mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 14:34:43 +00:00
Today our systemd service defaults to a service type of simple. This means that systemd assumes Elasticsearch is ready as soon as the ExecStart (bin/elasticsearch) process is forked off. This means that the service appears ready long before it actually is, so before it is ready to receive requests. It also means that services that want to depend on Elasticsearch being ready to start can not as there is not a reliable mechanism to determine this. This commit changes the service type to notify. This requires that Elasticsearch sends a notification message via libsystemd sd_notify method. This commit does that by using JNA to invoke this native method. Additionally, we use this integration to also notify systemd when we are stopping.
608 lines
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608 lines
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* Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
* the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import org.apache.tools.ant.filters.FixCrLfFilter
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.ConcatFilesTask
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.MavenFilteringHack
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.NoticeTask
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.VersionProperties
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.test.RunTask
import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.Path
* Third party dependencies report *
// Concatenates the dependencies CSV files into a single file
task generateDependenciesReport(type: ConcatFilesTask) {
files = fileTree(dir: project.rootDir, include: '**/dependencies.csv' )
headerLine = "name,version,url,license"
target = new File(System.getProperty('csv')?: "${project.buildDir}/reports/dependencies/es-dependencies.csv")
* Notice file *
// integ test zip only uses server, so a different notice file is needed there
task buildServerNotice(type: NoticeTask) {
licensesDir new File(project(':server').projectDir, 'licenses')
// other distributions include notices from modules as well, which are added below later
task buildDefaultNotice(type: NoticeTask) {
licensesDir new File(project(':server').projectDir, 'licenses')
licensesDir new File(project(':distribution').projectDir, 'licenses')
task buildOssNotice(type: NoticeTask) {
licensesDir new File(project(':server').projectDir, 'licenses')
licensesDir new File(project(':distribution').projectDir, 'licenses')
task buildDefaultNoJdkNotice(type: NoticeTask) {
licensesDir new File(project(':server').projectDir, 'licenses')
task buildOssNoJdkNotice(type: NoticeTask) {
licensesDir new File(project(':server').projectDir, 'licenses')
* Modules *
String ossOutputs = 'build/outputs/oss'
String defaultOutputs = 'build/outputs/default'
String systemdOutputs = 'build/outputs/systemd'
String transportOutputs = 'build/outputs/transport-only'
task processOssOutputs(type: Sync) {
into ossOutputs
task processDefaultOutputs(type: Sync) {
into defaultOutputs
from processOssOutputs
task processSystemdOutputs(type: Sync) {
into systemdOutputs
// Integ tests work over the rest http layer, so we need a transport included with the integ test zip.
// All transport modules are included so that they may be randomized for testing
task processTransportOutputs(type: Sync) {
into transportOutputs
// these are dummy tasks that can be used to depend on the relevant sub output dir
task buildOssModules {
dependsOn processOssOutputs
outputs.dir "${ossOutputs}/modules"
task buildOssBin {
dependsOn processOssOutputs
outputs.dir "${ossOutputs}/bin"
task buildOssConfig {
dependsOn processOssOutputs
outputs.dir "${ossOutputs}/config"
task buildDefaultModules {
dependsOn processDefaultOutputs
outputs.dir "${defaultOutputs}/modules"
task buildDefaultBin {
dependsOn processDefaultOutputs
outputs.dir "${defaultOutputs}/bin"
task buildDefaultConfig {
dependsOn processDefaultOutputs
outputs.dir "${defaultOutputs}/config"
task buildSystemdModule {
dependsOn processSystemdOutputs
outputs.dir "${systemdOutputs}/modules"
