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synced 2025-03-25 09:28:27 +00:00
As part of the lang spec: separated identifiers into its own section, and cleaned up variables section.
143 lines
3.3 KiB
143 lines
3.3 KiB
=== Literals
Use literals to specify different types of values directly in a script.
==== Integers
Use integer literals to specify an integer value in decimal, octal, or hex
notation of the <<primitive-types, primitive types>> `int`, `long`, `float`,
or `double`. Use the following single letter designations to specify the
<<primitive-types, primitive type>>: `l` or `L` for `long`, `f` or `F` for
`float`, and `d` or `D` for `double`. If not specified, the type defaults to
`int`. Use `0` as a prefix to specify an integer literal as octal, and use
`0x` or `0X` as a prefix to specify an integer literal as hex.
INTEGER: '-'? ( '0' | [1-9] [0-9]* ) [lLfFdD]?;
OCTAL: '-'? '0' [0-7]+ [lL]?;
HEX: '-'? '0' [xX] [0-9a-fA-F]+ [lL]?;
* Integer literals.
<1> 0
<2> 0D
<3> 1234L
<4> -90f
<5> -022
<6> 0xF2A
<1> `int 0`
<2> `double 0.0`
<3> `long 1234`
<4> `float -90.0`
<5> `int -18` in octal
<6> `int 3882` in hex
==== Floats
Use floating point literals to specify a floating point value of the
<<primitive-types, primitive types>> `float` or `double`. Use the following
single letter designations to specify the <<primitive-types, primitive type>>:
`f` or `F` for `float` and `d` or `D` for `double`. If not specified, the type defaults
to `double`.
DECIMAL: '-'? ( '0' | [1-9] [0-9]* ) (DOT [0-9]+)? EXPONENT? [fFdD]?;
EXPONENT: ( [eE] [+\-]? [0-9]+ );
* Floating point literals.
<1> 0.0
<2> 1E6
<3> 0.977777
<4> -126.34
<5> 89.9F
<1> `double 0.0`
<2> `double 1000000.0` in exponent notation
<3> `double 0.977777`
<4> `double -126.34`
<5> `float 89.9`
==== Strings
Use string literals to specify <<string-type, String>> values with
either single-quotes or double-quotes. Use a `\"` token to include a
double-quote as part of a double-quoted string literal. Use a `\'` token to
include a single-quote as part of a single-quoted string literal. Use a `\\`
token to include a backslash as part of any string literal.
STRING: ( '"' ( '\\"' | '\\\\' | ~[\\"] )*? '"' )
| ( '\'' ( '\\\'' | '\\\\' | ~[\\'] )*? '\'' );
* String literals using single-quotes.
'single-quoted string literal'
'\'single-quoted with escaped single-quotes\' and backslash \\'
'single-quoted with non-escaped "double-quotes"'
* String literals using double-quotes.
"double-quoted string literal"
"\"double-quoted with escaped double-quotes\" and backslash: \\"
"double-quoted with non-escaped 'single-quotes'"
==== Characters
Use the <<painless-casting, casting operator>> to convert string literals or
<<string-type, String>> values into <<primitive-types, char>> values.
<<string-type, String>> values converted into
<<primitive-types, char>> values must be exactly one character in length
or an error will occur.
* Casting string literals into <<primitive-types, char>> values.
* Casting a <<string-type, String>> value into a <<primitive-types, char>> value.
String s = "s";
char c = (char)s;