jaymode 4f1aaa8882 [docs] change active-directory to active_directory
In the documentation reorgantization for Shield, the type of the active directory realm changed
and is not valid. Users are configuring Shield incorrectly and running into issues because of
this. This changes the realm type to the correct value.

Closes elastic/elasticsearch#291

Original commit: elastic/x-pack-elasticsearch@7f8b65eda7
2015-07-17 19:07:52 -04:00

410 lines
32 KiB

== Reference
=== Privileges
==== Cluster
`all`:: All cluster administration operations, like snapshotting, node shutdown/restart, settings update or rerouting
`monitor`:: All cluster read-ony operations, like cluster health & state, hot threads, node info, node & cluster
stats, snapshot/restore status, pending cluster tasks
`manage_shield`:: All Shield related operations (currently only exposing an API for clearing the realm caches)
==== Indices
`all`:: Any action on an index
`manage`:: All `monitor` privileges plus index administration (aliases, analyze, cache clear, close, delete, exists,
flush, mapping, open, optimize, refresh, settings, search shards, templates, validate, warmers)
`monitor`": All actions, that are required for monitoring and read-only (recovery, segments info, index stats & status)
`data_access`:: A shortcut of all of the below privileges
`crud`:: A shortcut of `read` and `write` privileges
`read`:: Read only access to actions (count, explain, get, exists, mget, get indexed scripts, more like this, multi
percolate/search/termvector), percolate, scroll, clear_scroll, search, suggest, tv)
`search`:: All of `suggest` and executing an arbitrary search request (including multi-search API)
`get`:: Allow to execute a GET request for a single document or multiple documents via the multi-get API
`suggest`:: Allow to execute the `_suggest` API
`index`:: Privilege to index and update documents
`create_index`:: Privilege to create an index. A create index request may contain aliases to be added to the index once
created. In that case the request requires `manage_aliases` privilege as well, on both the index and the aliases names.
`manage_aliases`:: Privilege to add and remove aliases, as well as retrieve aliases information. Note that in order
to add an alias to an existing index, the `manage_aliases` privilege is required on the existing index as well as on the
alias name
`delete`:: Privilege to delete documents (includes delete by query)
`write`:: Privilege to index, update, delete, delete by query and bulk operations on documents, in addition to delete
and put indexed scripts
==== Action level privileges
Although rarely needed, it is also possible to define privileges on specific actions that are available in
Elasticsearch. This only applies to publicly available indices and cluster actions.
===== Cluster actions privileges
* `cluster:admin/nodes/restart`
* `cluster:admin/nodes/shutdown`
* `cluster:admin/repository/delete`
* `cluster:admin/repository/get`
* `cluster:admin/repository/put`
* `cluster:admin/repository/verify`
* `cluster:admin/reroute`
* `cluster:admin/settings/update`
* `cluster:admin/snapshot/create`
* `cluster:admin/snapshot/delete`
* `cluster:admin/snapshot/get`
* `cluster:admin/snapshot/restore`
* `cluster:admin/snapshot/status`
* `cluster:admin/plugin/license/get`
* `cluster:admin/plugin/license/delete`
* `cluster:admin/plugin/license/put`
* `cluster:admin/indices/scroll/clear_all`
* `cluster:admin/analyze`
* `cluster:admin/shield/realm/cache/clear`
* `cluster:monitor/health`
* `cluster:monitor/nodes/hot_threads`
* `cluster:monitor/nodes/info`
* `cluster:monitor/nodes/stats`
* `cluster:monitor/state`
* `cluster:monitor/stats`
* `cluster:monitor/task`
* `indices:admin/template/delete`
* `indices:admin/template/get`
* `indices:admin/template/put`
NOTE: While indices template actions typically relate to indices, they are categorized under cluster actions to avoid
potential security leaks (e.g. having one user define a template that may match another user's index and then be
===== Indices actions privileges
* `indices:admin/aliases`
