2013-11-04 16:10:58 +01:00

401 lines
15 KiB

# Licensed to ElasticSearch and Shay Banon under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the 'License'); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import re
import tempfile
import shutil
import os
import datetime
import json
import time
import sys
import argparse
import hmac
import urllib
from http.client import HTTPConnection
This tool builds a release from the a given elasticsearch branch.
In order to execute it go in the top level directory and run:
$ python3 dev_tools/ --branch 0.90 --publish --remote origin
By default this script runs in 'dry' mode which essentially simulates a release. If the
'--publish' option is set the actual release is done. The script takes over almost all
steps necessary for a release from a high level point of view it does the following things:
- run prerequisit checks ie. check for Java 1.6 being presend or S3 credentials available as env variables
- detect the version to release from the specified branch (--branch) or the current branch
- creates a release branch & updates pom.xml and to point to a release version rather than a snapshot
- builds the artifacts and runs smoke-tests on the build zip & tar.gz files
- commits the new version and merges the release branch into the source branch
- creates a tag and pushes the commit to the specified origin (--remote)
- publishes the releases to sonar-type and S3
Once it's done it will print all the remaining steps.
LOG = '/tmp/release.log'
def log(msg):
f = open(LOG, mode='ab')
def run(command, quiet=False):
log('\n\n%s: RUN: %s\n' % (, command))
if os.system('%s >> %s 2>&1' % (command, LOG)):
msg = ' FAILED: %s [see log %s]' % (command, LOG)
if not quiet:
raise RuntimeError(msg)
env = os.environ
except KeyError:
raise RuntimeError("""
Please set JAVA_HOME in the env before running release tool
On OSX use: export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v '1.6*'`""")
except KeyError:
pass #no JAVA6_HOME - we rely on JAVA_HOME
# make sure mvn3 is used if mvn3 is available
# some systems use maven 2 as default
run('mvn3 --version', quiet=True)
except RuntimeError:
def java_exe():
path = JAVA_HOME
return 'export JAVA_HOME="%s" PATH="%s/bin:$PATH" JAVACMD="%s/bin/java"' % (path, path, path)
def verify_java_version(version):
s = os.popen('%s; java -version 2>&1' % java_exe()).read()
if s.find(' version "%s.' % version) == -1:
raise RuntimeError('got wrong version for java %s:\n%s' % (version, s))
def verify_mvn_java_version(version, mvn):
s = os.popen('%s; %s --version 2>&1' % (java_exe(), mvn)).read()
if s.find('Java version: %s' % version) == -1:
raise RuntimeError('got wrong java version for %s %s:\n%s' % (mvn, version, s))
def get_head_hash():
return os.popen('git rev-parse --verify HEAD 2>&1').read().strip()
def get_current_branch():
return os.popen('git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2>&1').read().strip()
verify_java_version('1.6') # we require to build with 1.6
verify_mvn_java_version('1.6', MVN)
def release_branch(release):
return 'release_branch_%s' % (release)
def create_release_branch(remote, src_branch, release):
run('git checkout %s' % (src_branch))
run('git pull --rebase %s %s' % (remote, src_branch))
run('git checkout -b %s' % (release_branch(release)))
def process_file(file_path, line_callback):
fh, abs_path = tempfile.mkstemp()
with open(abs_path,'w') as new_file:
with open(file_path) as old_file:
for line in old_file:
#Remove original file
#Move new file
shutil.move(abs_path, file_path)
def remove_maven_snapshot(pom, release):
pattern = '<version>%s-SNAPSHOT</version>' % (release)
replacement = '<version>%s</version>' % (release)
def callback(line):
return line.replace(pattern, replacement)
process_file(pom, callback)
def remove_version_snapshot(version_file, release):
# 1.0.0.Beta1 -> 1_0_0_Beat1
release = release.replace('.', '_')
pattern = 'new Version(V_%s_ID, true' % (release)
replacement = 'new Version(V_%s_ID, false' % (release)
def callback(line):
return line.replace(pattern, replacement)
process_file(version_file, callback)
def add_pending_files(*files):
for file in files:
run('git add %s' % (file))
def commit_release(release):
run('git commit -m "release [%s]"' % release)
def tag_release(release):
run('git tag -a v%s -m "Tag release version %s"' % (release, release))
def run_mvn(*cmd):
for c in cmd:
run('%s; %s %s' % (java_exe(), MVN, c))
def build_release(run_tests=False, dry_run=True, cpus=1):
target = 'deploy'
if dry_run:
target = 'package'
if run_tests:
'test -Dtests.jvms=%s -Des.node.mode=local' % (cpus),
'test -Dtests.jvms=%s -Des.node.mode=network' % (cpus))
run_mvn('clean %s -DskipTests' %(target))
def wait_for_node_startup(host='', port=9200,timeout=15):
conn = HTTPConnection(host, port, timeout);
