mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 17:09:48 +00:00
This change adds support for the client credentials grant type to the token api. The client credentials grant allows for a client to authenticate with the authorization server and obtain a token to access as itself. Per RFC 6749, a refresh token should not be included with the access token and as such a refresh token is not issued when the client credentials grant is used. The addition of the client credentials grant will allow users authenticated with mechanisms such as kerberos or PKI to obtain a token that can be used for subsequent access.
325 lines
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325 lines
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import org.elasticsearch.gradle.test.NodeInfo
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.test.RestIntegTestTask
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.Version
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import java.util.regex.Matcher
// Apply the java plugin to this project so the sources can be edited in an IDE
apply plugin: 'elasticsearch.build'
test.enabled = false
dependencies {
// "org.elasticsearch.plugin:x-pack-core:${version}" doesn't work with idea because the testArtifacts are also here
testCompile project(path: xpackModule('core'), configuration: 'default')
testCompile project(path: xpackModule('security'), configuration: 'runtime')
testCompile project(path: xpackModule('core'), configuration: 'testArtifacts') // to be moved in a later commit
Closure waitWithAuth = { NodeInfo node, AntBuilder ant ->
File tmpFile = new File(node.cwd, 'wait.success')
// wait up to two minutes
final long stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + (2 * 60000L);
Exception lastException = null;
int lastResponseCode = 0
while (System.currentTimeMillis() < stopTime) {
lastException = null;
// we use custom wait logic here as the elastic user is not available immediately and ant.get will fail when a 401 is returned
HttpURLConnection httpURLConnection = null;
try {
// TODO this sucks having to hardcode number of nodes, but node.config.numNodes isn't necessarily accurate for rolling
httpURLConnection = (HttpURLConnection) new URL("http://${node.httpUri()}/_cluster/health?wait_for_nodes=3&wait_for_status=yellow").openConnection();
httpURLConnection.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Basic " +
httpURLConnection.setReadTimeout(30000); // read needs to wait for nodes!
lastResponseCode = httpURLConnection.getResponseCode()
if (lastResponseCode == 200) {
tmpFile.withWriter StandardCharsets.UTF_8.name(), {
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.debug("failed to call cluster health", e)
lastException = e
} finally {
if (httpURLConnection != null) {
// did not start, so wait a bit before trying again
if (tmpFile.exists() == false) {
final String message = "final attempt of calling cluster health failed [lastResponseCode=${lastResponseCode}]"
if (lastException != null) {
logger.error(message, lastException)
} else {
logger.error(message + " [no exception]")
return tmpFile.exists()
Project mainProject = project
compileTestJava.options.compilerArgs << "-Xlint:-cast,-deprecation,-rawtypes,-try,-unchecked"
* Subdirectories of this project are test rolling upgrades with various
* configuration options based on their name.
subprojects {
Matcher m = project.name =~ /with(out)?-system-key/
if (false == m.matches()) {
throw new InvalidUserDataException("Invalid project name [${project.name}]")
boolean withSystemKey = m.group(1) == null
apply plugin: 'elasticsearch.standalone-test'
// Use resources from the rolling-upgrade project in subdirectories
sourceSets {
test {
java {
srcDirs = ["${mainProject.projectDir}/src/test/java"]
resources {
srcDirs = ["${mainProject.projectDir}/src/test/resources"]
String outputDir = "${buildDir}/generated-resources/${project.name}"
// This is a top level task which we will add dependencies to below.
// It is a single task that can be used to backcompat tests against all versions.
task bwcTest {
description = 'Runs backwards compatibility tests.'