* `indices:admin/aliases/exists`
* `indices:admin/aliases/get`
* `indices:admin/analyze`
* `indices:admin/cache/clear`
* `indices:admin/close`
* `indices:admin/create`
* `indices:admin/delete`
* `indices:admin/exists`
* `indices:admin/flush`
* `indices:admin/get`
* `indices:admin/mapping/delete`
* `indices:admin/mapping/put`
* `indices:admin/mappings/fields/get`
* `indices:admin/mappings/get`
* `indices:admin/open`
* `indices:admin/optimize`
* `indices:admin/refresh`
* `indices:admin/settings/update`
* `indices:admin/shards/search_shards`
* `indices:admin/types/exists`
* `indices:admin/validate/query`
* `indices:admin/warmers/delete`
* `indices:admin/warmers/get`
* `indices:admin/warmers/put`
* `indices:monitor/recovery`
* `indices:monitor/segments`
* `indices:monitor/settings/get`
* `indices:monitor/stats`
* `indices:monitor/status`
* `indices:data/read/count`
* `indices:data/read/exists`
* `indices:data/read/explain`
* `indices:data/read/get`
* `indices:data/read/mget`
* `indices:data/read/mlt`
* `indices:data/read/mpercolate`
* `indices:data/read/msearch`
* `indices:data/read/mtv`
* `indices:data/read/percolate`
* `indices:data/read/script/get`
* `indices:data/read/scroll`
* `indices:data/read/scroll/clear`
* `indices:data/read/search`
* `indices:data/read/suggest`
* `indices:data/read/tv`
* `indices:data/write/bulk`
* `indices:data/write/delete`
* `indices:data/write/delete/by_query`
* `indices:data/write/index`
* `indices:data/write/script/delete`
* `indices:data/write/script/put`
* `indices:data/write/update`
=== Shield Settings
The parameters listed in this section are configured in the `config/elasticsearch.yml` configuration file.
.Shield Message Authentication Settings
| Name | Default | Description
| `shield.system_key.file` |`ES_HOME/config/shield/system_key` | Sets the location of the `system_key` file. For more information, see <<enable-message-authentication,Enabling Message Authentication>>.
.Shield Anonymous Access Settings added[1.1.0]
| Name | Default | Description
| `shield.authc.anonymous.username` | `_es_anonymous_user` | The username/principal of the anonymous user (this setting is optional)
| `shield.authc.anonymous.roles` | - | The roles that will be associated with the anonymous user. This setting must be set to enable anonymous access.
| `shield.authc.anonymous.authz_exception` | `true` | When `true`, a HTTP 403 response will be returned when the anonymous user does not have the appropriate permissions for the requested action. The user will not be prompted to provide credentials to access the requested resource. When set to `false`, a HTTP 401 will be returned allowing for credentials to be provided for a user with the appropriate permissions.
==== Realm Settings
All realms are configured under the `shield.authc.realms` settings, keyed by their names as follows:
type: esusers
order: 0
type: ldap
order: 1
type: active_directory
order: 2
.Common Settings to All Realms
| Name | Required | Default | Description
| `type` | yes | - | The type of the reamlm (currently `esusers`, `ldap` or `active_directory`)
| `order` | no | Integer.MAX_VALUE | The priority of the realm within the realm chain
| `enabled` | no | true | Enable/disable the realm
._esusers_ Realm
| Name | Required | Default | Description
| `files.users` | no | `ES_HOME/config/shield/users`
| `files.users_roles` | no | `ES_HOME/config/shield/users_roles`| The location of <<users_defining-roles, _users_roles_>> file
| `cache.ttl` | no | `20m` | Specified the time-to-live for cached user entries (a user and its credentials will be cached for this configured period of time). Defaults to `20m` (use the standard Elasticsearch {ref}/common-options.html#time-units[time units]).
| `cache.max_users` | no | 100000 | Specified the maximum number of user entries that can live in the cache at a given time. Defaults to 100,000.
| `cache.hash_algo` | no | `ssha256` | (Expert Setting) Specifies the hashing algorithm that will be used for the in-memory cached user credentials (see <<ref-cache-hash-algo,Cache hash algorithms>> table for all possible values).
