Nik Everett e6b9f59e4e
Build: Shadow x-pack:protocol into x-pack:plugin:core (#32240)
This bundles the x-pack:protocol project into the x-pack:plugin:core
project because we'd like folks to consider it an implementation detail
of our build rather than a separate artifact to be managed and depended
on. It is now bundled into both x-pack:plugin:core and
client:rest-high-level. To make this work I had to fix a few things.

Firstly, I had to make PluginBuildPlugin work with the shadow plugin.
In that case we have to bundle only the `shadow` dependencies and the
shadow jar.

Secondly, every reference to x-pack:plugin:core has to use the `shadow`
configuration. Without that the reference is missing all of the
un-shadowed dependencies. I tried to make it so that applying the shadow
plugin automatically redefines the `default` configuration to mirror the
`shadow` configuration which would allow us to use bare project references
to the x-pack:plugin:core project but I couldn't make it work. It'd *look*
like it works but then fail for transitive dependencies anyway. I think
it is still a good thing to do but I don't have the willpower to do it

Finally, I had to fix an issue where Eclipse and IntelliJ didn't properly
reference shadowed transitive dependencies. Neither IDE supports shadowing
natively so they have to reference the shadowed projects. We fix this by
detecting `shadow` dependencies when in "Intellij mode" or "Eclipse mode"
and adding `runtime` dependencies to the same target. This convinces
IntelliJ and Eclipse to play nice.
2018-07-24 11:53:04 -04:00

