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* Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
* the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.LoggedExec
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.MavenFilteringHack
* Deb and rpm configuration *
* The general strategy here is to build a directory on disk that contains
* stuff that needs to be copied into the distributions. This is
* important for two reasons:
* 1. ospackage wants to copy the directory permissions that it sees off of the
* filesystem. If you ask it to create a directory that doesn't already
* exist on disk it petulantly creates it with 0755 permissions, no matter
* how hard you try to convince it otherwise.
* 2. Convincing ospackage to pick up an empty directory as part of a set of
* directories on disk is reasonably easy. Convincing it to just create an
* empty directory requires more wits than I have.
* 3. ospackage really wants to suck up some of the debian control scripts
* directly from the filesystem. It doesn't want to process them through
* MavenFilteringHack or any other copy-style action.
* The following commands are useful when it comes to check the user/group
* and files permissions set within the RPM and DEB packages:
* rpm -qlp --dump path/to/elasticsearch.rpm
* dpkg -c path/to/elasticsearch.deb
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url "https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/"
dependencies {
classpath 'com.netflix.nebula:gradle-ospackage-plugin:4.7.1'
void addProcessFilesTask(String type) {
String packagingFiles = "build/packaging/${type}"
task("process${type.capitalize()}Files", type: Copy) {
from 'src/common'
from "src/${type}"
into packagingFiles
into('config') {
from '../src/config'
MavenFilteringHack.filter(it, expansionsForDistribution(type))
doLast {
// create empty dirs, we set the permissions when configuring the packages
mkdir "${packagingFiles}/var/run/elasticsearch"
mkdir "${packagingFiles}/var/log/elasticsearch"
mkdir "${packagingFiles}/var/lib/elasticsearch"
mkdir "${packagingFiles}/usr/share/elasticsearch/plugins"
// Common configuration that is package dependent. This can't go in ospackage
// since we have different templated files that need to be consumed, but the structure
// is the same
Closure commonPackageConfig(String type) {
return {
// Follow elasticsearch's file naming convention
archiveName "elasticsearch-${project.version}.${type}"
destinationDir = file("${type}/build/distributions")
String packagingFiles = "build/packaging/${type}"
String scripts = "${packagingFiles}/scripts"
preInstall file("${scripts}/preinst")
postInstall file("${scripts}/postinst")
preUninstall file("${scripts}/prerm")
postUninstall file("${scripts}/postrm")
// top level "into" directive is not inherited from ospackage for some reason, so we must
// specify it again explicitly for copying common files
into('/usr/share/elasticsearch') {
into('bin') {
with binFiles(type)
with copySpec {
with commonFiles
if (type == 'deb') {
// Deb gets a copyright file instead.
exclude 'LICENSE.txt'
// ========= config files =========
configurationFile '/etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml'
configurationFile '/etc/elasticsearch/jvm.options'
configurationFile '/etc/elasticsearch/log4j2.properties'
into('/etc/elasticsearch') {
//dirMode 0750
fileMode 0660
permissionGroup 'elasticsearch'
includeEmptyDirs true
createDirectoryEntry true
from "${packagingFiles}/config"
String envFile = expansionsForDistribution(type)['path.env']
configurationFile envFile
into(new File(envFile).getParent()) {
fileMode 0660
from "${packagingFiles}/env/elasticsearch"
// ========= systemd =========
configurationFile '/usr/lib/systemd/system/elasticsearch.service'
into('/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d') {
from "${packagingFiles}/systemd/elasticsearch.conf"
into('/usr/lib/systemd/system') {
from "${packagingFiles}/systemd/elasticsearch.service"
into('/usr/lib/sysctl.d') {
from "${packagingFiles}/systemd/sysctl/elasticsearch.conf"
// ========= sysV init =========
configurationFile '/etc/init.d/elasticsearch'
into('/etc/init.d') {
fileMode 0750
from "${packagingFiles}/init.d/elasticsearch"
// ========= empty dirs =========
// NOTE: these are created under packagingFiles as empty, but the permissions are set here
Closure copyEmptyDir = { path, u, g, mode ->
File file = new File(path)
into(file.parent) {
from "${packagingFiles}/${file.parent}"
include file.name
includeEmptyDirs true
createDirectoryEntry true
user u
permissionGroup g
dirMode mode
copyEmptyDir('/var/run/elasticsearch', 'elasticsearch', 'elasticsearch', 0755)
copyEmptyDir('/var/log/elasticsearch', 'elasticsearch', 'elasticsearch', 0750)
copyEmptyDir('/var/lib/elasticsearch', 'elasticsearch', 'elasticsearch', 0750)
copyEmptyDir('/usr/share/elasticsearch/plugins', 'root', 'root', 0755)
apply plugin: 'nebula.ospackage-base'
// this is package indepdendent configuration
ospackage {
packageName 'elasticsearch'
maintainer 'Elasticsearch Team <info@elastic.co>'
summary '''
Elasticsearch is a distributed RESTful search engine built for the cloud.