.Shield LDAP Settings
| Name | Required | Default | Description
| `url` | yes | - | An LDAP URL in the format `ldap[s]://<server>:<port>`.
| `bind_dn` | no | Empty | The DN of the user that will be used to bind to the LDAP and perform searches. If this is not specified, an anonymous bind will be attempted.
| `bind_password` | no | Empty | The password for the user that will be used to bind to the LDAP.
| `user_dn_templates` | yes * | - | The DN template that replaces the user name with the string `{0}`. This element is multivalued, allowing for multiple user contexts.
| `user_search.base_dn` | yes * | - | Specifies a container DN to search for users.
| `user_search.scope` | no | `sub_tree` | The scope of the user search. Valid values are `sub_tree`, `one_level` or `base`. `one_level` only searches objects directly contained within the `base_dn`. `sub_tree` searches all objects contained under `base_dn`. `base` specifies that the `base_dn` is the user object, and that it is the only user considered.
| `user_search.attribute` | no | `uid` | The attribute to match with the username presented to Shield.
| `user_search.pool.size` | no | `20` | The maximum number of connections to the LDAP server to allow in the connection pool.
| `user_search.pool.initial_size` | no | `5` | The initial number of connections to create to the LDAP server on startup.
| `user_search.pool.health_check.enabled` | no | `true` | Flag to enable or disable a health check on LDAP connections in the connection pool. Connections will be checked in the background at the specified interval.
| `user_search.pool.health_check.dn` | no | Value of `bind_dn` | The distinguished name to be retrieved as part of the health check. If `bind_dn` is not specified, a value must be specified.
| `user_search.pool.health_check.interval` | no | `60s` | The interval to perform background checks of connections in the pool.
| `group_search.base_dn` | yes | - | The container DN to search for groups in which the user has membership. When this element is absent, Shield searches for a `memberOf` attribute set on the user in order to determine group membership.
| `group_search.scope` | no | `sub_tree` | Specifies whether the group search should be `sub_tree`, `one_level` or `base`. `one_level` only searches objects directly contained within the `base_dn`. `sub_tree` searches all objects contained under `base_dn`. `base` specifies that the `base_dn` is a group object, and that it is the only group considered.
| `group_search.filter` | no | See description | When not set, the realm will search for `group`, `groupOfNames`, or `groupOfUniqueNames`, with the attributes `member` or `memberOf`. Any instance of `{0}` in the filter will be replaced by the user attribute defined in `group_search.user_attribute`
| `group_search.user_attribute` | no | Empty | Specifies the user attribute that will be fetched and provided as a parameter to the filter. If not set, the user DN is passed into the filter.
| `unmapped_groups_as_roles` | no | false | Takes a boolean variable. When this element is set to `true`, the names of any unmapped LDAP groups are used as role names and assigned to the user. THe default value is `false`.
| `files.role_mapping` | no | `ES_HOME/config/shield/users/role_mapping.yml` | The path and file name for the <<ldap-role-mapping, YAML role mapping configuration file>>.
| `follow_referrals` | no | `true` | Boolean value that specifies whether Shield should follow referrals returned by the LDAP server. Referrals are URLs returned by the server that are to be used to continue the LDAP operation (e.g. search).
| `connect_timeout` | no | "5s" - for 5 seconds | The timeout period for establishing an LDAP connection. An `s` at the end indicates seconds, or `ms` indicates milliseconds.
| `read_timeout` | no | "5s" - for 5 seconds | The timeout period for an LDAP operation. An `s` at the end indicates seconds, or `ms` indicates milliseconds.
| `hostname_verification` | no | true | Performs hostname verification when using `ldaps` to protect against man in the middle attacks.
| `cache.ttl` | no | `20m` | Specified the time-to-live for cached user entries (a user and its credentials will be cached for this configured period of time). (use the standard Elasticsearch {ref}/common-options.html#time-units[time units]).
| `cache.max_users` | no | 100000 | Specified the maximum number of user entries that can live in the cache at a given time.
| `cache.hash_algo` | no | `ssha256` |(Expert Setting) Specifies the hashing algorithm that will be used for the in-memory cached user credentials (see <<ref-cache-hash-algo,Cache hash algorithms>> table for all possible values).
NOTE: `user_dn_templates` is required to operate in user template mode and `user_search.base_dn` is required to operated in user search mode. Only one is required for a given realm configuration. For more information on the different modes, see <<ldap-realms, ldap realms>>.
