David Pilato a3bf57d116 Upgrade azure SDK to 0.9.3
We are ATM using azure SDK 0.9.0.

Azure latest release is now 0.9.3 (released in February 2016).

<img width="1024" alt="the central repository search engine google chrome aujourd hui at 08 41 12" src="https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/274222/13662836/a806ba3a-e69d-11e5-8655-4a838db2ef47.png">

Artifacts are on [maven central](http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Cg%3A%22com.microsoft.azure%22%20AND%20(a%3Aazure-serviceruntime%20OR%20a%3Aazure-servicebus%20OR%20a%3Aazure-svc-*))

Change log:

## 2016.2.18 Version 0.9.3

* Fix enum bugs in azure-svc-mgmt-websites

## 2016.1.26 Version 0.9.2

* Fix HTTP Proxy for Apache HTTP Client in Service Clients
* Key Vault: Fix KeyVaultKey to not attempt to load RSA Private Key

## 2016.1.8 Version 0.9.1

* Support HTTP Proxy
* Fix token expiration issue 
* Service Bus: Add missing attributes: partitionKey, viaPartitionKey
* Traffic Manager: Update API version, add MinChildEndpoints for NestedEndpoints
* Media: Add support for Widevine (DRM) dynamic encryption

Closes .
2016-03-15 09:18:34 +01:00
2016-03-15 09:18:34 +01:00
2016-03-04 16:53:24 +01:00
2016-03-15 09:18:34 +01:00