Nhat Nguyen b1f5d361b3 Merge branch 'master' into ccr
* master:
  [TEST] Mute SlackMessageTests.testTemplateRender
  Docs: Explain closing the high level client
  [ML] Re-enable memory limit integration tests (#31328)
  [test] disable packaging tests for suse boxes
  Add nio transport to security plugin (#31942)
  XContentTests : Insert random fields at random positions (#30867)
  Force execution of fetch tasks (#31974)
  Fix unreachable error condition in AmazonS3Fixture (#32005)
  Tests: Fix SearchFieldsIT.testDocValueFields (#31995)
  Add Expected Reciprocal Rank metric (#31891)
  [ML] Get ForecastRequestStats doc in RestoreModelSnapshotIT (#31973)
  SQL: Add support for single parameter text manipulating functions (#31874)
  [ML] Ensure immutability of MlMetadata (#31957)
  Tests: Mute SearchFieldsIT.testDocValueFields()
  muted tests due to #31940
  Work around reported problem in eclipse (#31960)
  Move build integration tests out of :buildSrc project (#31961)
  Tests: Remove use of joda time in some tests (#31922)
  [Test] Reactive 3rd party tests on CI (#31919)
  SQL: Support for escape sequences (#31884)
  SQL: HAVING clause should accept only aggregates (#31872)
  Docs: fix typo in datehistogram (#31972)
  Switch url repository rest tests to new style requests (#31944)
  Switch reindex tests to new style requests (#31941)
  Docs: Added note about cloud service to installation and getting started
  [DOCS] Removes alternative docker pull example (#31934)
  Add Snapshots Status API to High Level Rest Client (#31515)
  ingest: date_index_name processor template resolution (#31841)
  Test: fix null failure in watcher test (#31968)
  Switch test framework to new style requests (#31939)
  Switch low level rest tests to new style Requests (#31938)
  Switch high level rest tests to new style requests (#31937)
  [ML] Mute test failing due to Java 11 date time format parsing bug (#31899)
  [TEST] Mute SlackMessageTests.testTemplateRender
  Fix assertIngestDocument wrongfully passing (#31913)
  Remove unused reference to filePermissionsCache (#31923)
  rolling upgrade should use a replica to prevent relocations while running a scroll
  HLREST: Bundle the x-pack protocol project (#31904)
  Increase logging level for testStressMaybeFlush
  Added lenient flag for synonym token filter (#31484)
  [X-Pack] Beats centralized management: security role + licensing (#30520)
  HLRest: Move xPackInfo() to xPack().info() (#31905)
  Docs: add security delete role to api call table (#31907)
  [test] port archive distribution packaging tests (#31314)
  Watcher: Slack message empty text (#31596)
  [ML] Mute failing DetectionRulesIT.testCondition() test
  Fix broken NaN check in MovingFunctions#stdDev() (#31888)
  Date: Add DateFormatters class that uses java.time (#31856)
  [ML] Switch native QA tests to a 3 node cluster (#31757)
  Change trappy float comparison (#31889)
  Fix building AD URL from domain name (#31849)
  Add opaque_id to audit logging (#31878)
  re-enable backcompat tests
  add support for is_write_index in put-alias body parsing (#31674)
  Improve release notes script (#31833)
  [DOCS] Fix broken link in painless example
  Handle missing values in painless (#30975)
  Remove the ability to index or query context suggestions without context (#31007)
  Ingest: Enable Templated Fieldnames in Rename (#31690)
  [Docs] Fix typo in the Rollup API Quick Reference (#31855)
  Ingest: Add ignore_missing option to RemoveProc (#31693)
  Add template config for Beat state to X-Pack Monitoring (#31809)
  Watcher: Add email account setting (#31684)
  Remove link to oss-MSI (#31844)
  Painless: Restructure Definition/Whitelist (#31879)
  HLREST: Add x-pack-info API (#31870)
2018-07-12 17:33:57 -04:00

56 lines
2.7 KiB

import org.elasticsearch.gradle.BuildPlugin
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.plugin.PluginBuildPlugin
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.Version
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.precommit.LicenseHeadersTask
Project xpackRootProject = project
subprojects {
group = 'org.elasticsearch.plugin'
ext.xpackRootProject = xpackRootProject
ext.xpackProject = { String projectName -> xpackRootProject.project(projectName) }
// helper method to find the path to a module
ext.xpackModule = { String moduleName -> xpackProject("plugin:${moduleName}").path }
plugins.withType(PluginBuildPlugin).whenPluginAdded {
project.esplugin.licenseFile = rootProject.file('licenses/ELASTIC-LICENSE.txt')
project.esplugin.noticeFile = xpackRootProject.file('NOTICE.txt')
if ( != 'protocol') {
tasks.withType(LicenseHeadersTask.class) {
approvedLicenses = ['Elastic License', 'Generated']
additionalLicense 'ELAST', 'Elastic License', 'Licensed under the Elastic License'
ext.licenseName = 'Elastic License'
ext.licenseUrl = ext.elasticLicenseUrl
project.ext.licenseFile = rootProject.file('licenses/ELASTIC-LICENSE.txt')
project.ext.noticeFile = xpackRootProject.file('NOTICE.txt')
File checkstyleSuppressions = file('dev-tools/checkstyle_suppressions.xml')
subprojects {
tasks.withType(Checkstyle) {
// Use x-pack-elasticsearch specific suppressions file rather than the open source one.
configProperties = [
suppressions: checkstyleSuppressions
ext.projectSubstitutions += [ "org.elasticsearch.plugin:x-pack-core:${version}": xpackModule('core')]
ext.projectSubstitutions += [ "org.elasticsearch.plugin:x-pack-deprecation:${version}": xpackModule('deprecation')]
ext.projectSubstitutions += [ "org.elasticsearch.plugin:x-pack-graph:${version}": xpackModule('graph')]
ext.projectSubstitutions += [ "org.elasticsearch.plugin:x-pack-logstash:${version}": xpackModule('logstash')]
ext.projectSubstitutions += [ "org.elasticsearch.plugin:x-pack-ml:${version}": xpackModule('ml')]
ext.projectSubstitutions += [ "org.elasticsearch.plugin:x-pack-monitoring:${version}": xpackModule('monitoring')]
ext.projectSubstitutions += [ "org.elasticsearch.plugin:x-pack-security:${version}": xpackModule('security')]
ext.projectSubstitutions += [ "org.elasticsearch.plugin:x-pack-sql:${version}": xpackModule('sql')]
ext.projectSubstitutions += [ "org.elasticsearch.plugin:x-pack-upgrade:${version}": xpackModule('upgrade')]
ext.projectSubstitutions += [ "org.elasticsearch.plugin:x-pack-watcher:${version}": xpackModule('watcher')]
ext.projectSubstitutions += [ "org.elasticsearch.plugin:x-pack-ccr:${version}": xpackModule('ccr')]