mirror of
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module Elasticsearch
module API
<%- @module_namespace.each_with_index do |name, i| -%>
<%= ' '*i %>module <%= name.capitalize %>
<%- end -%>
<%= ' '*@namespace_depth %>module Actions
<%= ' '*@namespace_depth %># <%= @spec['description'] || 'TODO: Description' %>
<%= ' '*@namespace_depth %>#
<%# URL parts -%>
<%- @spec['url']['parts'].each do |name,info| -%>
<%- info['type'] = 'String' if info['type'] == 'enum' # Rename 'enums' to 'strings' -%>
<%= ' '*@namespace_depth + "# @option arguments [#{info['type'] ? info['type'].capitalize : 'String'}] :#{name} #{info['description']}" + ( info['required'] ? ' (*Required*)' : '' ) -%><%= " (options: #{info['options'].join(', ')})" if info['options'] -%>
<%= "\n" -%>
<%- end -%>
<%# Body -%>
<%= ' '*(@namespace_depth+3) + '# @option arguments [Hash] :body ' + (@spec['body']['description'] || 'TODO: Description') + (@spec['body']['required'] ? ' (*Required*)' : '') + "\n" if @spec['body'] -%>
<%# URL parameters -%>
<%- @spec['url']['params'].each do |name,info| -%>
<%- info['type'] = 'String' if info['type'] == 'enum' # Rename 'enums' to 'strings' -%>
<%= ' '*@namespace_depth + "# @option arguments [#{info['type'] ? info['type'].capitalize : 'String'}] :#{name} #{info['description']}" -%><%= " (options: #{info['options'].join(', ')})" if info['options'] -%>
<%= "\n" -%>
<%- end -%>
<%= ' '*@namespace_depth -%>#
<%# Documentation link -%>
<%= ' '*@namespace_depth %># @see <%= @spec['documentation'] %>
<%= ' '*@namespace_depth %>#
<%# Method definition -%>
<%= ' '*@namespace_depth -%>def <%= @method_name %>(arguments={})
<%# Required arguments -%>
<%- @spec['url']['parts'].select { |name, info| info['required'] }.each do |name, info| -%>
<%= ' '*(@namespace_depth+1) + "raise ArgumentError, \"Required argument '#{name}' missing\" unless arguments[:#{name}]" + "\n" -%>
<%- end -%>
<%- if @spec['body'] && @spec['body']['required'] -%>
<%= ' '*(@namespace_depth+1) + "raise ArgumentError, \"Required argument 'body' missing\" unless arguments[:body]" + "\n" -%>
<%- end -%>
<%# Method, path, params, body -%>
<%= ' '*@namespace_depth %> method = '<%= @spec['methods'].first %>'
<%- unless @spec['url']['parts'].empty? -%>
<%= ' '*@namespace_depth %> path = "<%= @spec['url']['path'].split('/').compact.reject {|p| p =~ /^\s*$/}.map do |p|
p =~ /\{/ ? "\#\{arguments[:#{p.tr('{}', '')}]\}" : p
end.join('/') %>"
<%- else -%>
<%= ' '*@namespace_depth %> path = "<%= @spec['url']['path'] %>"
<%- end -%>
<%- unless @spec['url']['params'].keys.empty? -%>
<%= ' '*@namespace_depth %> params = arguments.select do |k,v|
<%= ' '*@namespace_depth %> [ :<%= @spec['url']['params'].keys.join(",\n#{' '*(@namespace_depth+6)}:") %> ].include?(k)
<%= ' '*@namespace_depth %> end
<%= ' '*@namespace_depth %> # Normalize Ruby 1.8 and Ruby 1.9 Hash#select behaviour
<%= ' '*@namespace_depth %> params = Hash[params] unless params.is_a?(Hash)
<%- else -%>
<%= ' '*@namespace_depth %> params = {}
<%- end -%>
<%= ' '*@namespace_depth %> body = <%= @spec['body'].nil? ? 'nil' : 'arguments[:body]' %>
<%# Perform request %>
<%= ' '*@namespace_depth %> perform_request(method, path, params, body).body
<%= ' '*@namespace_depth %>end
<%- @namespace_depth.downto(1) do |i| -%>
<%= ' '*(i-1) %>end
<%- end if @namespace_depth > 0 -%>