for _ in range(timeout):
conn.request('GET', '')
res = conn.getresponse()
if res.status == 200:
return True
pass #that is ok it might not be there yet
return False
def find_release_version(src_branch):
run('git checkout %s' % (src_branch))
with open('pom.xml') as file:
for line in file:
match ='<version>(.+)-SNAPSHOT</version>', line)
if match:
raise RuntimeError('Could not find release version in branch %s' % (src_branch))
def get_artifacts(release, path='target/releases/'):
return [os.path.join(path, 'elasticsearch-%s.%s' % (release, t)) for t in ['deb', 'tar.gz', 'zip']]
def generate_checksums(files):
res = []
for release_file in files:
directory = os.path.dirname(release_file)
file = os.path.basename(release_file)
checksum_file = '%s.sha1.txt' % file
if os.system('cd %s; shasum %s > %s' % (directory, file, checksum_file)):
raise RuntimeError('Failed to generate checksum for file %s' % release_file)
res = res + [os.path.join(directory, checksum_file), release_file]
return res
def smoke_test_release(release, files):
for release_file in files:
if not os.path.isfile(release_file):
raise RuntimeError('Smoketest failed missing file %s' % (release_file))
tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
if release_file.endswith('tar.gz'):
run('tar -xzf %s -C %s' % (release_file, tmp_dir))
elif release_file.endswith('zip'):
run('unzip %s -d %s' % (release_file, tmp_dir))
continue # nothing to do here
es_run_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'elasticsearch-%s' % (release), 'bin/elasticsearch')
print(' Smoke testing package [%s]' % release_file)
print(' Starting elasticsearch deamon from [%s]' % os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'elasticsearch-%s' % release))
run('%s; %s'
% (java_exe(), es_run_path))
conn = HTTPConnection('', 9200, 20);
conn.request('GET', '')
res = conn.getresponse()
if res.status == 200:
version = json.loads("utf-8"))['version']
if release != version['number']:
raise RuntimeError('Expected version [%s] but was [%s]' % (release, version['number']))
if version['build_snapshot']:
raise RuntimeError('Expected non snapshot version')
if version['build_hash'].strip() != get_head_hash():
raise RuntimeError('HEAD hash does not match expected [%s] but got [%s]' % (get_head_hash(), version['build_hash']))
raise RuntimeError('Expected HTTP 200 but got %s' % res.status)
conn.request('POST', '/_cluster/nodes/_local/_shutdown')
time.sleep(1) # give the node some time to shut down
if conn.getresponse().status != 200:
raise RuntimeError('Expected HTTP 200 but got %s on node shutdown' % res.status)
def merge_tag_push(remote, src_branch, release_version, dry_run):
run('git checkout %s' % src_branch)
run('git merge %s' % release_branch(release_version))
run('git tag v%s' % release_version)
if not dry_run:
run('git push %s %s' % (remote, src_branch)) # push the commit
run('git push %s v%s' % (remote, release_version)) # push the tag
print(' dryrun [True] -- skipping push to remote %s' % remote)
def publish_artifacts(artifacts, base='elasticsearch/elasticsearch', dry_run=True):
location = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
for artifact in artifacts:
if dry_run:
print('Skip Uploading %s to Amazon S3' % artifact)
print('Uploading %s to Amazon S3' % artifact)
# requires boto to be installed but it is not available on python3k yet so we use a dedicated tool
run('python %s/ --file %s ' % (location, os.path.abspath(artifact)))
def print_sonartype_notice():
settings = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.m2/settings.xml')
if os.path.isfile(settings):
with open(settings) as settings_file:
for line in settings_file:
if line.strip() == '<id>sonatype-nexus-snapshots</id>':
# moving out - we found the indicator no need to print the warning
NOTE: No sonartype settings detected, make sure you have configured
your sonartype credentials in '~/.m2/settings.xml':
def check_s3_credentials():
if not env.get('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', None) or not env.get('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY', None):
raise RuntimeError('Could not find "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" / "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" in the env variables please export in order to upload to S3')
VERSION_FILE = 'src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/'
POM_FILE = 'pom.xml'
# we print a notice if we can not find the relevant infos in the ~/.m2/settings.xml
if __name__ == '__main__':
release_version = "090.7"
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Builds and publishes a Elasticsearch Release')
parser.add_argument('--branch', '-b', metavar='master', default=get_current_branch(),
help='The branch to release from. Defaults to the current branch.')
