Ioannis Kakavas 7b021bf3fb
Run zulu8 fips CI with BCJSSE instead of SunJSSE ()
As we figured out in
Azul brings back a lot of changes from JDK 11 to their Zulu8 build
and this means that we can't run this with SunJSSE in FIPS 140 mode.

This change ensures that we configure Zulu8 JDK JVMs in FIPS 140
mode, using the bouncy castle JSSE FIPS provider, instead of the
SunJSSE one ( as we do for the rest of the java 8 JVMs )

2020-09-04 14:53:43 +03:00

86 lines
4.2 KiB

import org.elasticsearch.gradle.ExportElasticsearchBuildResourcesTask
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.testclusters.ElasticsearchCluster
// Common config when running with a FIPS-140 runtime JVM
if (BuildParams.inFipsJvm) {
allprojects {
File fipsResourcesDir = new File(project.buildDir, 'fips-resources')
boolean java8 = BuildParams.runtimeJavaVersion == JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
boolean zulu8 = java8 && BuildParams.runtimeJavaDetails.contains("Zulu")
File fipsSecurity;
File fipsPolicy;
if (java8) {
if (zulu8) {
//Azul brings many changes from JDK 11 to their Zulu8 so we can only use BCJSSE
fipsSecurity = new File(fipsResourcesDir, "")
fipsPolicy = new File(fipsResourcesDir, "fips_java_bcjsse_8.policy")
} else {
fipsSecurity = new File(fipsResourcesDir, "")
fipsPolicy = new File(fipsResourcesDir, "fips_java_sunjsse.policy")
} else {
fipsSecurity = new File(fipsResourcesDir, "")
fipsPolicy = new File(fipsResourcesDir, "fips_java_bcjsse_11.policy")
File fipsTrustStore = new File(fipsResourcesDir, 'cacerts.bcfks')
def bcFips = dependencies.create('org.bouncycastle:bc-fips:1.0.1')
def bcTlsFips = dependencies.create('org.bouncycastle:bctls-fips:1.0.9')
pluginManager.withPlugin('java') {
TaskProvider<ExportElasticsearchBuildResourcesTask> fipsResourcesTask = project.tasks.register('fipsResources', ExportElasticsearchBuildResourcesTask)
fipsResourcesTask.configure {
outputDir = fipsResourcesDir
copy 'cacerts.bcfks'
project.afterEvaluate {
def extraFipsJars = configurations.detachedConfiguration(bcFips, bcTlsFips)
// ensure that bouncycastle is on classpath for the all of test types, must happen in evaluateAfter since the rest tests explicitly
// set the class path to help maintain pure black box testing, and here we are adding to that classpath
tasks.withType(Test).configureEach { Test test ->
pluginManager.withPlugin("elasticsearch.testclusters") {
afterEvaluate {
// This afterEvaluate hooks is required to avoid deprecated configuration resolution
// This configuration can be removed once system modules are available
def extraFipsJars = configurations.detachedConfiguration(bcFips, bcTlsFips)
testClusters.all {
extraFipsJars.files.each {
extraJarFile it
testClusters.all {
extraConfigFile "", fipsSecurity
extraConfigFile "fips_java.policy", fipsPolicy
extraConfigFile "cacerts.bcfks", fipsTrustStore
systemProperty '', '=${ES_PATH_CONF}/'
systemProperty '', '=${ES_PATH_CONF}/fips_java.policy'
systemProperty '', '${ES_PATH_CONF}/cacerts.bcfks'
systemProperty '', 'password'
systemProperty '', 'password'
systemProperty '', 'BCFKS'
project.tasks.withType(Test).configureEach { Test task ->
task.systemProperty('', 'password')
task.systemProperty('', 'password')
task.systemProperty('', 'BCFKS')
// Using the key==value format to override default JVM security settings and policy
// see also:
task.systemProperty('', String.format(Locale.ROOT, "=%s", fipsSecurity))
task.systemProperty('', String.format(Locale.ROOT, "=%s", fipsPolicy))
task.systemProperty('', fipsTrustStore)