task buildTransportModules {
dependsOn processTransportOutputs
outputs.dir "${transportOutputs}/modules"
void copyModule(Sync copyTask, Project module) {
copyTask.configure {
dependsOn "${module.path}:bundlePlugin"
from({ zipTree(module.bundlePlugin.outputs.files.singleFile) }) {
includeEmptyDirs false
// these are handled separately in the log4j config tasks below
exclude '*/config/log4j2.properties'
exclude 'config/log4j2.properties'
eachFile { details ->
String name = module.plugins.hasPlugin('elasticsearch.esplugin') ? module.esplugin.name : module.es_meta_plugin.name
// Copy all non config/bin files
// Note these might be unde a subdirectory in the case of a meta plugin
if ((details.relativePath.pathString ==~ /([^\/]+\/)?(config|bin)\/.*/) == false) {
details.relativePath = details.relativePath.prepend('modules', name)
} else if ((details.relativePath.pathString ==~ /([^\/]+\/)(config|bin)\/.*/)) {
// this is the meta plugin case, in which we need to remove the intermediate dir
String[] segments = details.relativePath.segments
details.relativePath = new RelativePath(true, segments.takeRight(segments.length - 1))
// log4j config could be contained in modules, so we must join it together using these tasks
task buildOssLog4jConfig {
dependsOn processOssOutputs
ext.contents = []
ext.log4jFile = file("${ossOutputs}/log4j2.properties")
outputs.file log4jFile
task buildDefaultLog4jConfig {
dependsOn processDefaultOutputs
ext.contents = []
ext.log4jFile = file("${defaultOutputs}/log4j2.properties")
outputs.file log4jFile
Closure writeLog4jProperties = {
String mainLog4jProperties = file('src/config/log4j2.properties').getText('UTF-8')
it.log4jFile.setText(mainLog4jProperties, 'UTF-8')
for (String moduleLog4jProperties : it.contents.reverse()) {
it.log4jFile.append(moduleLog4jProperties, 'UTF-8')
// copy log4j2.properties from modules that have it
void copyLog4jProperties(Task buildTask, Project module) {
buildTask.dependsOn "${module.path}:bundlePlugin"
buildTask.doFirst {
FileTree tree = zipTree(module.bundlePlugin.outputs.files.singleFile)
FileTree filtered = tree.matching {
include 'config/log4j2.properties'
include '*/config/log4j2.properties' // could be in a bundled plugin
if (filtered.isEmpty() == false) {
buildTask.contents.add('\n\n' + filtered.singleFile.getText('UTF-8'))
ext.restTestExpansions = [
'expected.modules.count': 0,
// we create the buildOssModules task above but fill it here so we can do a single
// loop over modules to also setup cross task dependencies and increment our modules counter
project.rootProject.subprojects.findAll { it.parent.path == ':modules' }.each { Project module ->
if (module.name == 'systemd') {
// the systemd module is only included in the package distributions
File licenses = new File(module.projectDir, 'licenses')
if (licenses.exists()) {
buildDefaultNotice.licensesDir licenses
buildOssNotice.licensesDir licenses
copyModule(processOssOutputs, module)
if (module.name.startsWith('transport-')) {
copyModule(processTransportOutputs, module)
copyLog4jProperties(buildOssLog4jConfig, module)
copyLog4jProperties(buildDefaultLog4jConfig, module)
// make sure the module's integration tests run after the integ-test-zip (ie rest tests)
restTestExpansions['expected.modules.count'] += 1
// use licenses from each of the bundled xpack plugins
Project xpack = project(':x-pack:plugin')
xpack.subprojects.findAll { it.parent == xpack }.each { Project xpackModule ->
File licenses = new File(xpackModule.projectDir, 'licenses')
if (licenses.exists()) {
buildDefaultNotice.licensesDir licenses
copyModule(processDefaultOutputs, xpackModule)
copyLog4jProperties(buildDefaultLog4jConfig, xpackModule)
copyModule(processSystemdOutputs, project(':modules:systemd'))
// make sure we have a clean task since we aren't a java project, but we have tasks that
// put stuff in the build dir
task clean(type: Delete) {
delete 'build'
configure(subprojects.findAll { ['archives', 'packages'].contains(it.name) }) {
apply plugin: 'elasticsearch.jdk-download'
// TODO: the map needs to be an input of the tasks, so that when it changes, the task will re-run...
