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=== `_routing` field
A document is routed to a particular shard in an index using the following
shard_num = hash(_routing) % num_primary_shards
The default value used for `_routing` is the document's <<mapping-id-field,`_id`>>
or the document's <<mapping-parent-field,`_parent`>> ID, if present.
Custom routing patterns can be implemented by specifying a custom `routing`
value per document. For instance:
PUT my_index/my_type/1?routing=user1 <1>
"title": "This is a document"
GET my_index/my_type/1?routing=user1 <2>
<1> This document uses `user1` as its routing value, instead of its ID.
<2> The the same `routing` value needs to be provided when
<<docs-get,getting>>, <<docs-delete,deleting>>, or <<docs-update,updating>>
the document.
The value of the `_routing` field is accessible in queries, aggregations, scripts,
and when sorting:
GET my_index/_search
"query": {
"terms": {
"_routing": [ "user1" ] <1>
"aggs": {
"Routing values": {
"terms": {
"field": "_routing", <2>
"size": 10
"sort": [
"_routing": { <3>
"order": "desc"
"script_fields": {
"Routing value": {
"script": "doc['_routing']" <4>
<1> Querying on the `_routing` field (also see the <<query-dsl-ids-query,`ids` query>>)
<2> Aggregating on the `_routing` field
<3> Sorting on the `_routing` field
<4> Accessing the `_routing` field in scripts (inline scripts must be <<enable-dynamic-scripting,enabled>> for this example to work)
==== Searching with custom routing
Custom routing can reduce the impact of searches. Instead of having to fan
out a search request to all the shards in an index, the request can be sent to
just the shard that matches the specific routing value (or values):
GET my_index/_search?routing=user1,user2 <1>
"query": {
"match": {
"title": "document"
<1> This search request will only be executed on the shards associated with the `user1` and `user2` routing values.
==== Making a routing value required
When using custom routing, it is important to provide the routing value
whenever <<docs-index_,indexing>>, <<docs-get,getting>>,
<<docs-delete,deleting>>, or <<docs-update,updating>> a document.
Forgetting the routing value can lead to a document being indexed on more than
one shard. As a safeguard, the `_routing` field can be configured to make a
custom `routing` value required for all CRUD operations:
PUT my_index
"mappings": {
"my_type": {
"_routing": {
"required": true <1>
PUT my_index/my_type/1 <2>
"text": "No routing value provided"
<1> Routing is required for `my_type` documents.
<2> This index request throws a `routing_missing_exception`.
==== Unique IDs with custom routing
When indexing documents specifying a custom `_routing`, the uniqueness of the
`_id` is not guaranteed across all of the shards in the index. In fact,
documents with the same `_id` might end up on different shards if indexed with
different `_routing` values.
It is up to the user to ensure that IDs are unique across the index.