160 lines
6.6 KiB

import org.elasticsearch.gradle.Version
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.test.NodeInfo
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.test.RestIntegTestTask
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
apply plugin: 'elasticsearch.standalone-test'
dependencies {
testCompile project(path: xpackModule('core'), configuration: 'shadow')
testCompile project(path: xpackModule('core'), configuration: 'testArtifacts') // to be moved in a later commit
// This is a top level task which we will add dependencies to below.
// It is a single task that can be used to backcompat tests against all versions.
task bwcTest {
description = 'Runs backwards compatibility tests.'
group = 'verification'
String outputDir = "${buildDir}/generated-resources/${}"
for (Version version : bwcVersions.wireCompatible) {
String baseName = "v${version}"
Task oldClusterTest = tasks.create(name: "${baseName}#oldClusterTest", type: RestIntegTestTask) {
configure(extensions.findByName("${baseName}#oldClusterTestCluster")) {
if (version.before('6.3.0')) {
mavenPlugin 'x-pack', "org.elasticsearch.plugin:x-pack:${version}"
bwcVersion = version
numBwcNodes = 3
numNodes = 3
minimumMasterNodes = { 3 }
clusterName = 'rolling-upgrade-basic'
setting '', 'false'
setting 'xpack.monitoring.enabled', 'false'
setting '', 'false'
setting 'xpack.watcher.enabled', 'false'
setting 'xpack.license.self_generated.type', 'basic'
Task oldClusterTestRunner = tasks.getByName("${baseName}#oldClusterTestRunner")
oldClusterTestRunner.configure {
systemProperty '', 'old_cluster'
Closure configureUpgradeCluster = {String name, Task lastRunner, int stopNode, Closure unicastSeed ->
configure(extensions.findByName("${baseName}#${name}")) {
dependsOn lastRunner, "${baseName}#oldClusterTestCluster#node${stopNode}.stop"
clusterName = 'rolling-upgrade-basic'
unicastTransportUri = { seedNode, node, ant -> unicastSeed() }
minimumMasterNodes = { 3 }
/* Override the data directory so the new node always gets the node we
* just stopped's data directory. */
dataDir = { nodeNumber -> oldClusterTest.nodes[stopNode].dataDir }
setting 'repositories.url.allowed_urls', 'http://snapshot.test*'
setting '', 'false'
setting 'xpack.monitoring.enabled', 'false'
setting '', 'false'
setting 'xpack.watcher.enabled', 'false'
setting 'xpack.license.self_generated.type', 'basic'
setting '', "upgraded-node-${stopNode}"
Task oneThirdUpgradedTest = tasks.create(name: "${baseName}#oneThirdUpgradedTest", type: RestIntegTestTask)
configureUpgradeCluster("oneThirdUpgradedTestCluster", oldClusterTestRunner, 0,
// Use all running nodes as seed nodes so there is no race between pinging and the tests
{ oldClusterTest.nodes.get(1).transportUri() + ',' + oldClusterTest.nodes.get(2).transportUri() })
Task oneThirdUpgradedTestRunner = tasks.getByName("${baseName}#oneThirdUpgradedTestRunner")
oneThirdUpgradedTestRunner.configure {
systemProperty '', 'mixed_cluster'
systemProperty 'tests.first_round', 'true'
finalizedBy "${baseName}#oldClusterTestCluster#node1.stop"
Task twoThirdsUpgradedTest = tasks.create(name: "${baseName}#twoThirdsUpgradedTest", type: RestIntegTestTask)
configureUpgradeCluster("twoThirdsUpgradedTestCluster", oneThirdUpgradedTestRunner, 1,
// Use all running nodes as seed nodes so there is no race between pinging and the tests
{ oldClusterTest.nodes.get(2).transportUri() + ',' + oneThirdUpgradedTest.nodes.get(0).transportUri() })
Task twoThirdsUpgradedTestRunner = tasks.getByName("${baseName}#twoThirdsUpgradedTestRunner")
twoThirdsUpgradedTestRunner.configure {
systemProperty '', 'mixed_cluster'
systemProperty 'tests.first_round', 'false'
finalizedBy "${baseName}#oldClusterTestCluster#node2.stop"
Task upgradedClusterTest = tasks.create(name: "${baseName}#upgradedClusterTest", type: RestIntegTestTask)
configureUpgradeCluster("upgradedClusterTestCluster", twoThirdsUpgradedTestRunner, 2,
// Use all running nodes as seed nodes so there is no race between pinging and the tests
{ oneThirdUpgradedTest.nodes.get(0).transportUri() + ',' + twoThirdsUpgradedTest.nodes.get(0).transportUri() })
Task upgradedClusterTestRunner = tasks.getByName("${baseName}#upgradedClusterTestRunner")
upgradedClusterTestRunner.configure {
systemProperty '', 'upgraded_cluster'
* Force stopping all the upgraded nodes after the test runner
* so they are alive during the test.
finalizedBy "${baseName}#oneThirdUpgradedTestCluster#stop"
finalizedBy "${baseName}#twoThirdsUpgradedTestCluster#stop"
Task versionBwcTest = tasks.create(name: "${baseName}#bwcTest") {
dependsOn = [upgradedClusterTest]
if (project.bwc_tests_enabled) {
test.enabled = false // no unit tests for rolling upgrades, only the rest integration test
// basic integ tests includes testing bwc against the most recent version
task integTest {
if (project.bwc_tests_enabled) {
for (final def version : bwcVersions.snapshotsWireCompatible) {
dependsOn "v${version}#bwcTest"
compileTestJava.options.compilerArgs << "-Xlint:-cast,-deprecation,-rawtypes,-try,-unchecked"
// copy x-pack plugin info so it is on the classpath and security manager has the right permissions
task copyXPackRestSpec(type: Copy) {
dependsOn(project.configurations.restSpec, 'processTestResources')
from project(xpackProject('plugin').path).sourceSets.test.resources
include 'rest-api-spec/api/**'
into project.sourceSets.test.output.resourcesDir
task copyXPackPluginProps(type: Copy) {
from project(xpackModule('core')).file('src/main/plugin-metadata')
from project(xpackModule('core')).tasks.pluginProperties
into outputDir
project.sourceSets.test.output.dir(outputDir, builtBy: copyXPackPluginProps)
repositories {
maven {
url ""
maven {
url ""