Reference documentation can be found at
and the 'Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide' book can be found at
'''.stripIndent().replace('\n', ' ').trim()
url 'https://www.elastic.co/'
// signing setup
if (project.hasProperty('signing.password') && System.getProperty('build.snapshot', 'true') == 'false') {
signingKeyId = project.hasProperty('signing.keyId') ? project.property('signing.keyId') : 'D88E42B4'
signingKeyPassphrase = project.property('signing.password')
signingKeyRingFile = project.hasProperty('signing.secretKeyRingFile') ?
project.file(project.property('signing.secretKeyRingFile')) :
new File(new File(System.getProperty('user.home'), '.gnupg'), 'secring.gpg')
fileMode 0644
dirMode 0755
user 'root'
permissionGroup 'root'
into '/usr/share/elasticsearch'
with libFiles
with modulesFiles
with noticeFile
task buildDeb(type: Deb) {
dependsOn processDebFiles
version = project.version
packageGroup 'web'
requires 'bash'
requires 'libc6'
requires 'adduser'
into('/usr/share/lintian/overrides') {
into('/usr/share/doc/elasticsearch') {
from 'src/deb/copyright'
fileMode 0644
// task that sanity checks if the Deb archive can be extracted
task checkDeb(type: LoggedExec) {
dependsOn buildDeb
onlyIf { new File('/usr/bin/dpkg-deb').exists() || new File('/usr/local/bin/dpkg-deb').exists() }
final File debExtracted = new File("${buildDir}", 'deb-extracted')
commandLine 'dpkg-deb', '-x', "deb/build/distributions/elasticsearch-${project.version}.deb", debExtracted
doFirst {
task buildRpm(type: Rpm) {
dependsOn processRpmFiles
packageGroup 'Application/Internet'
requires '/bin/bash'
prefix '/usr'
packager 'Elasticsearch'
version = project.version.replace('-', '_')
release = '1'
arch 'NOARCH'
os 'LINUX'
license '2009'
distribution 'Elasticsearch'
vendor 'Elasticsearch'
// TODO ospackage doesn't support icon but we used to have one
// without this the rpm will have parent dirs of any files we copy in, eg /etc/elasticsearch
addParentDirs false
// Declare the folders so that the RPM package manager removes
// them when upgrading or removing the package
directory('/usr/share/elasticsearch/bin', 0755)
directory('/usr/share/elasticsearch/lib', 0755)
directory('/usr/share/elasticsearch/modules', 0755)
modulesFiles.eachFile { FileCopyDetails fcp ->
if (fcp.name == "plugin-descriptor.properties") {
directory('/usr/share/elasticsearch/modules/' + fcp.file.parentFile.name, 0755)
// task that sanity checks if the RPM archive can be extracted
task checkRpm(type: LoggedExec) {
dependsOn buildRpm
onlyIf { new File('/bin/rpm').exists() || new File('/usr/bin/rpm').exists() || new File('/usr/local/bin/rpm').exists() }
final File rpmDatabase = new File("${buildDir}", 'rpm-database')
final File rpmExtracted = new File("${buildDir}", 'rpm-extracted')
commandLine 'rpm',
doFirst {
// This configures the default artifact for the distribution specific
// subprojects. We have subprojects because Gradle project substitutions
// can only bind to the default configuration of a project
subprojects {
apply plugin: 'distribution'
String buildTask = "build${it.name.replaceAll(/-[a-z]/) { it.substring(1).toUpperCase() }.capitalize()}"
ext.buildDist = parent.tasks.getByName(buildTask)
artifacts {
'default' buildDist
check.dependsOn checkDeb, checkRpm