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synced 2025-03-09 14:34:43 +00:00
Refactored a part out of the release script, so the user can change the version locally as well as move the documentation and change the Version.java The background of this change is to have a very simple release process that puts stuff into a staging environment, so the beta release can be tested, before it is officially released. This means the build_release script can be removed soon.
187 lines
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187 lines
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# Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
# license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright
# ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
# the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on
# either express or implied. See the License for the specific
# language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
# Prepare a release
# This script prepares a new release by creating two commits
# First commit: Update the Version.java to remove the snapshot bit
# First commit: Remove the -SNAPSHOT suffix in all pom.xml files
# Second commit: Update Documentation flags
# python3 ./dev-tools/prepare-release.py
# Note: Ensure the script is run from the root directory
import fnmatch
import subprocess
import tempfile
import re
import os
import shutil
VERSION_FILE = 'core/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/Version.java'
POM_FILE = 'pom.xml'
def run(command):
if os.system('%s' % (command)):
raise RuntimeError(' FAILED: %s' % (command))
def ensure_checkout_is_clean():
# Make sure no local mods:
s = subprocess.check_output('git diff --shortstat', shell=True)
if len(s) > 0:
raise RuntimeError('git diff --shortstat is non-empty: got:\n%s' % s)
# Make sure no untracked files:
s = subprocess.check_output('git status', shell=True).decode('utf-8', errors='replace')
if 'Untracked files:' in s:
raise RuntimeError('git status shows untracked files: got:\n%s' % s)
# Make sure we have all changes from origin:
if 'is behind' in s:
raise RuntimeError('git status shows not all changes pulled from origin; try running "git pull origin" in this branch: got:\n%s' % (s))
# Make sure we no local unpushed changes (this is supposed to be a clean area):
if 'is ahead' in s:
raise RuntimeError('git status shows local commits; try running "git fetch origin", "git checkout ", "git reset --hard origin/" in this branch: got:\n%s' % (s))
# Reads the given file and applies the
# callback to it. If the callback changed
# a line the given file is replaced with
# the modified input.
def process_file(file_path, line_callback):
fh, abs_path = tempfile.mkstemp()
modified = False
with open(abs_path,'w', encoding='utf-8') as new_file:
with open(file_path, encoding='utf-8') as old_file:
for line in old_file:
new_line = line_callback(line)
modified = modified or (new_line != line)
if modified:
#Remove original file
#Move new file
shutil.move(abs_path, file_path)
return True
# nothing to do - just remove the tmp file
return False
# Moves the pom.xml file from a snapshot to a release
def remove_maven_snapshot(poms, release):
for pom in poms:
if pom:
#print('Replacing SNAPSHOT version in file %s' % (pom))
pattern = '<version>%s-SNAPSHOT</version>' % (release)
replacement = '<version>%s</version>' % (release)
def callback(line):
return line.replace(pattern, replacement)
process_file(pom, callback)
# Moves the Version.java file from a snapshot to a release
def remove_version_snapshot(version_file, release):
# 1.0.0.Beta1 -> 1_0_0_Beta1
release = release.replace('.', '_')
release = release.replace('-', '_')
pattern = 'new Version(V_%s_ID, true' % (release)
replacement = 'new Version(V_%s_ID, false' % (release)
def callback(line):
return line.replace(pattern, replacement)
processed = process_file(version_file, callback)
if not processed:
raise RuntimeError('failed to remove snapshot version for %s' % (release))
# finds all the pom files that do have a -SNAPSHOT version
def find_pom_files_with_snapshots():
files = subprocess.check_output('find . -name pom.xml -exec grep -l "<version>.*-SNAPSHOT</version>" {} ";"', shell=True)
return files.decode('utf-8').split('\n')
# Checks the pom.xml for the release version.
# This method fails if the pom file has no SNAPSHOT version set ie.
# if the version is already on a release version we fail.
# Returns the next version string ie. 0.90.7
def find_release_version():
with open('pom.xml', encoding='utf-8') as file:
for line in file:
match = re.search(r'<version>(.+)-SNAPSHOT</version>', line)
if match:
return match.group(1)
raise RuntimeError('Could not find release version in branch')
# Stages the given files for the next git commit
def add_pending_files(*files):
for file in files:
if file:
# print("Adding file: %s" % (file))
run('git add %s' % (file))
# Executes a git commit with 'release [version]' as the commit message
def commit_release(release):
run('git commit -m "Release: Change version from %s-SNAPSHOT to %s"' % (release, release))
def commit_feature_flags(release):
run('git commit -m "Update Documentation Feature Flags [%s]"' % release)
# Walks the given directory path (defaults to 'docs')
# and replaces all 'coming[$version]' tags with
# 'added[$version]'. This method only accesses asciidoc files.
def update_reference_docs(release_version, path='docs'):
pattern = 'coming[%s' % (release_version)
replacement = 'added[%s' % (release_version)
pending_files = []
def callback(line):
return line.replace(pattern, replacement)
for root, _, file_names in os.walk(path):
for file_name in fnmatch.filter(file_names, '*.asciidoc'):
full_path = os.path.join(root, file_name)
if process_file(full_path, callback):
pending_files.append(os.path.join(root, file_name))
return pending_files
if __name__ == "__main__":
release_version = find_release_version()
print('*** Preparing release version: [%s]' % release_version)
pom_files = find_pom_files_with_snapshots()
remove_maven_snapshot(pom_files, release_version)
remove_version_snapshot(VERSION_FILE, release_version)
pending_files = pom_files
add_pending_files(*pending_files) # expects var args use * to expand
pending_files = update_reference_docs(release_version)
# split commits for docs and version to enable easy cherry-picking
if pending_files:
add_pending_files(*pending_files) # expects var args use * to expand
print('WARNING: no documentation references updates for release %s' % (release_version))
print('*** Done removing snapshot version. Run git push manually.')