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synced 2025-03-09 14:34:43 +00:00
The credentials now get injected via environment variables, so that external services can pull those. As soon as the specified environment variables are set, the tests are run. No need to check for the @Network annotation This also introduces new secret store settings for the secure settings in order to be sure to not leak them in the configuration files, that get dumped. Relates elastic/x-pack-elasticsearch#3800 Original commit: elastic/x-pack-elasticsearch@a2cfb9cb86
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=== Slack Action
Use the `slack` action to send messages to a https://slack.com/[Slack]
team's channels or users. To send Slack messages, you need to
<<configuring-slack, configure at least one Slack account>> in
==== Configuring Slack Actions
You configure Slack actions in the `actions` array. Action-specific attributes
are specified using the `slack` keyword.
The following snippet shows a simple slack action definition:
"actions" : {
"notify-slack" : {
"transform" : { ... },
"throttle_period" : "5m",
"slack" : {
"message" : {
"to" : [ "#admins", "@chief-admin" ], <1>
"text" : "Encountered {{ctx.payload.hits.total}} errors in the last 5 minutes (facepalm)" <2>
<1> The channels and users you want to send the message to.
<2> The content of the message.
==== Using Attachments to Format Slack Messages
In addition to sending simple text-based messages, you can use the Slack
https://api.slack.com/docs/attachments[attachment] mechanism to send formatted
messages. {watcher} leverages Slack attachments to enable you to dynamically
populate templated messages from the execution context payload.
The following snippet shows a standard message attachment:
"actions" : {
"notify-slack" : {
"throttle_period" : "5m",
"slack" : {
"account" : "team1",
"message" : {
"from" : "watcher",
"to" : [ "#admins", "@chief-admin" ],
"text" : "System X Monitoring",
"attachments" : [
"title" : "Errors Found",
"text" : "Encountered {{ctx.payload.hits.total}} errors in the last 5 minutes (facepalm)",
"color" : "danger"
To define an attachment template that is dynamically populated from the payload,
you specify `dynamic_attachments` in the watch action. For example, a dynamic
attachment could reference histogram buckets in the payload and build an
attachment per bucket.
In the following example, the watch input executes a search with a date histogram
aggregation and the Slack action:
. Transforms the payload to a list where each item in the list holds the month,
the user count for that month, and the color that represents the sentiment
associated with that count (danger or bad).
. Defines an attachment template that references items in the list generated by
the transform.
"input" : {
"search" : {
"request" : {
"body" : {
"aggs" : {
"users_per_month" : {
"date_histogram" : {
"field" : "@timestamp",
"interval" : "month"
"actions" : {
"notify-slack" : {
"throttle_period" : "5m",
"transform" : {
"script" : {
"source" : "['items': ctx.payload.aggregations.users_per_month.buckets.collect(bucket -> ['count': bucket.doc_count, 'name': bucket.key_as_string, 'color': bucket.doc_count < 100 ? 'danger' : 'good'])]",
"lang" : "painless"
"slack" : {
"account" : "team1",
"message" : {
"from" : "watcher",
"to" : [ "#admins", "@chief-admin" ],
"text" : "System X Monitoring",
"dynamic_attachments" : {
"list_path" : "ctx.payload.items" <1>
"attachment_template" : {
"title" : "{{month}}", <2>
"text" : "Users Count: {{count}}",
"color" : "{{color}}"
<1> The list generated by the action's transform.
<2> The parameter placeholders refer to attributes in each item of the list
generated by the transform.
==== Slack Action Attributes
[cols=",^,", options="header"]
| Name |Required | Description
| `message.from` | no | The sender name to display in the Slack message.
Overrides the incoming webhook's configured name.
| `message.to` | yes | The channels and users you want to send the message
to. Channel names must start with `#` and user names
must start with `@`. Accepts a string value or an
array of string values.
| `message.icon` | no | The icon to display in the Slack messages. Overrides
the incoming webhook's configured icon. Accepts a
public URL to an image.
| `message.text` | yes | The message content.
| `message.attachments` | no | Slack message attachments. Message attachments enable
you to create more richly-formatted messages. Specified
array as defined in the
https://api.slack.com/docs/attachments[Slack attachments documentation].
| `message.dynamic_attachments` | no | Slack message attachments that can be populated
dynamically based on the current watch payload. For
more information, see
<<slack-dynamic-attachment, Using Attachments to Format Slack Messages>>.
| `proxy.host` | no | - | The proxy host to use (only in combination with `proxy.port`)
| `proxy.port` | no | - | The proxy port to use (only in combination with `proxy.host`)
==== Configuring Slack Accounts
You configure the accounts {watcher} can use to communicate with Slack in the
`xpack.notification.slack` namespace in `elasticsearch.yml`.
You need a https://api.slack.com/incoming-webhooks[Slack webhook URL] to
configure a Slack account. To create a webhook
URL, set up an an _Incoming Webhook Integration_ through the Slack console:
. Log in to http://slack.com[slack.com] as a team administrator.
. Go to https://my.slack.com/services/new/incoming-webhook.
. Select a default channel for the integration.
. Click *Add Incoming Webhook Integration*.
. Copy the generated webhook URL so you can paste it into your Slack account
configuration in `elasticsearch.yml`.
To configure a Slack account, at a minimum you need to specify the account
name and webhook URL in the elasticsearch keystore (<<secure-settings,secure settings>>):
bin/elasticsearch-keystore add xpack.notification.slack.account.monitoring.secure_url
deprecated[You can also configure this via settings in the `elasticsearch.yml` file,
using the keystore is the preferred and secure way of doign this]
You can also specify defaults for the {ref}/notification-settings.html#slack-account-attributes[Slack
notification attributes]:
from: x-pack
to: notifications
icon: http://example.com/images/watcher-icon.jpg
fallback: "X-Pack Notification"
color: "#36a64f"
title: "X-Pack Notification"
title_link: "https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/x-pack/current/index.html"
text: "One of your watches generated this notification."
mrkdwn_in: "pretext, text"
If you configure multiple Slack accounts, you either need to configure a default
account or specify which account the notification should be sent with in the
<<actions-slack, slack>> action.
default_account: team1