group = 'verification'
String output = "${buildDir}/generated-resources/${project.name}"
task copyTestNodeKeystore(type: Copy) {
from project(':x-pack:plugin:core')
into outputDir
for (Version version : bwcVersions.wireCompatible) {
String baseName = "v${version}"
Task oldClusterTest = tasks.create(name: "${baseName}#oldClusterTest", type: RestIntegTestTask) {
Object extension = extensions.findByName("${baseName}#oldClusterTestCluster")
configure(extensions.findByName("${baseName}#oldClusterTestCluster")) {
dependsOn copyTestNodeKeystore
if (version.before('6.3.0')) {
mavenPlugin 'x-pack', "org.elasticsearch.plugin:x-pack:${version}"
String usersCli = version.before('6.3.0') ? 'bin/x-pack/users' : 'bin/elasticsearch-users'
setupCommand 'setupTestUser', usersCli, 'useradd', 'test_user', '-p', 'x-pack-test-password', '-r', 'superuser'
bwcVersion = version
numBwcNodes = 3
numNodes = 3
minimumMasterNodes = { 3 }
clusterName = 'rolling-upgrade'
waitCondition = waitWithAuth
setting 'xpack.monitoring.exporters._http.type', 'http'
setting 'xpack.monitoring.exporters._http.enabled', 'false'
setting 'xpack.monitoring.exporters._http.auth.username', 'test_user'
setting 'xpack.monitoring.exporters._http.auth.password', 'x-pack-test-password'
setting 'xpack.license.self_generated.type', 'trial'
setting 'xpack.security.enabled', 'true'
setting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.enabled', 'true'
setting 'xpack.security.authc.token.enabled', 'true'
setting 'xpack.security.audit.enabled', 'true'
setting 'xpack.security.audit.outputs', 'index'
setting 'xpack.ssl.keystore.path', 'testnode.jks'
setting 'xpack.ssl.keystore.password', 'testnode'
dependsOn copyTestNodeKeystore
extraConfigFile 'testnode.jks', new File(outputDir + '/testnode.jks')
if (withSystemKey) {
if (version.onOrAfter('5.1.0') && version.before('6.0.0')) {
// The setting didn't exist until 5.1.0
setting 'xpack.security.system_key.required', 'true'
if (version.onOrAfter('6.0.0')) {
keystoreFile 'xpack.watcher.encryption_key', "${mainProject.projectDir}/src/test/resources/system_key"
} else {
String systemKeyFile = version.before('6.3.0') ? 'x-pack/system_key' : 'system_key'
extraConfigFile systemKeyFile, "${mainProject.projectDir}/src/test/resources/system_key"
keystoreSetting 'xpack.security.authc.token.passphrase', 'token passphrase'
setting 'xpack.watcher.encrypt_sensitive_data', 'true'
Task oldClusterTestRunner = tasks.getByName("${baseName}#oldClusterTestRunner")
oldClusterTestRunner.configure {
systemProperty 'tests.rest.suite', 'old_cluster'
Closure configureUpgradeCluster = {String name, Task lastRunner, int stopNode, Closure unicastSeed ->
configure(extensions.findByName("${baseName}#${name}")) {
dependsOn lastRunner, "${baseName}#oldClusterTestCluster#node${stopNode}.stop"
setupCommand 'setupTestUser', 'bin/elasticsearch-users', 'useradd', 'test_user', '-p', 'x-pack-test-password', '-r', 'superuser'
clusterName = 'rolling-upgrade'
unicastTransportUri = { seedNode, node, ant -> unicastSeed() }
minimumMasterNodes = { 3 }
/* Override the data directory so the new node always gets the node we
* just stopped's data directory. */
dataDir = { nodeNumber -> oldClusterTest.nodes[stopNode].dataDir }
waitCondition = waitWithAuth
setting 'xpack.monitoring.exporters._http.type', 'http'
setting 'xpack.monitoring.exporters._http.enabled', 'false'
setting 'xpack.monitoring.exporters._http.auth.username', 'test_user'
setting 'xpack.monitoring.exporters._http.auth.password', 'x-pack-test-password'
setting 'xpack.license.self_generated.type', 'trial'
setting 'xpack.security.enabled', 'true'
setting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.enabled', 'true'
setting 'xpack.ssl.keystore.path', 'testnode.jks'
keystoreSetting 'xpack.ssl.keystore.secure_password', 'testnode'
setting 'node.attr.upgraded', 'true'
setting 'xpack.security.authc.token.enabled', 'true'
setting 'xpack.security.audit.enabled', 'true'
setting 'xpack.security.audit.outputs', 'index'
setting 'node.name', "upgraded-node-${stopNode}"
dependsOn copyTestNodeKeystore
extraConfigFile 'testnode.jks', new File(outputDir + '/testnode.jks')
if (withSystemKey) {
setting 'xpack.watcher.encrypt_sensitive_data', 'true'
keystoreFile 'xpack.watcher.encryption_key', "${mainProject.projectDir}/src/test/resources/system_key"
if (version.before('6.0.0')) {
keystoreSetting 'xpack.security.authc.token.passphrase', 'token passphrase'
Task oneThirdUpgradedTest = tasks.create(name: "${baseName}#oneThirdUpgradedTest", type: RestIntegTestTask)
configureUpgradeCluster("oneThirdUpgradedTestCluster", oldClusterTestRunner, 0,
