The default number of clients nodes is randomized between 0 and 1, applied to all cluster scopes (global, suite and test). Can be changed through the newly added `@ClusterScope#numClientNodes`.
In our tests we currently refer to nodes in a generic way. All the tests that either stop or start nodes rely on the fact that those nodes hold data though. Made that clearer as that becomes more important when introducing other types of nodes within the test cluster. Reflected this by adapting and renaming the following methods in `TestCluster`:
- ensureAtLeastNumNodes to ensureAtLeastNumDataNodes
- ensureAtMostNumNodes to ensureAtMostNumDataNodes
- stopRandomNode to stopRandomDataNode
and the following ones in `ElasticsearchIntegrationTest`:
- allowNodes to allowDataNodes
- dataNodes to numDataNodes.
- @ClusterScope#numNodes to numDataNodes
- @ClusterScope#minNumNodes to minNumDataNodes
- @ClusterScope#maxNumNodes to maxNumDataNodes
Added facilities to be able to deal with data nodes specifically, like for instance retrieve a client to a data node, or retrieve an instance of a class through guice only from data nodes.
Adapted existing tests to successfully run although there's a node client around.
Fixed _cat/allocation REST tests to make, disk.avail and disk.percent optional as client nodes won't return that info.