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synced 2025-03-09 14:34:43 +00:00
This commit enables the copyDockerfile task to render a Dockerfile that sources the Elasticsearch binary from artifacts.elastic.co. This is needed for reproducibility and transparency for the official Docker images in the Docker library.
142 lines
4.9 KiB
142 lines
4.9 KiB
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.BuildPlugin
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.LoggedExec
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.MavenFilteringHack
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.VersionProperties
apply plugin: 'base'
apply plugin: 'elasticsearch.test.fixtures'
configurations {
dependencies {
dockerSource project(path: ":distribution:archives:linux-tar")
ossDockerSource project(path: ":distribution:archives:oss-linux-tar")
ext.expansions = { oss ->
final String classifier = 'linux-x86_64'
final String elasticsearch = oss ? "elasticsearch-oss-${VersionProperties.elasticsearch}-${classifier}.tar.gz" : "elasticsearch-${VersionProperties.elasticsearch}-${classifier}.tar.gz"
return [
'elasticsearch' : elasticsearch,
'jdkUrl' : 'https://download.java.net/java/GA/jdk11/9/GPL/openjdk-11.0.2_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz',
'jdkVersion' : '11.0.2',
'license' : oss ? 'Apache-2.0' : 'Elastic License',
'source_elasticsearch': local() ? "COPY $elasticsearch /opt/" : "RUN curl --retry 8 -s -L -O https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch/${elasticsearch}",
'version' : VersionProperties.elasticsearch
* We need to be able to render a Dockerfile that references the official artifacts on https://artifacts.elastic.co. For this, we use a
* substitution in the Dockerfile template where we can either replace source_elasticsearch with a COPY from the Docker build context, or
* a RUN curl command to retrieve the artifact from https://artifacts.elastic.co. The system property build.docker.source, which can be
* either "local" (default) or "remote" controls which version of the Dockerfile is produced.
private static boolean local() {
final String buildDockerSource = System.getProperty("build.docker.source")
if (buildDockerSource == null || "local".equals(buildDockerSource)) {
return true
} else if ("remote".equals(buildDockerSource)) {
return false
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("expected build.docker.source to be [local] or [remote] but was [" + buildDockerSource + "]")
private static String files(final boolean oss) {
return "build/${ oss ? 'oss-' : ''}docker"
private static String taskName(final String prefix, final boolean oss, final String suffix) {
return "${prefix}${oss ? 'Oss' : ''}${suffix}"
void addCopyDockerContextTask(final boolean oss) {
task(taskName("copy", oss, "DockerContext"), type: Sync) {
into files(oss)
into('bin') {
from 'src/docker/bin'
into('config') {
from 'src/docker/config'
if (local()) {
if (oss) {
from configurations.ossDockerSource
} else {
from configurations.dockerSource
from configurations.dockerPlugins
void addCopyDockerfileTask(final boolean oss) {
task(taskName("copy", oss, "Dockerfile"), type: Copy) {
dependsOn taskName("copy", oss, "DockerContext")
inputs.properties(expansions(oss)) // ensure task is run when ext.expansions is changed
into files(oss)
from('src/docker/Dockerfile') {
MavenFilteringHack.filter(it, expansions(oss))
preProcessFixture {
dependsOn taskName("copy", true, "DockerContext")
dependsOn taskName("copy", true, "Dockerfile")
dependsOn taskName("copy", false, "DockerContext")
dependsOn taskName("copy", false, "Dockerfile")
postProcessFixture.doLast {
println "docker default distro is on port: ${ext."test.fixtures.elasticsearch-default.tcp.9200"}, " +
"oss is on: ${ext."test.fixtures.elasticsearch-oss.tcp.9200"}"
// TODO: Add some actual tests, this will just check that the TPC port in the container is up
check.dependsOn postProcessFixture
void addBuildDockerImage(final boolean oss) {
final Task buildDockerImageTask = task(taskName("build", oss, "DockerImage"), type: LoggedExec) {
dependsOn taskName("copy", oss, "DockerContext")
dependsOn taskName("copy", oss, "Dockerfile")
List<String> tags
if (oss) {
tags = [ "docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-oss:${VersionProperties.elasticsearch}" ]
} else {
tags = [
executable 'docker'
final List<String> dockerArgs = ['build', files(oss), '--pull', '--no-cache']
for (final String tag : tags) {
args dockerArgs.toArray()
for (final boolean oss : [false, true]) {
assemble.dependsOn "buildOssDockerImage"
assemble.dependsOn "buildDockerImage"