[[condition]] == Conditions When a watch is triggered, its condition determines whether or not to execute the watch actions. {watcher} supports the following condition types: * <<condition-always, `always`>>: set the watch condition to `true` so the watch actions are always executed. * <<condition-never, `never`>>: set the watch condition to `false` so the watch actions are never executed. * <<condition-compare, `compare`>>: perform simple comparisons against values in the watch payload to determine whether or not to execute the watch actions. * <<condition-array-compare, `array_compare`>>: compare an array of values in the watch payload to a given value to determine whether or not to execute the watch actions. * <<condition-script, `script`>>: use a script to determine wehther or not to execute the watch actions. NOTE: If you omit the condition definition from a watch, the condition defaults to `always`. When a condition is evaluated, it has full access to the watch execution context, including the watch payload (`ctx.payload.*`). The <<condition-script, script>>, <<condition-compare, compare>> and <<condition-array-compare, array_compare>> conditions can use the payload data to determine whether or not the necessary conditions are met. In addition to the watch wide condition, you can also configure conditions per <<action-conditions, action>>. include::condition/always.asciidoc[] include::condition/never.asciidoc[] include::condition/compare.asciidoc[] include::condition/array-compare.asciidoc[] include::condition/script.asciidoc[]