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synced 2025-03-25 01:19:02 +00:00
Drops the inline callouts from the painless reference book. These callouts are incompatible with Asciidoctor and we'd very much like to switch to Asciidoctor for building this book, partially because Asciidoctor is actively developed and AsciiDoc is not, and partially because it builds the book three times faster.
205 lines
5.5 KiB
205 lines
5.5 KiB
=== Variables
A variable loads and stores a value for evaluation during
<<painless-operators, operations>>.
==== Declaration
Declare a variable before use with the format of <<painless-types, type>>
followed by <<painless-identifiers, identifier>>. Declare an
<<array-type, array type>> variable using an opening `[` token and a closing `]`
token for each dimension directly after the identifier. Specify a
comma-separated list of identifiers following the type to declare multiple
variables in a single statement. Use an
<<variable-assignment, assignment operator>> combined with a declaration to
immediately assign a value to a variable. A variable not immediately assigned a
value will have a default value assigned implicitly based on the type.
* If a variable is used prior to or without declaration.
declaration : type ID assignment? (',' ID assignment?)*;
type: ID ('.' ID)* ('[' ']')*;
assignment: '=' expression;
* Different variations of variable declaration.
int x; <1>
List y; <2>
int x, y = 5, z; <3>
def d; <4>
int i = 10; <5>
float[] f; <6>
Map[][] m; <7>
<1> declare `int x`;
store default `null` to `x`
<2> declare `List y`;
store default `null` to `y`
<3> declare `int x`;
store default `int 0` to `x`;
declare `int y`;
store `int 5` to `y`;
declare `int z`;
store default `int 0` to `z`;
<4> declare `def d`;
store default `null` to `d`
<5> declare `int i`;
store `int 10` to `i`
<6> declare `float[] f`;
store default `null` to `f`
<7> declare `Map[][] m`;
store default `null` to `m`
==== Assignment
Use the `assignment operator '='` to store a value in a variable for use in
subsequent operations. Any operation that produces a value can be assigned to
any variable as long as the <<painless-types, types>> are the same or the
resultant type can be <<painless-casting, implicitly cast>> to the variable
* If the type of value is unable to match the type of variable.
assignment: ID '=' expression
* Variable assignment with an integer literal.
int i; <1>
i = 10; <2>
<1> declare `int i`;
store default `int 0` to `i`
<2> store `int 10` to `i`
* Declaration combined with immediate assignment.
int i = 10; <1>
double j = 2.0; <2>
<1> declare `int i`;
store `int 10` to `i`
<2> declare `double j`;
store `double 2.0` to `j`
* Assignment of one variable to another using primitive type values.
int i = 10; <1>
int j = i; <2>
<1> declare `int i`;
store `int 10` to `i`
<2> declare `int j`;
load from `i` -> `int 10`;
store `int 10` to `j`
* Assignment with reference types using the
<<new-instance-operator, new instance operator>>.
ArrayList l = new ArrayList(); <1>
Map m = new HashMap(); <2>
<1> declare `ArrayList l`;
allocate `ArrayList` instance -> `ArrayList reference`;
store `ArrayList reference` to `l`
<2> declare `Map m`;
allocate `HashMap` instance -> `HashMap reference`;
implicit cast `HashMap reference` to `Map reference` -> `Map reference`;
store `Map reference` to `m`
* Assignment of one variable to another using reference type values.
List l = new ArrayList(); <1>
List k = l; <2>
List m; <3>
m = k; <4>
<1> declare `List l`;
allocate `ArrayList` instance -> `ArrayList reference`;
implicit cast `ArrayList reference` to `List reference` -> `List reference`;
store `List reference` to `l`
<2> declare `List k`;
load from `l` -> `List reference`;
store `List reference` to `k`;
(note `l` and `k` refer to the same instance known as a shallow-copy)
<3> declare `List m`;
store default `null` to `m`
<4> load from `k` -> `List reference`;
store `List reference` to `m`;
(note `l`, `k`, and `m` refer to the same instance)
* Assignment with array type variables using the
<<new-array-operator, new array operator>>.
int[] ia1; <1>
ia1 = new int[2]; <2>
ia1[0] = 1; <3>
int[] ib1 = ia1; <4>
int[][] ic2 = new int[2][5]; <5>
ic2[1][3] = 2; <6>
ic2[0] = ia1; <7>
<1> declare `int[] ia1`;
store default `null` to `ia1`
<2> allocate `1-d int array` instance with `length [2]`
-> `1-d int array reference`;
store `1-d int array reference` to `ia1`
<3> load from `ia1` -> `1-d int array reference`;
store `int 1` to `index [0]` of `1-d int array reference`
<4> declare `int[] ib1`;
load from `ia1` -> `1-d int array reference`;
store `1-d int array reference` to `ib1`;
(note `ia1` and `ib1` refer to the same instance known as a shallow copy)
<5> declare `int[][] ic2`;
allocate `2-d int array` instance with `length [2, 5]`
-> `2-d int array reference`;
store `2-d int array reference` to `ic2`
<6> load from `ic2` -> `2-d int array reference`;
store `int 2` to `index [1, 3]` of `2-d int array reference`
<7> load from `ia1` -> `1-d int array reference`;
load from `ic2` -> `2-d int array reference`;
store `1-d int array reference` to
`index [0]` of `2-d int array reference`;
(note `ia1`, `ib1`, and `index [0]` of `ia2` refer to the same instance)