* Properties to expand when copying packaging files *
project.ext {
* Common files in all distributions *
libFiles = { oss ->
copySpec {
// delay by using closures, since they have not yet been configured, so no jar task exists yet
from { project(':server').jar }
from { project(':server').configurations.runtime }
from { project(':libs:elasticsearch-plugin-classloader').jar }
from { project(':distribution:tools:java-version-checker').jar }
from { project(':distribution:tools:launchers').jar }
into('tools/plugin-cli') {
from { project(':distribution:tools:plugin-cli').jar }
from { project(':distribution:tools:plugin-cli').configurations.runtime }
if (oss == false) {
into('tools/security-cli') {
from { project(':x-pack:plugin:security:cli').jar }
from { project(':x-pack:plugin:security:cli').configurations.compile }
modulesFiles = { oss, platform ->
copySpec {
eachFile {
if (it.relativePath.segments[-2] == 'bin') {
// bin files, wherever they are within modules (eg platform specific) should be executable
it.mode = 0755
} else {
it.mode = 0644
Task buildModules
if (oss) {
buildModules = project(':distribution').buildOssModules
} else {
buildModules = project(':distribution').buildDefaultModules
List excludePlatforms = ['linux', 'windows', 'darwin']
if (platform != null) {
} else {
excludePlatforms = []
from(buildModules) {
for (String excludePlatform : excludePlatforms) {
exclude "**/platform/${excludePlatform}-x86_64/**"
if (project.path.startsWith(':distribution:packages')) {
transportModulesFiles = copySpec {
from project(':distribution').buildTransportModules
configFiles = { distributionType, oss, jdk ->
copySpec {
with copySpec {
// main config files, processed with distribution specific substitutions
from '../src/config'
exclude 'log4j2.properties' // this is handled separately below
MavenFilteringHack.filter(it, expansionsForDistribution(distributionType, oss, jdk))
if (oss) {
from project(':distribution').buildOssLog4jConfig
from project(':distribution').buildOssConfig
} else {
from project(':distribution').buildDefaultLog4jConfig
from project(':distribution').buildDefaultConfig
binFiles = { distributionType, oss, jdk ->
copySpec {
// non-windows files, for all distributions
with copySpec {
from '../src/bin'
exclude '*.exe'
exclude '*.bat'
eachFile { it.setMode(0755) }
MavenFilteringHack.filter(it, expansionsForDistribution(distributionType, oss, jdk))
// windows files, only for zip
if (distributionType == 'zip') {
with copySpec {
from '../src/bin'
include '*.bat'
filter(FixCrLfFilter, eol: FixCrLfFilter.CrLf.newInstance('crlf'))
MavenFilteringHack.filter(it, expansionsForDistribution(distributionType, oss, jdk))
with copySpec {
from '../src/bin'
include '*.exe'
// module provided bin files
with copySpec {
eachFile { it.setMode(0755) }
if (oss) {
from project(':distribution').buildOssBin
} else {
from project(':distribution').buildDefaultBin
if (distributionType != 'zip') {
exclude '*.bat'
noticeFile = { oss, jdk ->
copySpec {
if (project.name == 'integ-test-zip') {
from buildServerNotice
} else {
if (oss && jdk) {
from buildOssNotice
} else if (oss) {
from buildOssNoJdkNotice
} else if (jdk) {
from buildDefaultNotice
} else {
from buildDefaultNoJdkNotice
jdkFiles = { project, platform ->
project.jdks {
"bundled_${platform}" {
it.platform = platform
it.version = VersionProperties.bundledJdk
return copySpec {
from project.jdks."bundled_${platform}"
eachFile { FileCopyDetails details ->
if (details.relativePath.segments[-2] == 'bin' || details.relativePath.segments[-1] == 'jspawnhelper') {
details.mode = 0755
if (details.name == 'src.zip') {
task run(type: RunTask) {
distribution = System.getProperty('run.distribution', 'default')
if (distribution == 'default') {
String licenseType = System.getProperty("run.license_type", "basic")
if (licenseType == 'trial') {
setting 'xpack.ml.enabled', 'true'
setting 'xpack.graph.enabled', 'true'
setting 'xpack.watcher.enabled', 'true'
setting 'xpack.license.self_generated.type', 'trial'
} else if (licenseType != 'basic') {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported self-generated license type: [" + licenseType + "[basic] or [trial].")
setupCommand 'setupTestAdmin',
'bin/elasticsearch-users', 'useradd', 'elastic-admin', '-p', 'elastic-password', '-r', 'superuser'
setting 'xpack.security.enabled', 'true'
setting 'xpack.monitoring.enabled', 'true'
setting 'xpack.sql.enabled', 'true'
setting 'xpack.rollup.enabled', 'true'
keystoreSetting 'bootstrap.password', 'password'
* Build some variables that are replaced in the packages. This includes both
* scripts like bin/elasticsearch and bin/elasticsearch-plugin that a user might run and also
* scripts like postinst which are run as part of the installation.
* <dl>
* <dt>package.name</dt>
* <dd>The name of the project. Its sprinkled throughout the scripts.</dd>
* <dt>package.version</dt>
* <dd>The version of the project. Its mostly used to find the exact jar name.
