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synced 2025-03-25 09:28:27 +00:00
Drop the ssl tests against the java builtin https server. They were failing and the failures were undebuggable. I still don't know what was happening because you can't get any logging out of the server. Add SSL tests against Elasticsearch because that is what actually needs to work. relates elastic/x-pack-elasticsearch#2870 Original commit: elastic/x-pack-elasticsearch@284cf7fb58
176 lines
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176 lines
6.1 KiB
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.precommit.PrecommitTasks
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.test.RunTask
description = 'Integration tests for SQL'
apply plugin: 'elasticsearch.build'
dependencies {
compile "org.elasticsearch.test:framework:${versions.elasticsearch}"
// JDBC testing dependencies
if (false == isEclipse && false == isIdea) {
// If we're not doing IDE stuff use the shadowed jar
compile(project(path: ':x-pack-elasticsearch:sql:jdbc', configuration: 'shadow'))
} else {
/* If we're doing IDE stuff then use then use the project
* dependency so the IDEs don't get confused. Transitive
* deps are OK here too because this is the only time we
* pull all of those deps in. We make sure exclude them
* below so they don't cause jar hell with the shadowed
* jar. */
compile "net.sourceforge.csvjdbc:csvjdbc:1.0.34"
runtime "com.h2database:h2:1.4.194"
// used for running debug tests
runtime 'org.antlr:antlr4-runtime:4.5.3'
// There are *no* CLI testing dependencies because we
// communicate fork a new CLI process when we need it.
// Used to support embedded testing mode
compile(project(':x-pack-elasticsearch:sql:server')) {
transitive = false
compile(project(':x-pack-elasticsearch:sql:cli-proto')) {
transitive = false
compile "org.elasticsearch.client:transport:${version}"
/* disable unit tests because these are all integration tests used
* other qa projects. */
test.enabled = false
dependencyLicenses.enabled = false
// Allow for com.sun.net.httpserver.* usage for embedded mode
eclipse {
classpath.file {
whenMerged { cp ->
def con = entries.find { e ->
e.kind == "con" && e.toString().contains("org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER")
con.accessRules.add(new org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model.AccessRule(
"accessible", "com/sun/net/httpserver/*"))
forbiddenApisMain {
bundledSignatures -= 'jdk-non-portable'
bundledSignatures += 'jdk-internal'
// the main files are actually test files, so use the appropriate forbidden api sigs
forbiddenApisMain {
signaturesURLs = [PrecommitTasks.getResource('/forbidden/es-all-signatures.txt'),
thirdPartyAudit.excludes = [
// H2 dependencies that we don't actually use....
subprojects {
apply plugin: 'elasticsearch.standalone-rest-test'
configurations {
dependencies {
/* Since we're a standalone rest test we actually get transitive
* dependencies but we don't really want them because they cause
* all kinds of trouble with the jar hell checks. So we suppress
* them explicitly for non-es projects. */
testCompile(project(':x-pack-elasticsearch:qa:sql')) {
transitive = false
testCompile "org.elasticsearch.test:framework:${versions.elasticsearch}"
// JDBC testing dependencies
testRuntime(project(':x-pack-elasticsearch:sql:jdbc')) {
if (false == isEclipse && false == isIdea) {
/* Skip the transitive dependencies of the server when outside
* of an IDE because outside of an IDE we use the jdbc jar
* which includes all the transitive dependencies *already*.
* If we didn't skip these dependencies the jar hell checks
* would fail. And we need the transitive dependencies to
* run in embedded mode but only do that inside of an IDE. */
transitive = false
testRuntime("net.sourceforge.csvjdbc:csvjdbc:1.0.34") {
transitive = false
testRuntime("com.h2database:h2:1.4.194") {
transitive = false
testRuntime("org.antlr:antlr4-runtime:4.5.3") {
transitive = false
cliFixture project(':x-pack-elasticsearch:test:sql-cli-fixture')
// Used to support embedded testing mode
testRuntime(project(':x-pack-elasticsearch:sql:server')) {
transitive = false
testRuntime "org.elasticsearch.client:transport:${version}"
if (project.name != 'security') {
// The security project just configures it subprojects
apply plugin: 'elasticsearch.rest-test'
task cliFixture(type: org.elasticsearch.gradle.test.AntFixture) {
Project cli = project(':x-pack-elasticsearch:sql:cli')
dependsOn project.configurations.cliFixture
dependsOn cli.jar
executable = new File(project.javaHome, 'bin/java')
env 'CLASSPATH', "${ -> project.configurations.cliFixture.asPath }"
args 'org.elasticsearch.xpack.sql.cli.fixture.CliFixture',
baseDir, "${ -> cli.jar.outputs.files.singleFile}"
integTestCluster {
distribution = 'zip'
plugin project(':x-pack-elasticsearch:plugin').path
setting 'xpack.monitoring.enabled', 'false'
setting 'xpack.ml.enabled', 'false'
setting 'xpack.watcher.enabled', 'false'
setting 'script.max_compilations_rate', '1000/1m'
dependsOn cliFixture
integTestRunner {
systemProperty 'tests.cli.fixture', "${ -> cliFixture.addressAndPort }"
finalizedBy cliFixture.stopTask
task run(type: RunTask) {
distribution = 'zip'
plugin project(':x-pack-elasticsearch:plugin').path
setting 'xpack.monitoring.enabled', 'false'
setting 'xpack.ml.enabled', 'false'
setting 'xpack.watcher.enabled', 'false'
setting 'script.max_compilations_rate', '1000/1m'
dependsOn cliFixture
run.finalizedBy cliFixture.stopTask