David Pilato d57de59158 Simplify Plugin Manager for official plugins
Plugin Manager can now use another simplified form when a user wants to install an official plugin hosted at elasticsearch download service.

The form we use is:

bin/plugin install pluginname

As plugins share now the same version as elasticsearch, we can automatically guess what is the exact current version of the plugin manager script.

Also, download service will now use `/org.elasticsearch.plugins/pluginName/pluginName-version.zip` URL path to download a plugin.

If the older form is provided (`user/plugin/version` or `user/plugin`), we will still use:

 * elasticsearch download service at `/user/plugin/plugin-version.zip`
 * maven central with groupIp=user, artifactId=plugin and version=version
 * github with user=user, repoName=plugin and tag=version
 * github with user=user, repoName=plugin and branch=master if no version is set

Note that community plugin providers can use other download services by using `--url` option.

If you try to use the new form with a non core elasticsearch plugin, the plugin manager will reject
it and will give you all known core plugins.

    -u, --url     [plugin location]   : Set exact URL to download the plugin from
    -i, --install [plugin name]       : Downloads and installs listed plugins [*]
    -t, --timeout [duration]          : Timeout setting: 30s, 1m, 1h... (infinite by default)
    -r, --remove  [plugin name]       : Removes listed plugins
    -l, --list                        : List installed plugins
    -v, --verbose                     : Prints verbose messages
    -s, --silent                      : Run in silent mode
    -h, --help                        : Prints this help message

 [*] Plugin name could be:
     elasticsearch-plugin-name    for Elasticsearch 2.0 Core plugin (download from download.elastic.co)
     elasticsearch/plugin/version for elasticsearch commercial plugins (download from download.elastic.co)
     groupId/artifactId/version   for community plugins (download from maven central or oss sonatype)
     username/repository          for site plugins (download from github master)

Elasticsearch Core plugins:
 - elasticsearch-analysis-icu
 - elasticsearch-analysis-kuromoji
 - elasticsearch-analysis-phonetic
 - elasticsearch-analysis-smartcn
 - elasticsearch-analysis-stempel
 - elasticsearch-cloud-aws
 - elasticsearch-cloud-azure
 - elasticsearch-cloud-gce
 - elasticsearch-delete-by-query
 - elasticsearch-lang-javascript
 - elasticsearch-lang-python
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