// Use all running nodes as seed nodes so there is no race between pinging and the tests
{ oldClusterTest.nodes.get(1).transportUri() + ',' + oldClusterTest.nodes.get(2).transportUri() })
Task oneThirdUpgradedTestRunner = tasks.getByName("${baseName}#oneThirdUpgradedTestRunner")
oneThirdUpgradedTestRunner.configure {
systemProperty 'tests.rest.suite', 'mixed_cluster'
systemProperty 'tests.first_round', 'true'
// We only need to run these tests once so we may as well do it when we're two thirds upgraded
systemProperty 'tests.rest.blacklist', [
'mixed_cluster/10_basic/Start scroll in mixed cluster on upgraded node that we will continue after upgrade',
'mixed_cluster/30_ml_jobs_crud/Create a job in the mixed cluster and write some data',
'mixed_cluster/40_ml_datafeed_crud/Put job and datafeed in mixed cluster',
finalizedBy "${baseName}#oldClusterTestCluster#node1.stop"
Task twoThirdsUpgradedTest = tasks.create(name: "${baseName}#twoThirdsUpgradedTest", type: RestIntegTestTask)
configureUpgradeCluster("twoThirdsUpgradedTestCluster", oneThirdUpgradedTestRunner, 1,
// Use all running nodes as seed nodes so there is no race between pinging and the tests
{ oldClusterTest.nodes.get(2).transportUri() + ',' + oneThirdUpgradedTest.nodes.get(0).transportUri() })
Task twoThirdsUpgradedTestRunner = tasks.getByName("${baseName}#twoThirdsUpgradedTestRunner")
twoThirdsUpgradedTestRunner.configure {
systemProperty 'tests.rest.suite', 'mixed_cluster'
systemProperty 'tests.first_round', 'false'
finalizedBy "${baseName}#oldClusterTestCluster#node2.stop"
Task upgradedClusterTest = tasks.create(name: "${baseName}#upgradedClusterTest", type: RestIntegTestTask)
configureUpgradeCluster("upgradedClusterTestCluster", twoThirdsUpgradedTestRunner, 2,
// Use all running nodes as seed nodes so there is no race between pinging and the tests
{ oneThirdUpgradedTest.nodes.get(0).transportUri() + ',' + twoThirdsUpgradedTest.nodes.get(0).transportUri() })
Task upgradedClusterTestRunner = tasks.getByName("${baseName}#upgradedClusterTestRunner")
upgradedClusterTestRunner.configure {
systemProperty 'tests.rest.suite', 'upgraded_cluster'
* Force stopping all the upgraded nodes after the test runner
* so they are alive during the test.
finalizedBy "${baseName}#oneThirdUpgradedTestCluster#stop"
finalizedBy "${baseName}#twoThirdsUpgradedTestCluster#stop"
// migration tests should only run when the original/old cluster nodes where versions < 5.2.0.
// this stinks but we do the check here since our rest tests do not support conditionals
// otherwise we could check the index created version
String versionStr = project.extensions.findByName("${baseName}#oldClusterTestCluster").properties.get('bwcVersion')
String[] versionParts = versionStr.split('\\.')
if (versionParts[0].equals("5")) {
Integer minor = Integer.parseInt(versionParts[1])
if (minor >= 2) {
systemProperty 'tests.rest.blacklist', '/20_security/Verify default password migration results in upgraded cluster'
Task versionBwcTest = tasks.create(name: "${baseName}#bwcTest") {
dependsOn = [upgradedClusterTest]
if (project.bwc_tests_enabled) {
test.enabled = false // no unit tests for rolling upgrades, only the rest integration test
// basic integ tests includes testing bwc against the most recent version
task integTest {
if (project.bwc_tests_enabled) {
for (final def version : bwcVersions.snapshotsWireCompatible) {
dependsOn "v${version}#bwcTest"
dependencies {
// "org.elasticsearch.plugin:x-pack-core:${version}" doesn't work with idea because the testArtifacts are also here
testCompile project(path: xpackModule('core'), configuration: 'default')
testCompile project(path: xpackModule('core'), configuration: 'testArtifacts')
testCompile project(path: xpackModule('watcher'))
compileTestJava.options.compilerArgs << "-Xlint:-cast,-deprecation,-rawtypes,-try,-unchecked"
// copy x-pack plugin info so it is on the classpath and security manager has the right permissions
task copyXPackRestSpec(type: Copy) {
dependsOn(project.configurations.restSpec, 'processTestResources')
from project(xpackProject('plugin').path).sourceSets.test.resources
include 'rest-api-spec/api/**'
into project.sourceSets.test.output.resourcesDir
task copyXPackPluginProps(type: Copy) {
from project(xpackModule('core')).file('src/main/plugin-metadata')
from project(xpackModule('core')).tasks.pluginProperties
into outputDir
project.sourceSets.test.output.dir(outputDir, builtBy: copyXPackPluginProps)
repositories {
maven {
url "https://artifacts.elastic.co/maven"
maven {
url "https://snapshots.elastic.co/maven"