parser.add_argument('--cpus', '-c', metavar='1', default=1,
help='The number of cpus to use for running the test. Default is [1]')
parser.add_argument('--skiptests', '-t', dest='tests', action='store_false',
help='Skips tests before release. Tests are run by default.')
parser.add_argument('--remote', '-r', metavar='origin', default='origin',
help='The remote to push the release commit and tag to. Default is [origin]')
parser.add_argument('--publish', '-d', dest='dryrun', action='store_false',
help='Publishes the release. Disable by default.')
args = parser.parse_args()
src_branch = args.branch
remote = args.remote
run_tests = args.tests
dry_run = args.dryrun
cpus = args.cpus
if not dry_run:
print('WARNING: dryrun is set to "false" - this will push and publish the release')
input('Press Enter to continue...')
print(''.join(['-' for _ in range(80)]))
print('Preparing Release from branch [%s] running tests: [%s] dryrun: [%s]' % (src_branch, run_tests, dry_run))
print(' JAVA_HOME is [%s]' % JAVA_HOME)
print(' Running with maven command: [%s] ' % (MVN))
release_version = find_release_version(src_branch)
head_hash = get_head_hash()
run_mvn('clean') # clean the env!
print(' Release version: [%s]' % release_version)
create_release_branch(remote, src_branch, release_version)
print(' Created release branch [%s]' % (release_branch(release_version)))
success = False
remove_maven_snapshot(POM_FILE, release_version)
remove_version_snapshot(VERSION_FILE, release_version)
print(' Done removing snapshot version')
add_pending_files(VERSION_FILE, POM_FILE)
print(' Committed release version [%s]' % (release_version))
print(''.join(['-' for _ in range(80)]))
print('Building Release candidate')
input('Press Enter to continue...')
print(' Running maven builds now and publish to sonartype- run-tests [%s]' % run_tests)
build_release(run_tests=run_tests, dry_run=dry_run, cpus=cpus)
artifacts = get_artifacts(release_version)
artifacts_and_checksum = generate_checksums(artifacts)
smoke_test_release(release_version, artifacts)
print(''.join(['-' for _ in range(80)]))
print('Finish Release -- dry_run: %s' % dry_run)
input('Press Enter to continue...')
print(' merge release branch, tag and push to %s %s -- dry_run: %s' % (remote, src_branch, dry_run))
merge_tag_push(remote, src_branch, release_version, dry_run)
print(' publish artifacts to S3 -- dry_run: %s' % dry_run)
publish_artifacts(artifacts_and_checksum, dry_run=dry_run)
pending_msg = """
Release successful pending steps:
* create a version tag on github for version 'v%(version)s'
* check if there are pending issues for this version (
* publish the maven artifacts on sonartype:
- here is a guide:
* check if the release is there
* build and publish the RPMs
* announce the release on the website / blog post
* tweet about the release
print(pending_msg % { 'version' : release_version} )
success = True
if not success:
run('git reset --hard HEAD')
run('git checkout %s' % src_branch)
elif dry_run:
run('git reset --hard %s' % head_hash)
run('git tag -d v%s' % release_version)
# we delete this one anyways
run('git branch -D %s' % (release_branch(release_version)))