Daniel Mitterdorfer c33f85bc37 Add client benchmark
With this commit we add a benchmark for the new REST client and the
existing transport client.

2016-07-26 11:01:22 +02:00
2016-07-26 11:01:22 +02:00
2016-07-26 11:01:22 +02:00
2016-07-26 11:01:22 +02:00

Steps to execute the benchmark:

  1. Start Elasticsearch on the target host (ideally not on the same machine)
  2. Create an empty index with the mapping you want to benchmark
  3. Start either the RestClientBenchmark class or the TransportClientBenchmark
  4. Delete the index
  5. Repeat steps 2. - 4. for multiple iterations. The first iterations are intended as warmup for Elasticsearch itself. Always start the same benchmark in step 3!
  6. After the benchmark: Shutdown Elasticsearch and delete the data directory

Repeat all steps above for the other benchmark candidate.

Example benchmark:

Example command line parameter list: /home/your_user_name/.rally/benchmarks/data/geonames/documents.json geonames type 8647880 5000 "{ \"query\": { \"match_phrase\": { \"name\": \"Sankt Georgen\" } } }\""

The parameters are in order:

  • Benchmark target host IP (the host where Elasticsearch is running)
  • full path to the file that should be bulk indexed
  • name of the index
  • name of the (sole) type in the index
  • number of documents in the file
  • bulk size
  • a search request body (remember to escape double quotes). The TransportClientBenchmark uses QueryBuilders.wrapperQuery() internally which automatically adds a root key query, so it must not be present in the command line parameter.

You should also define a few GC-related settings -Xms4096M -Xmx4096M -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails and keep an eye on GC activity. You can also define -XX:+PrintCompilation to see JIT activity.