.Shield Active Directory Settings
| Name | Required | Default | Description
| `url` | no | `ldap://<domain_name>:389` | A URL in the format `ldap[s]://<server>:<port>` If not specified the URL will be derived from the domain_name, assuming clear-text `ldap` and port `389` (e.g. `ldap://<domain_name>:389`).
| `domain_name` | yes | - | The domain name of Active Directory. The cluster can derive the URL and `user_search_dn` fields from values in this element if those fields are not otherwise specified.
| `unmapped_groups_as_roles` | no | false | Takes a boolean variable. When this element is set to `true`, the names of any unmapped groups and the user's relative distinguished name are used as role names and assigned to the user. THe default value is `false`.
| `files.role_mapping` | no | `ES_HOME/config/shield/users/role_mapping.yml` | The path and file name for the <<ad-role-mapping, YAML role mapping configuration file>>.
| `user_search.base_dn` | no | Root of Active Directory | The context to search for a user. The default value for this element is the root of the Active Directory domain.
| `user_search.scope` | no | `sub_tree` | Specifies whether the user search should be `sub_tree`, `one_level` or `base`. `one_level` only searches users directly contained within the `base_dn`. `sub_tree` searches all objects contained under `base_dn`. `base` specifies that the `base_dn` is a user object, and that it is the only user considered.
| `user_search.filter` | no | See description | Specifies a filter to use to lookup a user given a username. The default filter looks up `user` objects with either `sAMAccountName` or `userPrincipalName`
| `group_search.base_dn` | no | Root of Active Directory | The context to search for groups in which the user has membership. The default value for this element is the root of the the Active Directory domain
| `group_search.scope` | no | `sub_tree` | Specifies whether the group search should be `sub_tree`, `one_level` or `base`. `one_level` searches for groups directly contained within the `base_dn`. `sub_tree` searches all objects contained under `base_dn`. `base` specifies that the `base_dn` is a group object, and that it is the only group considered.
| `timeout.tcp_connect` | no | `5s` - for 5 seconds | The TCP connect timeout period for establishing an LDAP connection. An `s` at the end indicates seconds, or `ms` indicates milliseconds.
| `timeout.tcp_read` | no | `5s` - for 5 seconds | The TCP read timeout period after establishing an LDAP connection. An `s` at the end indicates seconds, or `ms` indicates milliseconds.
| `timeout.ldap_search` | no | `5s` - for 5 seconds | The LDAP Server enforced timeout period for an LDAP search. An `s` at the end indicates seconds, or `ms` indicates milliseconds.
| `hostname_verification` | no | true | Performs hostname verification when using `ldaps` to protect against man in the middle attacks.
| `cache.ttl` | no | `20m` | Specified the time-to-live for cached user entries (a user and its credentials will be cached for this configured period of time). (use the standard Elasticsearch {ref}/common-options.html#time-units[time units]).
| `cache.max_users` | no | 100000 | Specified the maximum number of user entries that can live in the cache at a given time.
| `cache.hash_algo` | no | `ssha256` |(Expert Setting) Specifies the hashing algorithm that will be used for the in-memory cached user credentials (see <<ref-cache-hash-algo,Cache hash algorithms>> table for all possible values).
.Shield PKI Settings
| Name | Required | Default | Description
| `username_pattern` | no | `CN=(.*?)(?:,\|$)` | The regular expression pattern used to extract the username from the certificate DN. The first match group is the used as the username. Default is `CN=(.*?)(?:,\|$)`
| `truststore.path` | no | `shield.ssl.keystore` | The path of a truststore to use. The default truststore is the one defined by <<ref-ssl-tls-settings,SSL/TLS settings>>
| `truststore.password` | no | - | The password to the truststore. Must be provided if `truststore.path` is set.
| `truststore.algorithm` | no | SunX509 | Algorithm for the trustsore. Default is `SunX509`
| `files.role_mapping` | no | `ES_HOME/config/shield/users/role_mapping.yml` | Specifies the path and file name for the <<pki-role-mapping, YAML role mapping configuration file>>.
