[discrete] [[breaking_70_java_changes]] === Java API changes //NOTE: The notable-breaking-changes tagged regions are re-used in the //Installation and Upgrade Guide //tag::notable-breaking-changes[] // end::notable-breaking-changes[] [discrete] [[isshardsacked-removed]] ==== `isShardsAcked` deprecated in `6.2` has been removed `isShardsAcked` has been replaced by `isShardsAcknowledged` in `CreateIndexResponse`, `RolloverResponse` and `CreateIndexClusterStateUpdateResponse`. [discrete] [[prepareexecute-removed-client-api]] ==== `prepareExecute` removed from the client api The `prepareExecute` method which created a request builder has been removed from the client api. Instead, construct a builder for the appropriate request directly. [discrete] ==== Some Aggregation classes have moved packages * All classes present in `org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.metrics.*` packages were moved to a single `org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.metrics` package. * All classes present in `org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.pipeline.*` packages were moved to a single `org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.pipeline` package. In addition, `org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.pipeline.PipelineAggregationBuilders` was moved to `org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.PipelineAggregationBuilders` [discrete] [[retry-withbackoff-methods-removed]] ==== `Retry.withBackoff` methods with `Settings` removed The variants of `Retry.withBackoff` that included `Settings` have been removed because `Settings` is no longer needed. [discrete] [[client-termvector-removed]] ==== Deprecated method `Client#termVector` removed The client method `termVector`, deprecated in 2.0, has been removed. The method `termVectors` (plural) should be used instead. [discrete] [[abstractlifecyclecomponent-constructor-removed]] ==== Deprecated constructor `AbstractLifecycleComponent(Settings settings)` removed The constructor `AbstractLifecycleComponent(Settings settings)`, deprecated in 6.7 has been removed. The parameterless constructor should be used instead. [discrete] ==== Changes to Geometry classes Geometry classes used to represent geo values in SQL have been moved from the `org.elasticsearch.geo.geometry` package to the `org.elasticsearch.geometry` package and the order of the constructor parameters has changed from `lat`, `lon` to `lon`, `lat`.