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synced 2025-03-03 09:29:11 +00:00
This commit creates a new Gradle plugin to provide a separate task name and source set for running YAML based REST tests. The only project converted to use the new plugin in this PR is distribution/archives/integ-test-zip. For which the testing has been moved to :rest-api-spec since it makes the most sense and it avoids a small but awkward change to the distribution plugin. The remaining cases in modules, plugins, and x-pack will be handled in followups. This plugin is distinctly different from the plugin introduced in #55896 since the YAML REST tests are intended to be black box tests over HTTP. As such they should not (by default) have access to the classpath for that which they are testing. The YAML based REST tests will be moved to separate source sets (yamlRestTest). The which source is the target for the test resources is dependent on if this new plugin is applied. If it is not applied, it will default to the test source set. Further, this introduces a breaking change for plugin developers that use the YAML testing framework. They will now need to either use the new source set and matching task, or configure the rest resources to use the old "test" source set that matches the old integTest task. (The former should be preferred). As part of this change (which is also breaking for plugin developers) the rest resources plugin has been removed from the build plugin and now requires either explicit application or application via the new YAML REST test plugin. Plugin developers should be able to fix the breaking changes to the YAML tests by adding apply plugin: 'elasticsearch.yaml-rest-test' and moving the YAML tests under a yamlRestTest folder (instead of test)
149 lines
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149 lines
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import org.elasticsearch.gradle.MavenFilteringHack
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.info.BuildParams
import static org.elasticsearch.gradle.PropertyNormalization.DEFAULT
import static org.elasticsearch.gradle.PropertyNormalization.IGNORE_VALUE
* Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
* the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
apply plugin: 'elasticsearch.rest-resources'
esplugin {
description 'The Azure Repository plugin adds support for Azure storage repositories.'
classname 'org.elasticsearch.repositories.azure.AzureRepositoryPlugin'
dependencies {
api 'com.microsoft.azure:azure-storage:8.6.2'
api 'com.microsoft.azure:azure-keyvault-core:1.0.0'
runtimeOnly 'com.google.guava:guava:20.0'
api 'org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.4'
testImplementation project(':test:fixtures:azure-fixture')
restResources {
restApi {
includeCore '_common', 'cluster', 'nodes', 'snapshot', 'bulk', 'count', 'indices'
tasks.named("dependencyLicenses").configure {
mapping from: /azure-.*/, to: 'azure'
mapping from: /jackson-.*/, to: 'jackson'
mapping from: /jersey-.*/, to: 'jersey'
mapping from: /jaxb-.*/, to: 'jaxb'
mapping from: /stax-.*/, to: 'stax'
thirdPartyAudit {
// Optional and not enabled by Elasticsearch
// uses internal java api: sun.misc.Unsafe
boolean useFixture = false
def azureAddress = {
assert useFixture: 'closure should not be used without a fixture'
int ephemeralPort = project(':test:fixtures:azure-fixture').postProcessFixture.ext."test.fixtures.azure-fixture.tcp.8091"
assert ephemeralPort > 0
return 'ignored;DefaultEndpointsProtocol=http;BlobEndpoint=' + ephemeralPort + '/'
String azureAccount = System.getenv("azure_storage_account")
String azureKey = System.getenv("azure_storage_key")
String azureContainer = System.getenv("azure_storage_container")
String azureBasePath = System.getenv("azure_storage_base_path")
String azureSasToken = System.getenv("azure_storage_sas_token")
if (!azureAccount && !azureKey && !azureContainer && !azureBasePath && !azureSasToken) {
azureAccount = 'azure_integration_test_account'
azureKey = 'YXp1cmVfaW50ZWdyYXRpb25fdGVzdF9rZXk=' // The key is "azure_integration_test_key" encoded using base64
azureContainer = 'container'
azureBasePath = ''
azureSasToken = ''
useFixture = true
apply plugin: 'elasticsearch.test.fixtures'
testFixtures.useFixture ':test:fixtures:azure-fixture', 'azure-fixture'
Map<String, Object> expansions = [
'container': azureContainer,
'base_path': azureBasePath + "_integration_tests"
processTestResources {
MavenFilteringHack.filter(it, expansions)
test {
// this is tested explicitly in a separate test task
exclude '**/AzureStorageCleanupThirdPartyTests.class'
testClusters {
integTest {
keystore 'azure.client.integration_test.account', azureAccount
if (azureKey != null && azureKey.isEmpty() == false) {
keystore 'azure.client.integration_test.key', azureKey
if (azureSasToken != null && azureSasToken.isEmpty() == false) {
keystore 'azure.client.integration_test.sas_token', azureSasToken
if (useFixture) {
setting 'azure.client.integration_test.endpoint_suffix', azureAddress
String firstPartOfSeed = BuildParams.testSeed.tokenize(':').get(0)
setting 'thread_pool.repository_azure.max', (Math.abs(Long.parseUnsignedLong(firstPartOfSeed, 16) % 10) + 1).toString(), System.getProperty('ignore.tests.seed') == null ? DEFAULT : IGNORE_VALUE
task azureThirdPartyTest(type: Test) {
dependsOn tasks.integTest
include '**/AzureStorageCleanupThirdPartyTests.class'
systemProperty 'test.azure.account', azureAccount ? azureAccount : ""
systemProperty 'test.azure.key', azureKey ? azureKey : ""
systemProperty 'test.azure.sas_token', azureSasToken ? azureSasToken : ""
systemProperty 'test.azure.container', azureContainer ? azureContainer : ""
systemProperty 'test.azure.base', (azureBasePath ? azureBasePath : "") + "_third_party_tests_" + BuildParams.testSeed
if (useFixture) {
nonInputProperties.systemProperty 'test.azure.endpoint_suffix', "${-> azureAddress.call() }"