.Cache hash algorithms
| Algorithm | Description
| `ssha256` | Uses a salted `SHA-256` algorithm (default).
| `md5` | Uses `MD5` algorithm.
| `sha1` | Uses `SHA1` algorithm.
| `bcrypt` | Uses `bcrypt` algorithm with salt generated in 10 rounds.
| `bcrypt4` | Uses `bcrypt` algorithm with salt generated in 4 rounds.
| `bcrypt5` | Uses `bcrypt` algorithm with salt generated in 5 rounds.
| `bcrypt6` | Uses `bcrypt` algorithm with salt generated in 6 rounds.
| `bcrypt7` | Uses `bcrypt` algorithm with salt generated in 7 rounds.
| `bcrypt8` | Uses `bcrypt` algorithm with salt generated in 8 rounds.
| `bcrypt9` | Uses `bcrypt` algorithm with salt generated in 9 rounds.
| `noop`,`clear_text` | Doesn't hash the credentials and keeps it in clear text in memory. CAUTION:
keeping clear text is considered insecure and can be compromised at the OS
level (e.g. memory dumps and `ptrace`).
.Shield Roles Settings
| Name | Default | Description
| `` | `ES_HOME/config/shield/users/roles.yml` | The location of the roles definition file.
==== TLS/SSL Settings
.Shield TLS/SSL Settings
| Name | Default | Description
| `shield.ssl.keystore.path` | None | Absolute path to the keystore that holds the private keys
| `shield.ssl.keystore.password` | None | Password to the keystore
| `shield.ssl.keystore.key_password` | Same value as `shield.ssl.keystore.password` | Password for the private key in the keystore
| `shield.ssl.keystore.algorithm` | SunX509 | Format for the keystore
| `shield.ssl.truststore.path` | `shield.ssl.keystore.path` | If not set, this setting defaults to `shield.ssl.keystore`
| `shield.ssl.truststore.password` | `shield.ssl.keystore.password` | Password to the truststore
| `shield.ssl.truststore.algorithm` | SunX509 | Format for the truststore
| `shield.ssl.protocol` | `TLSv1.2` | Protocol for security: `SSL`, `SSLv2`, `SSLv3`, `TLS`, `TLSv1`, `TLSv1.1`, `TLSv1.2`
| `shield.ssl.supported_protocols` | `TLSv1`, `TLSv1.1`, `TLSv1.2` | Supported protocols with versions. Valid protocols: `SSLv2Hello`, `SSLv3`, `TLSv1`, `TLSv1.1`, `TLSv1.2`
| `shield.ssl.ciphers` | `TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256`, `TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA`, `TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA` | Supported cipher suites can be found in Oracle's[Java Cryptography Architecture documentation]. Cipher suites using key lengths greater than 128 bits require the <<ciphers,JCE Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files>>.
| `shield.ssl.hostname_verification` | `true` | Performs hostname verification on transport connections. This is enabled by default to protect against man in the middle attacks.
| `shield.ssl.hostname_verification.resolve_name` | `true` | A reverse DNS lookup is necessary to find the hostname when connecting to a node via an IP Address. If this is disabled and IP addresses are used to connect to a node, the IP address must be specified as a `SubjectAlternativeName` when <<private-key,creating the certificate>> or hostname verification will fail. IP addresses will be used to connect to a node if they are used in following settings: ``, `network.publish_host`, `transport.publish_host`, `transport.profiles.$PROFILE.publish_host`, ``
| `shield.ssl.session.cache_size` | `1000` | Number of SSL Sessions to cache in order to support session resumption. Setting the value to `0` means there is no size limit.
| `shield.ssl.session.cache_timeout` | `24h` | The time after the creation of a SSL session before it times out. (uses the standard Elasticsearch {ref}/common-options.html#time-units[time units]).
| `shield.transport.ssl` | `false` | Set this parameter to `true` to enable SSL/TLS
| `shield.transport.ssl.client.auth` | `required` | Require client side certificates for transport protocol. Valid values are `required`, `optional`, and `no`. `required` forces a client to present a certificate, while `optional` requests a client certificate but the client is not required to present one.
| `shield.transport.filter.allow` | None | List of IP addresses to allow
| `shield.transport.filter.deny` | None | List of IP addresses to deny
| `shield.http.ssl` | `false` | Set this parameter to `true` to enable SSL/TLS
| `shield.http.ssl.client.auth` | `no` | Require client side certificates for HTTP. Valid values are `required`, `optional`, and `no`. `required` forces a client to present a certificate, while `optional` requests a client certificate but the client is not required to present one.