* </dt>
* <dt>path.conf</dt>
* <dd>The default directory from which to load configuration. This is used in
* the packaging scripts, but in that context it is always
* /etc/elasticsearch. Its also used in bin/elasticsearch-plugin, where it is
* /etc/elasticsearch for the os packages but $ESHOME/config otherwise.</dd>
* <dt>path.env</dt>
* <dd>The env file sourced before bin/elasticsearch to set environment
* variables. Think /etc/defaults/elasticsearch.</dd>
* <dt>heap.min and heap.max</dt>
* <dd>Default min and max heap</dd>
* <dt>scripts.footer</dt>
* <dd>Footer appended to control scripts embedded in the distribution that is
* (almost) entirely there for cosmetic reasons.</dd>
* <dt>stopping.timeout</dt>
* <dd>RPM's init script needs to wait for elasticsearch to stop before
* returning from stop and it needs a maximum time to wait. This is it. One
* day. DEB retries forever.</dd>
* </dl>
subprojects {
ext.expansionsForDistribution = { distributionType, oss, jdk ->
final String defaultHeapSize = "1g"
final String packagingPathData = "path.data: /var/lib/elasticsearch"
final String pathLogs = "/var/log/elasticsearch"
final String packagingPathLogs = "path.logs: ${pathLogs}"
final String packagingLoggc = "${pathLogs}/gc.log"
String licenseText
if (oss) {
licenseText = rootProject.file('licenses/APACHE-LICENSE-2.0.txt').getText('UTF-8')
} else {
licenseText = rootProject.file('licenses/ELASTIC-LICENSE.txt').getText('UTF-8')
// license text needs to be indented with a single space
licenseText = ' ' + licenseText.replace('\n', '\n ')
String footer = "# Built for ${project.name}-${project.version} " +
Map<String, Object> expansions = [
'project.name': project.name,
'project.version': version,
'path.conf': [
'deb': '/etc/elasticsearch',
'rpm': '/etc/elasticsearch',
'def': '"$ES_HOME"/config'
'path.data': [
'deb': packagingPathData,
'rpm': packagingPathData,
'def': '#path.data: /path/to/data'
'path.env': [
'deb': '/etc/default/elasticsearch',
'rpm': '/etc/sysconfig/elasticsearch',
/* There isn't one of these files for tar or zip but its important to
make an empty string here so the script can properly skip it. */
'def': 'if [ -z "$ES_PATH_CONF" ]; then ES_PATH_CONF="$ES_HOME"/config; done',
'source.path.env': [
'deb': 'source /etc/default/elasticsearch',
'rpm': 'source /etc/sysconfig/elasticsearch',
'def': 'if [ -z "$ES_PATH_CONF" ]; then ES_PATH_CONF="$ES_HOME"/config; fi',
'path.logs': [
'deb': packagingPathLogs,
'rpm': packagingPathLogs,
'def': '#path.logs: /path/to/logs'
'loggc': [
'deb': packagingLoggc,
'rpm': packagingLoggc,
'def': 'logs/gc.log'
'heap.min': defaultHeapSize,
'heap.max': defaultHeapSize,
'heap.dump.path': [
'deb': "-XX:HeapDumpPath=/var/lib/elasticsearch",
'rpm': "-XX:HeapDumpPath=/var/lib/elasticsearch",
'def': "-XX:HeapDumpPath=data"
'error.file': [
'deb': "-XX:ErrorFile=/var/log/elasticsearch/hs_err_pid%p.log",
'rpm': "-XX:ErrorFile=/var/log/elasticsearch/hs_err_pid%p.log",
'def': "-XX:ErrorFile=logs/hs_err_pid%p.log"
'stopping.timeout': [
'rpm': 86400,
'scripts.footer': [
/* Debian needs exit 0 on these scripts so we add it here and preserve
the pretty footer. */
'deb': "exit 0\n${footer}",
'def': footer
'es.distribution.flavor': [
'def': oss ? 'oss' : 'default'
'es.distribution.type': [
'deb': 'deb',
'rpm': 'rpm',
'tar': 'tar',
'zip': 'zip'
'es.bundled_jdk': [
'def': jdk ? 'true' : 'false'
'license.name': [
'deb': oss ? 'ASL-2.0' : 'Elastic-License'
'license.text': [
'deb': licenseText,
Map<String, String> result = [:]
expansions = expansions.each { key, value ->
if (value instanceof Map) {
// 'def' is for default but its three characters like 'rpm' and 'deb'
value = value[distributionType] ?: value['def']
if (value == null) {
result[key] = value
return result
ext.assertLinesInFile = { Path path, List<String> expectedLines ->
final List<String> actualLines = Files.readAllLines(path)
int line = 0
for (final String expectedLine : expectedLines) {
final String actualLine = actualLines.get(line)
if (expectedLine != actualLine) {
throw new GradleException("expected line [${line + 1}] in [${path}] to be [${expectedLine}] but was [${actualLine}]")
'archives:linux-tar', 'archives:oss-linux-tar',
'packages:rpm', 'packages:deb',
'packages:oss-rpm', 'packages:oss-deb',
].forEach { subName ->
Project subproject = project("${project.path}:${subName}")
Configuration configuration = configurations.create(subproject.name)
dependencies {
"${configuration.name}" project(subproject.path)