We currently special-case SynonymFilterFactory and SynonymGraphFilterFactory, which need to
know their predecessors in the analysis chain in order to correctly analyze their synonym lists. This
special-casing doesn't work with Referring filter factories, such as the Multiplexer or Conditional
filters. We also have a number of filters (eg the Multiplexer) that will break synonyms when they
appear before them in a chain, because they produce multiple tokens at the same position.
This commit adds two methods to the TokenFilterFactory interface.
* `getChainAwareTokenFilterFactory()` allows a filter factory to rewrite itself against its preceding
filter chain, or to resolve references to other filters. It replaces `ReferringFilterFactory` and
`CustomAnalyzerProvider.checkAndApplySynonymFilter`, and by default returns `this`.
* `getSynonymFilter()` defines whether or not a filter should be applied when building a synonym
list `Analyzer`. By default it returns `true`.