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synced 2025-03-03 17:39:15 +00:00
This change adds a docker compose configuration that's used with the `elasticsearch.test.fixtures` plugin to start up the image and check that the TCP ports are up. We can build on this to add other checks for culster health, run REST tests, etc. We can add multiple containers and configurations to the compose file (e.x. test different env vars) and form clusters.
121 lines
3.6 KiB
121 lines
3.6 KiB
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.BuildPlugin
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.LoggedExec
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.MavenFilteringHack
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.VersionProperties
apply plugin: 'base'
apply plugin: 'elasticsearch.test.fixtures'
configurations {
dependencies {
dockerSource project(path: ":distribution:archives:tar")
ossDockerSource project(path: ":distribution:archives:oss-tar")
ext.expansions = { oss ->
return [
'elasticsearch' : oss ? "elasticsearch-oss-${VersionProperties.elasticsearch}.tar.gz" : "elasticsearch-${VersionProperties.elasticsearch}.tar.gz",
'jdkUrl' : 'https://download.java.net/java/GA/jdk11/9/GPL/openjdk-11.0.2_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz',
'jdkVersion' : '11.0.2',
'license': oss ? 'Apache-2.0' : 'Elastic License',
'version' : VersionProperties.elasticsearch
private static String files(final boolean oss) {
return "build/${ oss ? 'oss-' : ''}docker"
private static String taskName(final String prefix, final boolean oss, final String suffix) {
return "${prefix}${oss ? 'Oss' : ''}${suffix}"
void addCopyDockerContextTask(final boolean oss) {
task(taskName("copy", oss, "DockerContext"), type: Sync) {
into files(oss)
into('bin') {
from 'src/docker/bin'
into('config') {
from 'src/docker/config'
if (oss) {
from configurations.ossDockerSource
} else {
from configurations.dockerSource
from configurations.dockerPlugins
void addCopyDockerfileTask(final boolean oss) {
task(taskName("copy", oss, "Dockerfile"), type: Copy) {
inputs.properties(expansions(oss)) // ensure task is run when ext.expansions is changed
mustRunAfter(taskName("copy", oss, "DockerContext"))
into files(oss)
from('src/docker/Dockerfile') {
MavenFilteringHack.filter(it, expansions(oss))
preProcessFixture {
dependsOn taskName("copy", true, "DockerContext")
dependsOn taskName("copy", true, "Dockerfile")
dependsOn taskName("copy", false, "DockerContext")
dependsOn taskName("copy", false, "Dockerfile")
postProcessFixture.doLast {
println "docker default distro is on port: ${ext."test.fixtures.elasticsearch-default.tcp.9200"}, " +
"oss is on: ${ext."test.fixtures.elasticsearch-oss.tcp.9200"}"
// TODO: Add some actual tests, this will just check that the TPC port in the container is up
check.dependsOn postProcessFixture
void addBuildDockerImage(final boolean oss) {
final Task buildDockerImageTask = task(taskName("build", oss, "DockerImage"), type: LoggedExec) {
dependsOn taskName("copy", oss, "DockerContext")
dependsOn taskName("copy", oss, "Dockerfile")
List<String> tags
if (oss) {
tags = [ "docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-oss:${VersionProperties.elasticsearch}" ]
} else {
tags = [
executable 'docker'
final List<String> dockerArgs = ['build', files(oss), '--pull', '--no-cache']
for (final String tag : tags) {
args dockerArgs.toArray()
for (final boolean oss : [false, true]) {
assemble.dependsOn "buildOssDockerImage"
assemble.dependsOn "buildDockerImage"