Armin Braun 2768662822
Cleanup Stale Root Level Blobs in Sn. Repository (#43542) (#44226)
* Cleans up all root level temp., snap-%s.dat, meta-%s.dat blobs that aren't referenced by any snapshot to deal with dangling blobs left behind by delete and snapshot finalization failures
   * The scenario that get's us here is a snapshot failing before it was finalized or a delete failing right after it wrote the updated index-(N+1) that doesn't reference a snapshot anymore but then fails to remove that snapshot
   * Not deleting other dangling blobs since that don't follow the snap-, meta- or tempfile naming schemes to not accidentally delete blobs not created by the snapshot logic
* Follow up to #42189
  * Same safety logic, get list of all blobs before writing index-N blobs, delete things after index-N blobs was written
2019-07-11 19:35:15 +02:00