| `shield.http.filter.allow` | None | List of IP addresses to allow just for HTTP
| `shield.http.filter.deny` | None | List of IP addresses to deny just for HTTP
.Shield TLS/SSL settings per profile
| Name | Default | Description
| `transport.profiles.$PROFILE.shield.ssl` | Same as `shield.transport.ssl`| Setting this parameter to true will enable SSL/TLS for this profile; false will disable SSL/TLS for this profile.
| `transport.profiles.$PROFILE.shield.truststore.path` | None | Absolute path to the truststore of this profile
| `transport.profiles.$PROFILE.shield.truststore.password` | None | Password to the truststore
| `transport.profiles.$PROFILE.shield.truststore.algorithm` | SunX509 | Format for the truststore
| `transport.profiles.$PROFILE.shield.keystore.path` | None | Absolute path to the keystore of this profile
| `transport.profiles.$PROFILE.shield.keystore.password` | None | Password to the keystore
| `transport.profiles.$PROFILE.shield.keystore.key_password` | Same value as `transport.profiles.$PROFILE.shield.keystore.password` | Password for the private key in the keystore
| `transport.profiles.$PROFILE.shield.keystore.algorithm` | SunX509 | Format for the keystore
| `transport.profiles.$PROFILE.shield.session.cache_size` | `1000` | Number of SSL Sessions to cache in order to support session resumption. Setting the value to `0` means there is no size limit.
| `transport.profiles.$PROFILE.shield.session.cache_timeout` | `24h` | The time after the creation of a SSL session before it times out. (uses the standard Elasticsearch {ref}/common-options.html#time-units[time units]).
| `transport.profiles.$PROFILE.shield.filter.allow` | None | List of IP addresses to allow for this profile
| `transport.profiles.$PROFILE.shield.filter.deny` | None | List of IP addresses to deny for this profile
| `transport.profiles.$PROFILE.shield.ssl.client.auth` | `required` | Require client side certificates. Valid values are `required`, `optional`, and `no`. `required` forces a client to present a certificate, while `optional` requests a client certificate but the client is not required to present one.
| `transport.profiles.$PROFILE.shield.type` | `node` | Defines allowed actions on this profile, allowed values: `node` and `client`
| `transport.profiles.$PROFILE.shield.ciphers` | `TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256`, `TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA`, `TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA` | Supported cipher suites can be found in Oracle's[Java Cryptography Architecture documentation]. Cipher suites using key lengths greater than 128 bits require the <<ciphers,JCE Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files>>.
| `transport.profiles.$PROFILE.shield.protocol` | `TLSv1.2` | Protocol for security: `SSL`, `SSLv2`, `SSLv3`, `TLS`, `TLSv1`, `TLSv1.1`, `TLSv1.2`
| `transport.profiles.$PROFILE.shield.supported_protocols` | `TLSv1`, `TLSv1.1`, `TLSv1.2` | Supported protocols with versions. Valid protocols: `SSLv2Hello`, `SSLv3`, `TLSv1`, `TLSv1.1`, `TLSv1.2`
=== Files used by Shield
The Shield security plugin uses the following files:
* `config/shield/roles.yml` defines the roles in use on the cluster (read more <<defining-roles,here>>).
* `config/shield/users` defines the hashed passwords for users on the cluster (read more <<users-file,here>>).
* `config/shield/users_roles` defines the role assignments for users on the cluster (read more <<users_defining-roles,here>>).
* `config/shield/role_mapping.yml` defines the role assignments for a Distinguished Name (DN) to a role. This allows for
LDAP and Active Directory groups and users and PKI users to be mapped to roles (read more <<ldap-role-mapping,here>>).
* `config/shield/logging.yml` contains audit information (read more <<logging-file,here>>).
* `config/shield/system_key` holds a cluster secret key used for message authentication. For more information, see <<enable-message-authentication,Enabling Message Authentication>>.
Several of these files are in the YAML format. When you edit these files, be aware that YAML is indentation-level
sensitive and indentation errors can lead to configuration errors. Avoid the tab character to set indentation levels,
or use an editor that automatically expands tabs to spaces.
Be careful to properly escape YAML constructs such as `:` or leading exclamation points within quoted strings. Using
the `|` or `>` characters to define block literals instead of escaping the problematic characters can help avoid