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=== Evaluate {dfanalytics} API
<titleabbrev>Evaluate {dfanalytics}</titleabbrev>
Evaluates the {dfanalytics} for an annotated index.
==== {api-request-title}
`POST _ml/data_frame/_evaluate`
==== {api-prereq-title}
* You must have `monitor_ml` privilege to use this API. For more
information, see {stack-ov}/security-privileges.html[Security privileges] and
{stack-ov}/built-in-roles.html[Built-in roles].
==== {api-description-title}
This API evaluates the executed analysis on an index that is already annotated
with a field that contains the results of the analytics (the `ground truth`)
for each {dataframe} row.
Evaluation is typically done by calculating a set of metrics that capture various aspects of the quality of the results over the data for which you have the
`ground truth`.
For different types of analyses different metrics are suitable. This API
packages together commonly used metrics for various analyses.
==== {api-request-body-title}
(Required, object) Defines the `index` in which the evaluation will be
(Optional, object) Query used to select data from the index.
The {es} query domain-specific language (DSL). This value corresponds to the query
object in an {es} search POST body. By default, this property has the following
value: `{"match_all": {}}`.
(Required, object) Defines the type of evaluation you want to perform. For example:
`binary_soft_classification`. See <<ml-evaluate-dfanalytics-resources>>.
==== {api-response-body-title}
(object) If you chose to do binary soft classification, the API returns the
following evaluation metrics:
`auc_roc`::: TBD
`confusion_matrix`::: TBD
`precision`::: TBD
`recall`::: TBD
==== {api-examples-title}
POST _ml/data_frame/_evaluate
"index": "my_analytics_dest_index",
"evaluation": {
"binary_soft_classification": {
"actual_field": "is_outlier",
"predicted_probability_field": "ml.outlier_score"
// TEST[skip:TBD]
The API returns the following results:
"binary_soft_classification": {
"auc_roc": {
"score": 0.92584757746414444
"confusion_matrix": {
"0.25": {
"tp": 5,
"fp": 9,
"tn": 204,
"fn": 5
"0.5": {
"tp": 1,
"fp": 5,
"tn": 208,
"fn": 9
"0.75": {
"tp": 0,
"fp": 4,
"tn": 209,
"fn": 10
"precision": {
"0.25": 0.35714285714285715,
"0.5": 0.16666666666666666,
"0.75": 0
"recall": {
"0.25": 0.5,
"0.5": 0.1,
"0.75": 0