Clinton Gormley ff4a2519f2 Update experimental labels in the docs ()

Removed experimental label from:
* Painless
* Diversified Sampler Agg
* Sampler Agg
* Significant Terms Agg
* Terms Agg document count error and execution_hint
* Cardinality Agg precision_threshold
* Pipeline Aggregations
* index.shard.check_on_startup
* (added warning)
* Preloading data into the file system cache
* foreach ingest processor
* Field caps API
* Profile API

Added experimental label to:
* Moving Average Agg Prediction

Changed experimental to beta for:
* Adjacency matrix agg
* Normalizers
* Tasks API
* Index sorting

Labelled experimental in Lucene:
* ICU plugin custom rules file
* Flatten graph token filter
* Synonym graph token filter
* Word delimiter graph token filter
* Simple pattern tokenizer
* Simple pattern split tokenizer

Replaced experimental label with warning that details may change in the future:
* Analysis explain output format
* Segments verbose output format
* Percentile Agg compression and HDR Histogram
* Percentile Rank Agg HDR Histogram
2017-07-18 14:06:22 +02:00
2017-05-29 13:58:31 +02:00