Users API, requests from that user can be authenticated. [source,shell] -------------------------------------------------- curl -u eustace:secret-password http://localhost:9200/_cluster/health -------------------------------------------------- [[security-api-get-user]] To retrieve a native user, submit a GET request to the `/_xpack/security/user/<username>` endpoint: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- GET /_xpack/security/user/jacknich -------------------------------------------------- // CONSOLE // TEST[continued] A successful call returns an array of users with the JSON representation of the user. Note that user passwords are not included. [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- { "jacknich": { <1> "username" : "jacknich", "roles" : [ "admin", "other_role1" ], "full_name" : "Jack Nicholson", "email" : "jacknich@example.com", "enabled": true, "metadata" : { "intelligence" : 7 } } } -------------------------------------------------- // TESTRESPONSE <1> If the user is not defined in the `native` realm, the request 404s. You can specify multiple usernames as a comma-separated list: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- GET /_xpack/security/user/jacknich,rdinero -------------------------------------------------- // CONSOLE // TEST[continued] or omit the username all together to retrieve all users: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- GET /_xpack/security/user -------------------------------------------------- // CONSOLE // TEST[continued] [[security-api-reset-user-password]] To reset the password for a user, submit a PUT request to the `/_xpack/security/user/<username>/_password` endpoint: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- PUT /_xpack/security/user/jacknich/_password { "password" : "s3cr3t" } -------------------------------------------------- // CONSOLE // TEST[continued] [[security-api-disable-user]] To disable a user, submit a PUT request to the `/_xpack/security/user/<username>/_disable` endpoint: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- PUT /_xpack/security/user/jacknich/_disable -------------------------------------------------- // CONSOLE // TEST[continued] [[security-api-enable-user]] To enable a user, submit a PUT request to the `/_xpack/security/user/<username>/_enable` endpoint: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- PUT /_xpack/security/user/jacknich/_enable -------------------------------------------------- // CONSOLE // TEST[continued] [[security-api-delete-user]] To delete a user, submit a DELETE request to the `/_xpack/security/user/<username>` endpoint: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- DELETE /_xpack/security/user/jacknich -------------------------------------------------- // CONSOLE // TEST[continued] If the user is successfully deleted, the request returns `{"found": true}`. Otherwise, `found` is set to false. [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- { "found" : true } -------------------------------------------------- // TESTRESPONSE