Original commit: elastic/x-pack-elasticsearch@ec23733d6e
Internal Elasticsearch Licensing Plugin
Command Line tools (Interface with Internal License Server)
Note: Initially run mvn clean compile package
to use the scripts
Generates a 2048-bit RSA public/private key pair to be used for license generation & validation
Note: Errors if provided file paths for public/private already exists
Output - public/private key in the location provided with the provided key password
- path to store the public key
- path to store the private key
- password for the key pair
Example Usage:
$ bin/key-pair-generator --publicKeyPath ~/.es_temp_license/pub.key --privateKeyPath ~/.es_temp_license/pri.key --keyPass ab
Outputs the public key to ~/.es_temp_license/pub.key
, private key to ~/.es_temp_license/pri.key
securing the key pair with the provided --keyPass
of ab
Generates a signed license given a licensing spec and keyPair location
Note: a license spec
(see format below) can be provided in two ways, using --license
allows for passing the spec as a string using --licenseFile
allows passing in a file that has the license spec
Output - a signed license based on the provided license spec
, private/public key location and password
- license spec as a string (optional when --licenseFile
is provided)
- path to a license spec file (optional when --license
is provided)
- path to retrieve the public key
- path to retrieve the private key
- password for the key pair provided
License Spec format:
"licenses": [
"type": STRING (“trial” | “internal” | “subscription”),
"subscription_type": STRING (“none” | “gold” | “silver” | “platinum”),
"issued_to": STRING,
"issuer": STRING,
"issue_date": STRING (format: “YYYY-MM-DD”),
"expiry_date": STRING (format: “YYYY-MM-DD”),
"feature": STRING (“shield” | “marvel”),
"max_nodes": INT
Example Usage:
# license spec file
$ cat license_spec.json
"licenses": [
"type": "internal",
"subscription_type": "none",
"issued_to": "issuedTo",
"issuer": "issuer",
"issue_date": "2014-09-29",
"expiry_date": "2015-08-29",
"feature": "shield",
"max_nodes": 1
# generate a signed license according to license_spec.json using the private/public keypair
$ bin/license-generator --publicKeyPath ~/.es_temp_license/pub.key --privateKeyPath ~/.es_temp_license/pri.key --keyPass ab --licenseFile license_spec.json > gen_license.json
# generated license for license_spec.json
$ cat gen_license.json
"licenses" : [ {
"uid" : "d8bcf9e8-bcb0-4f72-81ca-8a7537a436c5",
"type" : "internal",
"subscription_type" : "none",
"issued_to" : "issuedTo",
"issue_date" : "2014-09-29",
"expiry_date" : "2015-08-29",
"feature" : "shield",
"max_nodes" : 1,
"signature" : "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"
} ]
Verifies provided generated license(s)
and outputs an effective licenses file
This tool can be used for the following:
- ensure a given generated license is valid (has not been tampered with)
- merge multiple licenses file for a customer into one effective licenses
Effective License:
One licenses that only retains effective sub-licenses for all the licenses provided. Where effective sub-licenses are identified as the sub-licenses with the latest expiry_date
for a feature
and the sub-license has not already expired.
Output - an effective license of all the provided generated license file(s)
- a set of generated licenses files separated by :
- path to retrieve the public key
- password for the key pair provided
Example Usage:
# the output will be the same as the content of gen_license.json (as all the licenses are valid and not expired)
# in order to merge multiple licenses file use --licensesFiles file1.json:file2.json
$ bin/verify-license --publicKeyPath ~/.es_temp_license/pub.key --keyPass ab --licensesFiles gen_license.json