[[null-value]] === `null_value` A `null` value cannot be indexed or searched. When a field is set to `null`, (or an empty array or an array of `null` values) it is treated as though that field has no values. The `null_value` parameter allows you to replace explicit `null` values with the specified value so that it can be indexed and searched. For instance: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- PUT my_index?include_type_name=true { "mappings": { "_doc": { "properties": { "status_code": { "type": "keyword", "null_value": "NULL" <1> } } } } } PUT my_index/_doc/1 { "status_code": null } PUT my_index/_doc/2 { "status_code": [] <2> } GET my_index/_search { "query": { "term": { "status_code": "NULL" <3> } } } -------------------------------------------------- // CONSOLE <1> Replace explicit `null` values with the term `NULL`. <2> An empty array does not contain an explicit `null`, and so won't be replaced with the `null_value`. <3> A query for `NULL` returns document 1, but not document 2. IMPORTANT: The `null_value` needs to be the same datatype as the field. For instance, a `long` field cannot have a string `null_value`. NOTE: The `null_value` only influences how data is indexed, it doesn't modify the `_source` document.